nesbox / TIC-80

TIC-80 is a fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games.
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Compiled Languages support / WASM language bindings #1784

Open joshgoebel opened 2 years ago

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Creating a master topic to link to from our wiki/documentation for those wishing to contribute language templates/libraries.

We should be able to support all the same languages as the WASM-4 project. The list:

Essentially any language that compiles to WASM and allows you to configure the memory layout is a potential.

What is needed? Port over the build/template scripts from the WASM-4 project templates and update for TIC-80. These templates are typically well thought out and well maintained so they are a great starting point.

What is the core API?


The ZIG API definition is pretty easy to read:

It follows VERY closely to the native C API which you can find in:

It's often quite a bit lower level than the API docs on the wiki, so don't rely on those TOO much.

PierceNg commented 2 years ago

I've written the low-level D bindings. The standard hello demo works on Linux and macOS. PR incoming soon.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Awesome. Looking forward to it!

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

@keithohara If you find the time to work on your C/C++ libs again too in the future that'd be awesome.

PierceNg commented 2 years ago

A quick experience report, based on translating Lua examples on the wiki.

The tri() example uses sin and cos functions.

One of the mouse examples constructs a simple string indicating current mouse coordinates.

Possibility: Modify TIC-80 so that Wasm3 exports more libc functions like trig and string handling functions.

I'm also experimenting with the Free Pascal Wasm compiler. Currently it generates .wasm files that are too big for TIC-80.

As an aside, Free Pascal also has a Javascript transpiler named pas2js. The examples implemented in Pascal and transpiled into Javascript work fine.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Modify TIC-80 so that Wasm3 exports more libc functions like trig and string handling functions.

This is why projects like exist. We need to focus on providing the proper sample build scripts for various languages - we don't need to wrap the entire C standard library ourself. I'm not happy with the current D support that was merged - it's incomplete and not following the WASM-4 examples. The WASM-4 build scripts for D use the WASI SDK and I assume the support over there is much better.

With D, using the built-in library function format() pulls in unresolved dependencies.

Does this work as intended in WASM-4? If you're familiar with D and wanted to make a PR to get us up to WASM-4 standards that'd be great! It should be pretty easy.

It seems Zig doesn't come with string handling, so this needs to be implemented.

I disagree that we need to "implement" this. I'm not fully convinced this is our problem. It's certainly possible we might want to consider mentioning popular libraries in our sample projects, but ultimately users can use whichever libraries they want.

I'm also experimenting with the Free Pascal Wasm compiler.

Are you using small/production builds? The easiest way to support any new languages is to get someone to do the work over in WASM-4 (it's increased popularity for WASM) and then port that to TIC-80.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

@PierceNg Ah it was your PR... It still needs to be fully brought up to the WASM-4 examples and then I think we'll be in a lot better place for D. Are you still wanting to finish that work?

PierceNg commented 2 years ago

@PierceNg Ah it was your PR... It still needs to be fully brought up to the WASM-4 examples and then I think we'll be in a lot better place for D. Are you still wanting to finish that work?

Yes. That's why I'm translating some of the Lua examples, to verify that dub.json and Makefile work for more than one example.

Does this work as intended in WASM-4? If you're familiar with D and wanted to make a PR to get us up to WASM-4 standards that'd be great! It should be pretty easy.

WASM-4's D Makefile doesn't work for me out of the box. Have to add --compiler to it.

It seems Zig doesn't come with string handling, so this needs to be implemented.

I disagree that we need to "implement" this. I'm not fully convinced this is our problem. It's certainly possible we might want to consider mentioning popular libraries in our sample projects, but ultimately users can use whichever libraries they want.

I meant the game programmer needs to implement string handling in their Zig code. Could be what I initially suggested, that TIC-80 exports libc functions, or as you say, which I agree is the better approach, have the D/Zig code use WASI SDK's libc.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

WASM-4's D Makefile doesn't work for me out of the box.

