nerdyrodent / CLIP-Guided-Diffusion

Just playing with getting CLIP Guided Diffusion running locally, rather than having to use colab.
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In what is this project different from "Big Sleep"? #2

Open illtellyoulater opened 2 years ago

illtellyoulater commented 2 years ago

Hello... I was wondering, how is this project different from Big Sleep ? Does it improve it in some way? I am curious to know because I was actually trying to find similar projects to Big Sleep, because unfortunately my GPU's V-RAM is not enough to run it, and so I was looking for some different, kind of more "modest" implementation... :)

When I say that I'm low on VRAM I mean, desperately low 😅 (2 Gb !) BUT! - because I successfully managed to run Deep Daze which works similarly using CLIP and a SIREN in place of a BigGAN - then, I haven't lost all hope yet...! :) So yeah, if you have any pointers about your implementation and how it differs from Big Sleep, and most importantly if there could be a way to tune it for working on such a low VRAM amount (even at ridiculously low resolutions, doesn't matter), that would be hugely appreciated!

Also, yes, I know I could use Google Colabs! But witnessing the ML magic happening right within your Machine, makes it for a totally different experience... ;) And yeah I want to get a new, decent GPU as soon as possible! But I'd feel so stupid to pay 3 times its actual cost just because the IT hardware market it's fucked up (and keeps staying like so...) So... Now you know all :)