nerves-web-kiosk / kiosk_system_rpi3

Nerves QtWebEngine Kiosk system for Raspberry Pi 3
Apache License 2.0
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Stuck on Built With Nerves splash screen for example project #45

Open cburman01 opened 5 years ago

cburman01 commented 5 years ago

Followed the instructions from the Example folder and am getting the Build With Nerves splash screen on an RPI3.

Tried: I have re-burned the SD card numerous times. verified network connection and the KIOSK_URL.

Any ideas?

cburman01 commented 5 years ago

Also wanted to add:

I've tried manually specifying the Display child in the app supervisor to rule out any config issues:

[ {WebengineKiosk, {[homepage: "", background: "black"], name: Display}} ]

mobileoverlord commented 5 years ago

This is usually due to another issue in your project. Unfortunately the easiest way to debug this is using a console cable. Would you be able to connect one?

cburman01 commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I just ordered one and will report back once I get the output.

mobileoverlord commented 5 years ago

I've gone through and applied some upstream updates to the project, and also updated the example project to work with Elixir 1.8. I've tested booting it and it seems to be working. Once the 1.5.0 release is out, you should be able to test this again.

Here is the progress of the build:

cburman01 commented 5 years ago

@mobileoverlord Thanks Ill test it out and report back. I appreciate you getting to this.


cburman01 commented 5 years ago

So i am getting this when I do a deps.get from the Example folder:

Resolving kiosk_system_rpi3
  => Trying
     Status 404 Not Found
  => Trying
     Status 404 Not Found
  => no_result

I also tried swapping out the kiosk_system_rpi3 dep to this: {:kiosk_system_rpi3, "~> 1.5", runtime: false, targets: :rpi3} but that release hasn't been published to hex yet.

Any idea why{:kiosk_system_rpi3, path: "../", runtime: false, targets: :rpi3} this would be looking for a release that doesn't exist? It's odd because I would assume the dependency would get compiled from that path instead of reaching out to git.

I checked the build progress and it appears to be finished.

mobileoverlord commented 5 years ago

Sorry bout that, I didn't notice it was done and just published the release.

cburman01 commented 5 years ago

I was over zealous haha.

Ok I am still seeing the same issue. It appears mix is trying to locate the release with the wrong hash:

This is the correct url:

This is the url hex is trying to pull:

mobileoverlord commented 5 years ago

Do you have any local file modifications in your git repo? The hash is computed off the contents of the files listed in

I tested locally and it seems to have pulled the right file.

cburman01 commented 5 years ago

Not that I see. Here is the output of my git status

example git:(master) git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
➜  example git:(master) 
mobileoverlord commented 5 years ago

Can you try running mix deps.get from the top level, then cd into the example folder ad run again? Curious why its computing a different hash.

cburman01 commented 5 years ago

Interesting, I still get the same error when I deps.get in the root dir:

Compiling 35 files (.ex)

Generated nerves app
==> kiosk_system_rpi3
Resolving Nerves artifacts...
  Resolving kiosk_system_rpi3
  => Trying
     Status 404 Not Found
  => Trying
     Status 404 Not Found
  => no_result
  Cached nerves_toolchain_arm_unknown_linux_gnueabihf

➜  kiosk_system_rpi3 git:(master) ✗ pwd

Here is the last commit hash that git sees: lready up to date.

➜  kiosk_system_rpi3 git:(master) ✗ git rev-parse HEAD

Edit: Added pwd

cburman01 commented 5 years ago

What OS are you running on @mobileoverlord? I am wondering if different line endings are causing the hash to be calculated differently.. This is only a theory.

I'm on macOS Mojave 10.14.4

hez commented 4 years ago

Do you have any local file modifications in your git repo? The hash is computed off the contents of the files listed in

I tested locally and it seems to have pulled the right file.

How do you customize one of those files? I was trying to go down the customization road and ran in to this.