I was referring does using standard library stuff work better since I presume they are linking with WASI, etc... I assume from your PR the answer is yes. :-)

sorucoder commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm working on a Go binding for this. Looking at the WASM4 template for the Go programming language specifically uses tinygo. This compiler has the ability to specify a custom build target, which WASM4 defines like so:

  "llvm-target": "wasm32--wasi",
  "build-tags": [ "tinygo.wasm" ],
  "goos": "js",
  "goarch": "wasm",
  "linker": "wasm-ld",
  "libc": "wasi-libc",
  "cflags": [
  "ldflags": [
  "emulator": "w4 run",
  "wasm-abi": "js"

In addition to the memory flags, what else should be added/adjusted?

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

I think only the memory and stack flags... we're trying to follow WASM-4's lead on these things since there is a lot more active work going on there in WASM so far than here. So both memory would increase to 256kb and stack-size would increase to 96kb + 8kb I think? (our reserved IO RAM + 8kb stack)... therefore giving the stack 8kb to grow before it heads down into the 96kb of reserved RAM.

Technically one could get away with less (since there is 12kb of reserved memory we aren't using yet at the top of that 96kb), but our defaults should be sane

sorucoder commented 2 years ago

... therefore giving the stack 8kb to grow before it heads down into the 96kb of reserved RAM.

So is the --stack-first flag appropriate? According to the help message for wasm-ld:

--stack-first    Place stack at start of linear memory rather than after data
joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Yes, we want our stack at the bottom of RAM. But since the MMIO is all there that's why you have to add 96kb to the size...

sorucoder commented 2 years ago

So like this?

  "llvm-target": "wasm32--wasi",
  "build-tags": [ "tinygo.wasm" ],
  "goos": "js",
  "goarch": "wasm",
  "linker": "wasm-ld",
  "libc": "wasi-libc",
  "cflags": [
  "ldflags": [
  "emulator": "w4 run",
  "wasm-abi": "js"
soxfox42 commented 2 years ago

I've started working on a Rust binding, and I have the core functionality working. I've only bound a few functions to test it so far, but I think the rest of the low-level bindings should be fairly easy to implement. I just wanted to get some input on a couple of details:

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

should I bump up the heap space accordingly?

I'm not familiar with how Rust works... in most languages we're doing low RAM stack... so after the memory mapped IO, and stack... the rest is the heap... I thought Rust pioneered the low RAM stack... so perhaps I'm missing something here? Is the stack grows down, isn't the rest heap by default?

My question though, is whether this wrapper should be included in the TIC-80 repository, or be separate like wasm4.

I'm not sure... so far we're ok with "basic" and "nicer" implementations... but if you're suggesting a thirst "nicer + perfectly rusty"... I'm not sure what category that falls into really.

soxfox42 commented 2 years ago

Is the stack grows down, isn't the rest heap by default?

Well, normally, but in the WASM-4 Rust template and by extension my TIC-80 Rust template, a different memory allocator called buddy_alloc ( is used. To set this up, a region of memory has to be manually specified. I'm not entirely sure why WASM-4 doesn't use the standard allocator, it might be to do with size, or it may simply not work for the wasm32 target. I'll look into this more, because I don't quite understand the WASM-4 choices.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Well sure - if you have to hard-code the heap size then we'd want to hard code it to take advantage of all the free RAM we have... but I'd also be curious to know how they got there.

soxfox42 commented 2 years ago

Okay, found the reasoning: Basically, both the default allocator, and the commonly recommended wee_alloc expect to be able to use memory.grow to allocate additional memory pages. So looks like I'm sticking to buddy_alloc. I'm still not sure why they set the heap size so much smaller than the available memory in WASM-4, but I do know that previous attempts to dynamically reserve all remaining space failed. Guess I'm hard-coding the heap storage in that case.

