nervous-systems / serverless-cljs-plugin

Serverless plugin for Clojurescript deployment w/ cljs-lambda
The Unlicense
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Question: nREPL support and interactive programming #1

Open Looveh opened 7 years ago

Looveh commented 7 years ago

Is there currently an easy way of having an nREPL running with the purpose of interactive programming?

moea commented 7 years ago

@Looveh sorry, I missed this issue. The approach would be the same as any Clojurescript project - you can have a script which you execute in a clj REPL which invokes the cljs compiler (viable compiler params ought to be in project.clj, if you generated from a template), or you could use something like cider-jack-in-clojurescript. Depending on what you're doing, you may find yourself adding a dependency on the cljsbuild plugin.