nervous-inhuman / tplink-tapo-c200-re

Reverse Engineering the TP-Link Tapo C200 camera
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Reflash old Firmware #4

Closed ThongSong7 closed 2 years ago

ThongSong7 commented 2 years ago

Not really an issue, moreover a query to know if possible. This seemed like a great place to ask since everyone here knows the intricacies of the C200v1.

I have 3 of these, made the mistake of updating two to firmware 1.1.15 from their original 1.0.14.... I say mistake because TPLink made the decision that many of the parts accessible via api (HomeAssistant) became paying.... shame, shame, shame!

I cannot AutoTrack any longer with the two updated, however the original on 1.0.14 still can (which is what I would like to keep). I learned that since 1.1.7 many features are no longer available for free.

An idea I had was to publish the firmware that I found (thanks to on an internal webserver, rewrite DNS entries for for it to ota upgrade - but I do not know the mechanics of where/how it reads what is the latest firmware... maybe someone here knows? Either way maybe there is another way to ota flash a bin (or at least the one found here)

Thanks in advance!

DrmnSamoLiu commented 2 years ago

Thanks to @kubik369 (

You can actually downgrade the camera with older firmware through SD card.

  1. (Important) Take an SD card that is NOT formatted by the camera before. (Reason here. )

  2. Format the SD card to FAT32.

  3. Copy the old firmware file into the SD card and rename it factory_up_boot.bin

  4. Put the SD card into the camera and power up.

  5. Here I assume you don't have serial console access, only way to make sure that the downgrade is successful is to see if the camera did the XY motor calibration or not. Firmware downgrade happens before motor calibration, and the calibration won't happen if downgrade is successful, the camera will just hang and await you to reboot it.

  6. Wait for ~3 mins and if there is no motor calibration, TAKE OUT THE SD CARD and reboot your camera. If you don't take the SD card out, the camera will hang at the downgrade process again.

  7. Check in mobile app if the downgrade is successful.

Good luck :)

kubik369 commented 2 years ago

Does it work for you with only a single partition? As I mentioned in my notes, the card needed to have two partitions (second of which didn't matter, it just had to be there) 🙂

DrmnSamoLiu commented 2 years ago

@kubik369 Yes it worked with only one partition. My guess is the camera will write some proprietary data to the partition table (not the partition) when formatting the SD card, and will mount the SD card in its specific way (/tmp/mnt/harddisk_1) if it contains this proprietary data. That's why I mentioned zero out the SD card (cat /dev/zero > /dev/sdX) and reformat it if the camera doesn't list /dev/mmcblk0p1 and mount it under /tmp/sdcard.

ThongSong7 commented 2 years ago

Great news!

I will be doing this today with the one that you linked back to, not sure there is a way to find other versions because tplink does not allow index on their website so we would need the whole url.... I can only assume or hope that the version that you found the URL to will still support the features that I am looking for, namely auto-track, auto mode for light/dark, etc. but it is not too far from what I know does.... chances are good.

Thank to both of you!

DrmnSamoLiu commented 2 years ago

@ThongSong7 If you were able to give me the exact version string you see in the app for v1.0.14 (with the rel. number), I may be able to give you the download URL for it.

DrmnSamoLiu commented 2 years ago

Well ok I'm not sure if I can anymore. What I was thinking is to simply bruteforce the download URL, as the format of the URL is quite easy to identify:


The only part we can't know from the app is the part after last underscore, which I assume is the date and time the FW is uploaded to the server in millisecond since Linux epoch. I thought if I could find a change log and know when the FW update is make available then it is easier to bruteforce the exact millis. Unfortunately I can't find any info about the FW release date and time so it is still rather difficult to do bruteforcing :(

ThongSong7 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the offer, I am going to try first with the one you already found: 1.0.10, not far from the 1.0.14 that is on the original one with auto-track '"free".

ThongSong7 commented 2 years ago

Thanks again, it worked.

Small feedback, when flashing via a FAT32 SD - you will see the green LED start to blink showing that it is flashing the bin file via the SDCard. When it is done it remains steady green: this you will know that it is done.... unplug, remove SDCard and replug and it starts normally.

