nesbox / emulator

Emulator of NES, Super Nintendo, Sega Mega Drive, GameBoy video consoles
MIT License
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Major issue with Firefox #53

Open igyulev opened 7 years ago

igyulev commented 7 years ago

Not sure if any other person has experienced this but our user base + myself and all my friends are unable to click "Click Here To Start The Game" link once everything is loaded. The problem has been there for about a week and when trying to debug the issue we ended up with a javascript (YEAH javascript in Flash) error: Err: unreachable code after return statement

Elskunky commented 7 years ago

I's not just firefox its chrome too. I am trying to figure out why this happens.

MikeLenn commented 7 years ago works perfectly fine on Chrome and an older versions of Firefox but not on the current version 50.1.0. Will this be fixed or is there a way in the "about:config" to get flash swfs to work again?

nesbox commented 7 years ago

Flash is dying. I don't support the project and I'm going to support only JS version in future.