Also, for now I'm going to write nice wrappers but still require unsafe code for global state, and I'll write a separate crate that replaces the callback functions to allow safe state handling. If that crate works well, I might propose moving it into this repository, even though it's unusual to be hooking the callbacks in that way.

soxfox42 commented 2 years ago

I've run into quite a big issue with my Rust template. In WASM-4, the first 4 bytes are unused, but in TIC-80, the memory map begins right away at address 0x00000. The problem here is that Rust makes some assumptions about the platforms it runs on, one of those being that address 0 is always a null pointer. In some situations it is possible to write code that accesses 0x00000, but it can't be guaranteed, since the compiler likes to optimise away any such access. All of this means that the first two pixels on the screen can't be accessed directly, only through the C API.

At this point, I can see a couple of possibilities:

Of course, the WASM memory layout could be changed to avoid storing data at 0x00000, but that would be a major change and break binary compatibility, so probably not really an option.

It definitely seems that I won't be able to get this perfect, so what should the priority be here? Keep small file sizes, or fully support the memory map?

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Of course, the WASM memory layout could be changed to avoid storing data at 0x00000, but that would be a major change and break binary compatibility, so probably not really an option.

Yeah, changing the memory layout of the entire machine to make a single language happy isn't likely to happen.... perhaps if we were starting over from scratch. ☹️

Are you sure there isn't some other way/third choice? I struggled with this in Zig for quite a while and then finally found the right magic "volative" syntax to say "no really let me have a pointer at 0 and stop complaining about it"... I don't think it had any effect on the compiled size.

Accessing the framebuffer directly is kind of a key thing you'd want to do from a compiler language, so that seems a key thing to have in our library support...

soxfox42 commented 2 years ago

Really fairly sure, at least not without major modifications to the compiler itself. The null = 0 assumption runs pretty deep through the language and its optimisation features.

I wonder if there's a less extreme way to tweak the memory map. Maybe a cart configuration option like -- map: high to shift all I/O registers to the high addresses? That way just Rust carts could use it.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

That would require a LOT of special cases - the memmap is like hard coded into so much of the codebase. It's a literal chunk of 96kb in RAM in C.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

19kb out of 256kb isn't TERRIBLE if it's a one time cost...

soxfox42 commented 2 years ago

19kb out of 256kb

Correct me if I'm wrong, but since the code is stored in the BINARY chunk, isn't the limit actually 64k?

That would require a LOT of special cases - the memmap is like hard coded into so much of the codebase. It's a literal chunk of 96kb in RAM in C.

I don't need to change anything about that 96 KB block though. I think that the 96 KB block could be moved to the opposite end of the 256 KB block used by the WASM runtime with very little additional code. Then, the data on the C side is identical, but the Rust code sees all of the MMIO addresses shifted by 160 KB. This fixes the address zero issue, and as a bonus, the stack will no longer attempt to grow into the reserved memory.

I might be wrong, but I'll put the Rust side on hold for now, and see if I can implement an alternate layout option. It feels odd to have a special case for one language, but I think it's a minor enough change that it's okay?

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

but since the code is stored in the BINARY chunk, isn't the limit actually 64k?

When needed it's distributed across multiple chunks... so for a large cartridge where would be 4 banks of 64kb BINARY chunks, totaling 256kb. And even that is an arbitrary limit... we can have 512kb easy enough - more than that I'm not entirely sure.

with very little additional code.

All the memory related code would have to change - memcpy, peek, poke - which now introduces a slowdown for ALL platforms. The memory map inside WASM should not be any different than the memory map we expose via the internal API. IE, peek(0) and pointer to address 0 should be the exact same thing - reading the memory at address 0.

It feels odd to have a special case for one language,

Personally I'd veto it and tell you not to bother, but nesbox always the final say. This topic came up during development though IIRC and again IIRC we were not interested in changing the memory map to make any particular language happy at that time.

soxfox42 commented 2 years ago

Oh yeah, forgot the memory related functions. In that case I'll just finish off the Rust bindings using opt-level = 0. The size penalty isn't just a one time cost, but it's also not too bad as far as I can tell. Every bit of code does end up larger than it would when compiled with opt-level = "s", but wasm-opt can shrink the build a decent amount.