This is a God-send, now they cannot get out to WAN to check fir updates.... not having that problem again :-). Hats off to @kubik369 for having found it!

Auto-track working well, have not yet seen any negatives for what I use the cameras for. Even if you had enabled the auto-track prior to flashing, you will need to disable and enable it again, for some reason it did not work otherwise.

frigorino commented 11 months ago

Hello! Someone can send me the firmware for Tapo C200 v1? Last update brick my camera and I would try to restore the old one...

probeerka commented 11 months ago

Hello! Someone can send me the firmware for Tapo C200 v1? Last update brick my camera and I would try to restore the old one...

ThongSong7 commented 11 months ago

Would anyone in here have or know where to get the firmware version v1.0.14?

I have two that I flashed back to: "Firmware: 1.0.10 Build 200520 Rel.45325n(4555)" based on above, but they do not follow movement as well as "Firmware: 1.0.14 Build 200720 Rel.38552n(4555)"

@DrmnSamoLiu : any chance of finding out the URL to get FW v1.0.14 directly from TPLink?

frigorino commented 11 months ago

Hello! Someone can send me the firmware for Tapo C200 v1? Last update brick my camera and I would try to restore the old one...

Thanks Probeerka. Unfortunatly my Tapo was blocked during last firmware update. There are infrared led on and no sign of life. I was hoping to fix the issue with a downgrade but couldn't. I tried to put the firmware in to a SD card but no solve the problem. Do you know some procedure for unblock the device?

SADER-123 commented 10 months ago

Hello! Someone can send me the firmware for Tapo C200 v3 ?

bvelkov commented 9 months ago

Can anyone help me find 1.1.9 firmware for tapo light L530. I upgraded all my lights to 1.3.0 and now they are not working in iobroker.

tapo-firmware commented 9 months ago

If somebody else reads this discussion years later, but can't find the specific firmware version you are looking for. I have published a directory of all downloadable firmware, etc., over at

You should be able to find firmware for most TP-link products, but some might be missing. If you have trouble downloading specific files just send me a message.

Firmware for hardware version C200v3 is likely encrypted and I have not gotten the downgrade procedure to work yet.

tapo-firmware commented 9 months ago

Can anyone help me find 1.1.9 firmware for tapo light L530. I upgraded all my lights to 1.3.0 and now they are not working in iobroker.

I could not find any firmware matching you specific request. Maybe Tapo uses the same firmware for multiple models or they have removed older firmware? Please take a look at to find your best matching firmware and download from

khalilsouldi commented 8 months ago

Hello! Someone can send me the firmware for Tapo C200 v1? Last update brick my camera and I would try to restore the old one...

Thanks Probeerka. Unfortunatly my Tapo was blocked during last firmware update. There are infrared led on and no sign of life. I was hoping to fix the issue with a downgrade but couldn't. I tried to put the firmware in to a SD card but no solve the problem. Do you know some procedure for unblock the device?

Hello @frigorino I have the same problem, I have the C200 EU/3.0 version and the v3 bins don't work after inserting the memory card, nothing happens. You find a solution ? THANKS

DaHubsi commented 8 months ago

Hello! Someone can send me the firmware for Tapo C200 v1? Last update brick my camera and I would try to restore the old one...

Thanks Probeerka. Unfortunatly my Tapo was blocked during last firmware update. There are infrared led on and no sign of life. I was hoping to fix the issue with a downgrade but couldn't. I tried to put the firmware in to a SD card but no solve the problem. Do you know some procedure for unblock the device?

Hello @frigorino I have the same problem, I have the C200 EU/3.0 version and the v3 bins don't work after inserting the memory card, nothing happens. You find a solution ? THANKS

Hi @khalilsouldi and @tapo-firmware,

I have a C200v3 also. I managed to downgrade the firmware by first resetting the camera and then doing the downgrade process. I had some problems with setting up the camera again after the downgrade (couldn't find the wifi) but another reset solved it. Might be unrelated, but thought would be good to mention.

