nesbox / TIC-80

TIC-80 is a fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games.
MIT License
4.95k stars 481 forks source link

Feedback/Suggestions from user #754

Open nesbox opened 5 years ago

nesbox commented 5 years ago Some suggestions:

1) sprite-to-sprite collision detection - It would be very helpful especially in games like bullet hells.

2) Debug mode - Probably won't happen, but it would be SUPER helpful if there was a debug mode, where you can slow down the game and see the code so you know what causes problems.

3) User Profiles - On the website, it would be cool if we could see user profiles and see what games they have made, so if you like one game that person made, you don't have to search through the list.

4) Game searching - It would be a lot easier to find games you want if you could search for games by their name, or sort them by a tag they can choose, or both!

5) A thing - kind of minor, but maybe move the default map position up a few pixels so we can see the top row.

novemberisms commented 5 years ago

regarding 1.), I don't think this is necessary at all. Is this going to be a per-pixel collision check? If so, where are you going to store that data per sprite? Also how are you going to integrate that in the editor? Will there be built-in collision masks and layers? At that point why not just make a full-blown 2d engine? It's too much change for too little gain.

Also, if it's not going to be per-pixel, then it's just AABB collision. Who doesn't know how to do AABB collisions? It's super easy and including a builtin function for that is super spoon-feeding. If someone does not know how to add collision to their game, then it would help them in their career to learn it rather than depend on a built-in function.

So I guess I'm saying I'm strongly against this.

12buntu commented 3 years ago

Also, if it's not going to be per-pixel, then it's just AABB collision. Who doesn't know how to do AABB collisions? It's super easy and including a builtin function for that is super spoon-feeding. If someone does not know how to add collision to their game, then it would help them in their career to learn it rather than depend on a built-in function.

I know this is super old, but I would argue that if it's that simple, and almost every single game uses it, why not add it in? Even though it is sort of spoon feeding there isn't anybody professionally making games on Tic-80 really, and when I was beginning collision checking was giving me a lot of problems & was quite discouraging. I think that it's a worthy addition.