nesbox / emulator

Emulator of NES, Super Nintendo, Sega Mega Drive, GameBoy video consoles
MIT License
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Can you add a mute parameter, please? #29

Open krisperry opened 8 years ago

krisperry commented 8 years ago

I know this seems obvious, but with the sound being somewhat mutated, it would make perfect sense to have a setting for mute/ no sound.

Good emulator,

one other problem i am having the game window is not the right size for the game and whats more i am losing some of the right and bottom edges of the screen.

Catarax commented 8 years ago

There is already a mute option. You can resize the html flash object by yourself else.

krisperry commented 8 years ago

Good evening Catarax, do you care to elaborate on the mute option?

i am using the provided code for embedding the object, so do you know what i would have to add and where to make it automatically muted?

Many thanks for another speedy reply!