### Steps to reproduce
1. Configure the nextcloud for modern configuration (ref: https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/)
2. Add account in the android NextCloud SMS app and you get this error
### Expected behaviour
Account should be added after validating for the credentials
### Actual behaviour
Get an error
Low level error: Get https://url/to/nextcloud/index.php/apps/ocsms/get/apiversion?format=json: remove error: tls: protocol version not supported
### Server configuration
**Nextcloud version:** 18.0.4
**PHP version:** 7.4
**Webserver:** Apache
### Client configuration
**Android version:** 10
**Phone:** Samsung S9 (G950)
**Nextcloud SMS app version:** 2.0.5
### Logs
Insert your log here
## Screenshots
I configured my apache server to support TLS1.2 and the app seems to connect properly. Seems the app requires to be supporting TLS1.3 soon;). As a workaround, for the timebeing, I have activated TLS1.2 and TLS1.3