StevDa86 commented 8 months ago

Since the last firmware upgrade I have the same issue with the c200. Only ir lights are on. Cam don't respond for reset and is not accessible via wifi. I tried to downgrade with the SD card method but it does not work. I think this only works when the cam is booting that the default leds will turn on.

khalilsouldi commented 8 months ago

Since the last firmware upgrade I have the same issue with the c200. Only ir lights are on. Cam don't respond for reset and is not accessible via wifi. I tried to downgrade with the SD card method but it does not work. I think this only works when the cam is booting that the default leds will turn on.

Hello Were you able to find a solution to make the camera work? I have c200 eu Thanks

StevDa86 commented 8 months ago

No not really. The support answered me to do a full reset by holding the reset button over 30 sec, still hoding it and removing the cam from the power supply, and still holding the reset button for another 30 seconds, then turn the cam back on, by still holding the reset button for more than 30 seconds. But that didnt worked either.

I still have a valid warranty on it so i wait for a replacement.

BGuldhammer commented 7 months ago

Think it is a hard brick with the firmware, have same issues with mine. It have pins for console, but do not have time for soldering wires and test, and are not sure if uboot are broken with the firmware, and second i do not know uboot to know commands for it to boot the sdcard mannualy or flash the bin with uboot. But if uboot are broken, it is pretty much scrap.

BGuldhammer commented 7 months ago

The sd method wil not work on C200 in this case.

The internal flash are broken/corrupted and then the recovery are broken too since the recovery sd flash are part of the firmware. The only access are to U-Boot rlxboot shell

Have tried to boot it up with bootm command, with fails with "Firmware check failed!"

The web tflash recovery will need a cable for cable network, wifi does not work.

Are not sure how to set the U-Boot env to boot from the sdcard, it might be possible, but the reset and sd flash run from the firmware, it is also why it is broken as it is, somthing is very wrong in that update there corrupt damage data on the flash so U-Boot are not able to start the device up.

But here is the console log.

U-Boot 2014.01-v1.2 (Nov 11 2020 - 20:29:43)

Board: IPCAM RTS3903 CPU: 500M :rx5281 prid=0xdc02 force spi nor mode DRAM: 64 MiB @ 1066 MHz Skipping flash_init Flash: 0 Bytes flash status is 0, 2 SF: Detected W25Q64FV with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 64 KiB, total 8 MiB Using default environment

Autobooting in 1 seconds copying flash to 0x81500000 flash status is 0, 2 SF: Detected W25Q64FV with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 64 KiB, total 8 MiB SF: 8388608 bytes @ 0x0 Read: OK

Firmware check failed! Enter recovery mode. In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller mcfg = 0024 no hw config header new_ethaddr = 00:00:23:34:45:66 r8168#0 Using default environment

Running command httpd!--Debug by Mazexiong flash status is 0, 2 SF: Detected W25Q64FV with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 64 KiB, total 8 MiB SF: 10240 bytes @ 0x1d800 Read: OK HTTP server is ready!

flash status is 0, 2 SF: Detected W25Q64FV with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 64 KiB, total 8 MiB SF: 10240 bytes @ 0x1d800 Read: OK Attaching option 01 to list Attaching option 03 to list Attaching option 06 to list file: apps/dhcpd/dhcpd.c,line: 870==:dhcpd init OK. --debug by HouXB HTTP server is starting at IP: file: lib_uip.c,line: 115==:uip set a8c0-a00. --debug by HouXB file: lib_uip.c,line: 130==:start infinite loop! --debug by HouXB

spuigdengolas commented 7 months ago

No not really. The support answered me to do a full reset by holding the reset button over 30 sec, still hoding it and removing the cam from the power supply, and still holding the reset button for another 30 seconds, then turn the cam back on, by still holding the reset button for more than 30 seconds. But that didnt worked either.

This worked for me. Issue: After upgrading firmware, I couldn't connect to my c200. I tried reseting several times as recommended (holding reset button for 5 seconds). It only showed fixed red light or blinking red light. Now it works!

paulv888 commented 7 months ago

Freaking geniuses! Thanks, I just successfully downgraded my C310 cam.

khalilsouldi commented 7 months ago

Hello can someone please recover the binary of this version "Tapo C200(EU)_V3_1.3.11 Build 231115" Thanks

Radour commented 2 months ago

Anubody succeeded in downgrading a C100 camera? I did it with no problem with three C200 but when it comes to C100 the procedure does not work. Actually since it has no XY motor no calibration is done and cannot check what happens. At the end, after restarting thr firmware version is 1.3.11. Any suggestion?

