nerubia / kh360-nodejs

KH360 Backend
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Setup DB Tables #733

Open jatnerubia opened 1 month ago

jatnerubia commented 1 month ago


Add the following MongoDB tables.

  1. apis table

    • must contain the following fields:
      • id
      • name
      • url (or endpoint?)
      • env (e.g. int, qa, live) - not being used for now but we will add this as added info and for future use
      • description
      • status (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
      • created_at
      • created_by
      • updated_at
      • updated_by
  2. test data

    • must contain the following fields:
      • id
      • api_id (to link to which API)
      • request
      • response
      • description (can be blank)
      • status (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
      • created_at
      • created_by
      • updated_at
      • updated_by
  3. test_results

jatnerubia commented 1 month ago