Relying on this to access 0x00000 is probably not right, since that's still undefined behaviour, but I imagine it's highly unlikely to ever change. Plus, it really does seem to be the only remaining option, since even opt-level = 1 can optimise away null pointers dereferences, and that seems to be far too deeply in ingrained in Rust to change.

Basically, Rust is definitely not the right fit for a system with this sort of memory map. Ah well, at least it's somewhat functional now.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

The size penalty isn't just a one time cost, but it's also not too bad as far as I can tell.

Well I meant is it MOSTLY the 15kb upfront increase... if every bit of code is just a bit larger that's annoying but not terrible... IE 500 => 15kb OK... but 5000 = > 150KB BAD. 5000 => 5000 + 20kb "ok".

soxfox42 commented 2 years ago

Found yet another issue with Rust bindings. I was testing memcpy, and I found that Rust can't actually link to an external function called memcpy. It clashes with the compiler builtin memcpy. The same issue is present with memset.

I think I'm going to put the Rust binding project on hold for now, since the current WASM runtime has some design choices that are pretty much incompatible with Rust as a language. My fork is still up with the initial work if anyone has any ideas about how to make it work.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

You shouldn't need to link to it at all if Rust provides it itself - unless somehow the fact of us exporting the function itself is causing issues... there is nothing saying you have to call the TIC-80 API if you have a native API that implements the same interface.

Though I suppose it's also possible the interface are different?

soxfox42 commented 2 years ago

The Rust version is a compiler builtin, so it's not available to developers, only used internally. Also, the interfaces are different, the Rust one returns a pointer. I guess that I could just wrap std::ptr::copy with a new memcpy function, since if it isn't defined as extern it probably won't have any linker issues.

That does raise another question though, why do any of the templates use TIC-80's memcpy and memset? Implementing them natively in the source language should allow them to access the full 256 KB of memory used in WASM mode, but the TIC-80 versions appear to be limited to the 96 KB in tic_ram. The only reason I can see is possibly performance, since I would guess that the native C versions are faster than anything that runs in the WASM interpreter.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Performance, consistency, etc. Whatever language someone is in they should be able to count on the TIC-80 built-in API.

but the TIC-80 versions appear to be limited to the 96 KB in tic_ram.

Are you certain? That would be an oversight that needs correction then.... One should be able to access all RAM with those APIs... it's possible we may need a new global somewhere (runtime details?) to let TIC-80 know how much RAM is available to the individual runtimes.

sorucoder commented 2 years ago

there is nothing saying you have to call the TIC-80 API if you have a native API that implements the same interface.

So, I have a question about that in the Go binding I am working on. Go by design forbids implicit conversion (particularly between integer types). That would mean, as the native WASM API is currently implemented, care must be taken when calling any native API function to convert values as necessary. For example:


// tic80 Implements the native WASM API binding.
package tic80

// Btn executes the btn API call.
// go:export btnn
func Btn(id int32) int32


package main

import (

// go:export TIC
func main() {
    var buttonId int = 4
    if (tic80.Btn(int32(id)) > 0) {
        // More code...

Am I permitted to write my own version of the calls in Go, defaulting to the native API only when necessary? Or should I wait until the WASM API can be standardized?

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Am I permitted to write my own version of the calls in Go, defaulting to the native API only when necessary?

How would that help the situation? I think I'd need a specific example.

If this is just a Go thing - it sounds pretty annoying... I'd expect that the per language wrapper (one layer above WASM) would use the "most natural types" for each API call - and then do the conversions itself to what WASM wants... so if ints are commonly used everywhere (vs the specific int32) then the wrappers job would be to deal with that annoyance, so users of the library don't have to think about it.