MLammerding commented 2 months ago

Thanks to @kubik369 (

You can actually downgrade the camera with older firmware through SD card.

  1. Take an SD card that is NOT formatted by the camera before.
  2. Format the SD card to FAT32.
  3. Copy the old firmware file into the SD card and rename it factory_up_boot.bin
  4. Put the SD card into the camera and power up.
  5. Here I assume you don't have serial console access, only way to make sure that the downgrade is successful is to see if the camera did the XY motor calibration or not. Firmware downgrade happens before motor calibration, and the calibration won't happen if downgrade is successful, the camera will just hang and await you to reboot it.
  6. Wait for ~3 mins and if there is no motor calibration, TAKE OUT THE SD CARD and reboot your camera. If you don't take the SD card out, the camera will hang at the downgrade process again.
  7. Check in mobile app if the downgrade is successful.

Good luck :)

Hi guys, thx a lot for your work! Is there a possibility to get a updated list of the older firmware versions? The actual one is about 7 month old . Thx in advance!✌🏻

fmarzocca commented 2 months ago

How to avoid an auto-update of the firmware?

clintferns2911 commented 2 months ago

Can someone help me with an older firmware for c210 v2? I can't seem to find a download link

Radour commented 2 months ago

Can someone help me with an older firmware for c210 v2? I can't seem to find a download link

Download this file: Rename it as factory_up_boot.bin Copy it in a FAT32 formatted SD card Put the SD card in the camera and power it up Wait for 3 minutes Unplug the camera Remove the card Power it up again Define the camera in the app again but disable the firmware auto update.

It worked for me.

Kind regards

aritzvinagre commented 2 months ago

Quiero degradar una cámara tapo c212 v2. Creo que encontré el firmware pero siguiente el proceso no lo degrada. Alguien lo ha hecho antes en esta cámara?

clintferns2911 commented 2 months ago

Can someone help me with an older firmware for c210 v2? I can't seem to find a download link

Download this file: Rename it as factory_up_boot.bin Copy it in a FAT32 formatted SD card Put the SD card in the camera and power it up Wait for 3 minutes Unplug the camera Remove the card Power it up again Define the camera in the app again but disable the firmware auto update.

It worked for me.

Kind regards

Thanks for getting back to me, unfortunately when i click on hat link, it brings up an error page?

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

NoSuchKey The specified key does not exist. NC210_1.0.9_Build_171214_Rel.C9342E_web_1514253728707.bin CYATN7BAGT84SSJN iSwoml9JWvpqehqQU3dB1e3A3PpoOyKW7cANUvKNeG/BZlFYFa77tH5/mfTx/RjSbos6I9V5mC0=
nflsilva commented 2 months ago

Can someone help me with an older firmware for c210 v2? I can't seem to find a download link

Download this file: Rename it as factory_up_boot.bin Copy it in a FAT32 formatted SD card Put the SD card in the camera and power it up Wait for 3 minutes Unplug the camera Remove the card Power it up again Define the camera in the app again but disable the firmware auto update. It worked for me. Kind regards

Thanks for getting back to me, unfortunately when i click on hat link, it brings up an error page?

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. NoSuchKey The specified key does not exist. NC210_1.0.9_Build_171214_Rel.C9342E_web_1514253728707.bin CYATN7BAGT84SSJN iSwoml9JWvpqehqQU3dB1e3A3PpoOyKW7cANUvKNeG/BZlFYFa77tH5/mfTx/RjSbos6I9V5mC0=

You're missing the firmware/. Try this one:

nflsilva commented 2 months ago

Thanks again, it worked.

Small feedback, when flashing via a FAT32 SD - you will see the green LED start to blink showing that it is flashing the bin file via the SDCard. When it is done it remains steady green: this you will know that it is done.... unplug, remove SDCard and replug and it starts normally.

This is a God-send, now they cannot get out to WAN to check fir updates.... not having that problem again :-). Hats off to @kubik369 for having found it!

