nerdyrodent / VQGAN-CLIP

Just playing with getting VQGAN+CLIP running locally, rather than having to use colab.
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Video Length argument seems to do nothing #94

Closed Triplicata1 closed 2 years ago

Triplicata1 commented 2 years ago

I've been messing with this program the past couple days. I've been able to get video outputs but when I use the video length argument my expectation is that it would take the frames generated and create a timelapse that long. For example if I have '-vl 30' it would create a 30 second timelapse. However it doesn't seem to do anything and instead will create a video length based approximately off of how many frames were created divided by the output fps.

nerdyrodent commented 2 years ago

The line is fps = np.clip(total_frames/length,min_fps,max_fps). Min is 10, max is 60. As an example, if total_frames = 30 & video length is 1, you'll get a 1 second long, 30fps video

MSFTserver commented 2 years ago

this only accounts when doing cpu and fps is set below 9 though i think it would be handy if when using the video length option we used the -t option with ffmpeg to set a hard time on the videos length, experimenting with 100k iterations was making videos way to long around 20 minutes