So I'm not seeing the need to "write your own version" so much as to provide a wrapper that deals with common types or does type conversions that people would typically expect from a Go library - and then call the native APIs.

soxfox42 commented 2 years ago

In the process of fixing another function signature bug, I encountered some issues with the Zig template:

By the way, I should hopefully be done with my Rust template soon, and I'm borrowing the "structs as default arguments" idea from the Zig template for my wrappers, so thanks for that!

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

but it would be nice to have that documented in the README.

PR welcome.

Probably just need to update the demo to use the wrappers instead.

I think it might be nice to have both but if that's just too much then I agree that the demo using the wrapped version would be nicer. And yes, the wrapped version came after everything was all working.

I don't know enough about Zig to be certain,

I'm slowly forgetting it already, but yes to pass a struct inline to a function I think you need the &.

soxfox42 commented 2 years ago

PR welcome.

Yeah, I'll probably open a PR soon with a collection of fixes for the Zig template. I figured I'd just check here first to see if anyone had any further comments before I started making changes.

I think it might be nice to have both

That would be best, and personally I think it's not too much. I'm just not sure of the best way to structure it, since so far there's only one template per language. Maybe just dropping an extra source file in alongside the current main.zig? That makes sure that the tic80.zig file doesn't need to be duplicated. Thoughts?

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Maybe just dropping an extra source file in alongside the current main.zig?

Sure, but how does that work with the build system?

soxfox42 commented 2 years ago

how does that work with the build system?

Poorly, I haven't quite found a solution that works well with existing build systems, particularly when considering how it will work for other languages that may be supported in future. For now I've decided to just use the wrapped version of the API, and not include an example of the raw one, since I imagine that will be what most users of the WASM templates want to work with.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

For now I've decided to just use the wrapped version of the API,

I think that's fine, that's what I'd recommend to 99% of people... raw is just there for completeness I think.

SuperJappie08 commented 2 years ago

The Rust version is a compiler builtin, so it's not available to developers, only used internally. Also, the interfaces are different, the Rust one returns a pointer. I guess that I could just wrap std::ptr::copy with a new memcpy function, since if it isn't defined as extern it probably won't have any linker issues.

That does raise another question though, why do any of the templates use TIC-80's memcpy and memset? Implementing them natively in the source language should allow them to access the full 256 KB of memory used in WASM mode, but the TIC-80 versions appear to be limited to the 96 KB in tic_ram. The only reason I can see is possibly performance, since I would guess that the native C versions are faster than anything that runs in the WASM interpreter.

I was also looking into making a rust template. The memcpy (and other function) issue could be solved by linking to a nonexistent C function with name of the same length. After compilation a script or hex-editor can be used to change the linked to name.

This fixes the problem, since only the rust compiler has issues.

soxfox42 commented 2 years ago

Hmm, that's a cool way to solve it. At this point though, at least until #1956 is worked on, I'll stick to using the standard library wrapper version I currently have. While they're slightly slower, they are also far more flexible since they can access the entire 256K. I think at some point it would probably be okay to add an extra binding for each of memcpy and memset, since it wouldn't affect other languages (they could still link to the original), and would allow Rust's one to be fixed without an extra build step.

sorucoder commented 2 years ago

After working on the Go binding for quite some time, I cannot seem to get it to work completely. I have made the work I have done available as a repository here. Most API calls work, it's just that any calls that require transparency or strings just state "missing imported function" with no further information. Hope someone can get this to work as I really would like to use Go. I am considering giving Rust a try though (by the way, nice work).

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Most API calls work, it's just that any calls that require transparency or strings just state "missing imported function" with no further information.

Can you give me a specific API call and point me to the exactly game code (line # please)... lets start with transparency and see where we get... For example, do you have a problem with nothing but:

tic80.Spr(1+t%60/30*2, x, y, tic80.NewSpriteOptions().AddTransparentColor(14).SetScale(3).SetSize(2, 2))

Will that line alone produce the issue?