Auto-track working well, have not yet seen any negatives for what I use the cameras for. Even if you had enabled the auto-track prior to flashing, you will need to disable and enable it again, for some reason it did not work otherwise.

My two cents:

I had a couple of failed attempts because I though my camera was a C200.

Good luck!

GRClark commented 2 months ago

Thanks to @kubik369 (

You can actually downgrade the camera with older firmware through SD card.

  1. Take an SD card that is NOT formatted by the camera before.
  2. Format the SD card to FAT32.
  3. Copy the old firmware file into the SD card and rename it factory_up_boot.bin
  4. Put the SD card into the camera and power up.
  5. Here I assume you don't have serial console access, only way to make sure that the downgrade is successful is to see if the camera did the XY motor calibration or not. Firmware downgrade happens before motor calibration, and the calibration won't happen if downgrade is successful, the camera will just hang and await you to reboot it.
  6. Wait for ~3 mins and if there is no motor calibration, TAKE OUT THE SD CARD and reboot your camera. If you don't take the SD card out, the camera will hang at the downgrade process again.
  7. Check in mobile app if the downgrade is successful.

Good luck :)

Would this work on other models as well as mine is the C110 camera? And does this keep everything else intact so the camera stays on the account or will I need to add and set it up all over again?

GRClark commented 2 months ago

Late to the issue as the problem just hit my cameras last night so forgive me trying to catch up... How do you know which firmware to select from the list? Know my model number and hardware version as well to select before version 1.3.8 but which build number and what does the rollback mean at the end of some of them?

kmmndo commented 1 month ago

Hi, I have the same problem with HA integration with my C20SW. I have tried the downgrade as described. The card is correctly formatted in FAT32 (238GB). However, the camera starts normally despite the card, as if the card was not even in the slot and the firmware version is still the same. Do you have any idea what the problem could be?

blanknam3d commented 1 month ago

@kmmndo I encountered the same problem myself. Make sure to check:

  1. Does it have two partitions? (two FAT32 partitions, only the first one has to have the file, this was somehow the fix for me - may need to use GParted for this)
  2. If you're reflashing multiple cameras & trying to use the same card: Have you reformatted the card?
  3. Have you tried a different microSD card reader? - You may not think that would have any meaningful effect, but in doing exactly this myself, I ended up finding that the microSD card reader I used to rely on was faulty & had to use a spare laptop with a built-in one instead.
  4. Have you tried a smaller microSD card? 238GiB is awfully large, you may wanna try temporarily using a 8gb card for this.
  5. You've made sure to name the file factory_up_boot.bin, right?
michaeltryl commented 1 month ago

Where can i find older fimware for c210 and c310?

bmwgurkan commented 1 month ago

Hello everyone, I can't find the old software version for C225 v1, C225 v2 and C320ws. Can you support?

pannal commented 1 month ago

Got a C200 V2, reflashed Tapo_C200v2_en_1.3.6_Build_230424_Rel.77311n_up_boot-signed_1682511184943.bin successfully. Afterwards I needed to re-login into my account in the Tapo App, otherwise I'd get bad cloud password in the HA integration Tapo: Cameras Control. Then I was able to reconfigure and login with the cloud password in the integration. No factory reset necessary.

The last step is missing in @DrmnSamoLiu's tutorial.

j-dasilva commented 1 month ago

Anubody succeeded in downgrading a C100 camera? I did it with no problem with three C200 but when it comes to C100 the procedure does not work. Actually since it has no XY motor no calibration is done and cannot check what happens. At the end, after restarting thr firmware version is 1.3.11. Any suggestion?


I was able to downgrade my C100 v4 that was on 1.3.11 -> 1.3.7. I used firmware/Tapo_C100v4_en_1.3.7_Build_230821_Rel.62783n_up_boot-signed_1695819211323.bin

Followed the instructions above but had to make 2 partitions on the sd card with the file on the first. I noticed the red light on the bottom stayed on for the entirety of the process so I waited about 10 minutes and then pulled the power, removed the SD, plugged power back in, then held reset until the voice triggered. I had to remove and re-add the camera from the Tapo app which required that I allow internet access back to the camera until it was setup. I then blocked it from the internet and added the local camera account.

