nervetattoo / banner-card

A fluffy banner card for Home Assistant 🥰
MIT License
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Support for Material Design Icons #20

Open magnusoverli opened 5 years ago

magnusoverli commented 5 years ago

Is it possible to support icons from Material Design in the card heading, alongside the already supported Emoji's?

steven-hack commented 5 years ago

I've created a PR with a possible solution for this problem, hopefully that was fine.

nervetattoo commented 5 years ago

This is planned and I have a different idea for the solution @IIStevowII, which is why I've not done anything with your PR. Sorry for the lack of feedback on it! I want to support headings broken into fragments that gets bundled. I've played around with the implementation locally but its not ready to share anywhere as there's some challenges I need to get around. My intention is to support something like this:

heading: ['mdi:account', 'Users']
  - mdi:account
  - Users
  - mdi:account

I'm also playing with a more esoteric and wild format that allow you to show fragments only for certain states:

  - mdi:sofa(entities.0.state.on)
  - Living room

This format even attempts to control the icon rendering even further by assigning classes for CSS styling that you can define in your theme:

  - mdi:sofa(active=entities.0.state.on,
  - Living room

I need to further explore if the declarative approach will support the different scenarios of users or if a templated approach makes more sense. I would love input to help shape this.

steven-hack commented 5 years ago

No problem at all. Do you have a visual mock-up of the bundled headings? I can't really picture this / see the use of it yet. Or would the use case purely be for combined use with the conditonals, to show a different heading depending on certain conditions?

nervetattoo commented 5 years ago

The basic examples would just be <icon> Users <icon> on a line. Magic string parsing for icons and the concat all the heading fragments. So just a real icon based solution for what is now hacked with emojis.

The convoluted fragments have a syntax that can be described more or less like:

<icon>[ <logic-start> [<assignment-expression n..nx> | <conditional-expression>] <logic-end> ]

Basic syntax

expr example
icon mdi:sofa
logic-start (
assignment-expression active=entities.0.state.on
conditional-expression entities.0.state.on
logic-end )

Breaking down assignment-expression:

<target-classname><operator> [ <lookup-key><lookup-separator> ]*<lookup-value-expectation>

Ok, so thats a bit hard to grasp so let me try to break down the example into expression fragments

expr example
target-classname active
operator =
lookup-key entities
lookup-separator .
lookup-key 0
lookup-separator .
lookup-key state
lookup-separator .
lookup-value-expectation on

Use cases

Since you have X entities in the card you need to manually specify which entities state/attributes to apply onto the fragments in the heading if you want to have for example an icon with color depending on entity states. This allow you to define an arbitrary amount of icons with class names derived from state or attributes on any entity in the card in a succinct (but hard to learn) way.

I guess I take this as a playground to perhaps come up with a syntax for declarative magic strings in yaml that can be used also by other things around HA. What I've envisioned could also be defined as pure yaml objects/lists but would result in huge configs.

  - type: icon
    value: mdi:sofa
      if: entities.1.state
      equals: on
        if: entities.0.state
        equals: on
  - type: text
     value: Living room

Phew, hope some of this made some sort of sense 😌

aptonline commented 5 years ago

I was just about to open a request for this myself, glad its on the roadmap :)