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

"missing imported function"

Usually this indicates a data type misalignment or passing the wrong # of arguments... have you looked at the Go code on the WASM4 to see if they're passing things any differently? (or perhaps their API has no some more complex data types?)

sorucoder commented 1 year ago

Will that line alone produce the issue?

Like I said, any code that uses transparency or strings causes an error. If I take out the calls to tic80.Spr and tic80.Print, then yes, it will work. The issue seems to be how pointers are interpreted in Go (more likely an issue of TinyGo). WASM4 seems to use unsafe.Pointer for arbitrary pointers (see this file, particularly wasm4.DiskR and wasm4.DiskW). Go by design forbids pointer arithmetic and the access of primitive datatype internals through normal means. unsafe.Pointer facilitates the foregoing of these restrictions. If I had to guess, unsafe.Pointer likely maps to void* in C, although I can't be sure. If we take a look at the definition of my tic80.Spr:

func Spr(id, x, y int, options *SpriteOptions) {
    if options == nil {
        options = &defaultSpriteOptions

    transparentColorBuffer, transparentColorCount := toCBuffer(&options.transparentColors)

    rawSpr(int32(id), int32(x), int32(y), transparentColorBuffer, int8(transparentColorCount), int32(options.scale), int32(options.flip), int32(options.rotate), int32(options.width), int32(options.height))

It is simply a wrapper to the real API call. The other lines of code do the conversion work to conform to the real API call. We can ignore the tic80.SpriteOptions object for now as that just holds the data for the real API call. Looking at this line:

transparentColorBuffer, transparentColorCount := toCBuffer(&options.transparentColors)

It converts a []byte to an unsafe.Pointer and int. The reason this is necessary is because a slice (a type of the form []T, where T is an arbitrary data type) is internally not a pointer to elements in an array, but rather a dynamic, resizable array. I wrote tic80.toCBuffer as a way to get the elements directly:

func toCBuffer(goBytes *[]byte) (buffer unsafe.Pointer, count int) {
    sliceHeader := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(goBytes))
    buffer = unsafe.Pointer(sliceHeader.Data)
    // For some odd reason, tinygo considers the type of reflect.SliceHeader.Len to be uintptr,
    // instead of int. Using the builtin len function instead.
    count = len(*goBytes)

All that is left is to analyze the calling signature of the real spr API. The original:

    m3ApiGetArg      (int32_t, index)
    m3ApiGetArg      (int32_t, x)
    m3ApiGetArg      (int32_t, y)
    m3ApiGetArgMem   (u8*, trans_colors)
    m3ApiGetArg      (int8_t, colorCount)
    if (trans_colors == NULL) {
        colorCount = 0;
    m3ApiGetArg      (int32_t, scale)
    m3ApiGetArg      (int32_t, flip)
    m3ApiGetArg      (int32_t, rotate)
    m3ApiGetArg      (int32_t, w)
    m3ApiGetArg      (int32_t, h)

    tic_mem* tic = (tic_mem*)getWasmCore(runtime);

    // defaults
    if (scale == -1) { scale = 1; }
    if (flip == -1) { flip = 0; }
    if (rotate == -1) { rotate = 0; }
    if (w == -1) { w = 1; }
    if (h == -1) { h = 1; }

    tic_api_spr(tic, index, x, y, w, h, trans_colors, colorCount, scale, flip, rotate) ;


compared to mine:

func rawSpr(id, x, y int32, transparentColorBuffer unsafe.Pointer, transparentColorCount int8, scale, flip, rotate, width, height int32)

TLDR; I'm in over my head here.

joshgoebel commented 1 year ago

Can you get it working if you change the code to just pass two integer parameters and just pass zero for both of them?

joshgoebel commented 1 year ago

Next ideas:

ZishAan23 commented 1 year ago

Can anyone make an Assembly Script binding for tic 80 wasm 4 or help me pls

sorucoder commented 1 year ago

I had someone help me fix the Go binding I have been working on. It now works and should be ready to go. The repository is here.

joshgoebel commented 1 year ago

@sorucoder Looks awesome!