TheOysterPrince commented 1 month ago

Has anyone been able to downgrade a C210 v1 (currently on 1.3.11)? I followed the instructions, tried different firmware versions, changed SD cards and even did a factory reset. Still nothing, the camera just boots normally.

@j-dasilva could you please specify the partition settings you used?

clintferns2911 commented 1 month ago

Has anyone been able to downgrade a C210 v1 (currently on 1.3.11)? I followed the instructions, tried different firmware versions, changed SD cards and even did a factory reset. Still nothing, the camera just boots normally.

@j-dasilva could you please specify the partition settings you used?

Yes unfortunately having the same issue with a c210

Apydog commented 1 month ago

Has anyone been able to downgrade a C210 v1 (currently on 1.3.11)? I followed the instructions, tried different firmware versions, changed SD cards and even did a factory reset. Still nothing, the camera just boots normally.

@j-dasilva could you please specify the partition settings you used?

Also having same issue with a C210 V2

j-dasilva commented 1 month ago

Has anyone been able to downgrade a C210 v1 (currently on 1.3.11)? I followed the instructions, tried different firmware versions, changed SD cards and even did a factory reset. Still nothing, the camera just boots normally.

@j-dasilva could you please specify the partition settings you used?

@TheOysterPrince 2x8 GB partitions / FAT32. It was a 128 GB card and the remainder was left unallocated.

TheOysterPrince commented 1 month ago

@j-dasilva Thank you very much! Just tried it, but sadly did not do the trick for the C210 V1. :(

DrmnSamoLiu commented 1 month ago

@TheOysterPrince @Apydog @clintferns2911 The OTA firmware of C210 is encrypted so I'll have to buy one to check how its SD card update procedure works. Before I spend money, I'd like to make sure your cams are working fine (with cloud view and everything) or is it bricked?

Please react to this comment with a thumbs up for working fine and a sad face for bricked, so we don't spam people in this issue with unnecessary notifications.

Edit: Got it, give me a day or two to buy a C210 and do some research on its internals.

DrmnSamoLiu commented 1 month ago

@TheOysterPrince @clintferns2911 @Apydog

Please let me know what firmware version your cams are currently running on, and what version of firmware you are trying to use with the SD card update method.

I checked the boot script that handled this process in the firmware and it seems it has not changed. So I'm suspecting the exact binary that checks the file and perform update has changed since certain firmware version.

I can only test for it myself tomorrow

For C210 v1 users, if your firmware version is newer than 1.3.7, please try to use any of the following OTA firmware to perform the SD card update and see if it works (remember to rename the file to factory_up_boot.bin):

followed by:

firmware/Tapo_C210v1_en_1.3.7_Build_230823_Rel.55528n_up_boot-signed_1693797779353.bin firmware/Tapo_C210v1_en_1.3.7_Build_230823_Rel.55528n_up_boot-signed_1695700343781.bin firmware/Tapo_C210v1_en_1.3.7_Build_230823_Rel.55528n_up_boot-signed_1695700416454.bin firmware/Tapo_C210v1_en_1.3.7_Build_230823_Rel.55528n_up_boot-signed_1696902741166.bin firmware/Tapo_C210v1_en_1.3.7_Build_230823_Rel.55528n_up_boot-signed_1696902776421.bin firmware/Tapo_C210v1_en_1.3.7_Build_230823_Rel.55528n_up_boot-signed_1696902811802.bin firmware/Tapo_C210v1_en_1.3.7_Build_230823_Rel.55528n_up_boot-signed_1697002650403.bin firmware/Tapo_C210v1_en_1.3.7_Build_230823_Rel.55528n_up_boot-signed_1697002685546.bin firmware/Tapo_C210v1_en_1.3.7_Build_230823_Rel.55528n_up_boot-signed_1697002720736.bin firmware/Tapo_C210v1_en_1.3.7_Build_230823_Rel.55528n_up_boot-signed_1697005342156.bin firmware/Tapo_C210v1_en_1.3.7_Build_230823_Rel.55528n_up_boot-signed_1697005378199.bin firmware/Tapo_C210v1_en_1.3.7_Build_230823_Rel.55528n_up_boot-signed_1697005413481.bin