nesbox / emulator

Emulator of NES, Super Nintendo, Sega Mega Drive, GameBoy video consoles
MIT License
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emulator wont work on site #49

Open freshy3 opened 7 years ago

freshy3 commented 7 years ago

i followed all the steps , and even looked up some other steps to try and fix my issue but still dosent work, please help me out! i can give you my code so you can see if its right and my website, its on my website but i just get a blank white screen? what do i do?

nesbox commented 7 years ago

give me url and I'll try

freshy3 commented 7 years ago is on the front page , you will see a white box, i dont know why its doing that

freshy3 commented 7 years ago

did you see the blank white box i was talking about?

freshy3 commented 7 years ago

im sorry i ment its a all black box

freshy3 commented 7 years ago

see the black box, thats where i put the code, and its not working

screen shot 2016-10-08 at 9 37 43 am

nesbox commented 7 years ago

I see an error: not found

nesbox commented 7 years ago

try to change 'work/Nesbox.swf' to 'flash/Nesbox.swf' and put Nesbox.swf to the 'flash' folder

freshy3 commented 7 years ago

its here

freshy3 commented 7 years ago

yes i did all that

nesbox commented 7 years ago

:) no, I see this on your page 'swfobject.embedSWF('work/Nesbox.swf', 'emulator', '640', '480', '11.2.0', 'flash/expressInstall.swf', flashvars, params, attributes);'

replace 'work/Nesbox.swf' with 'flash/Nesbox.swf'

freshy3 commented 7 years ago

see they are in flash folder screen shot 2016-10-08 at 9 48 23 am

nesbox commented 7 years ago

next error, the emulator doesn't support .sms roms, only .gen

freshy3 commented 7 years ago

ok i downloaed a smd rom of the game, its not working still