neshoba78 / jpierite-fabacademy

Documentation for my Fab Academy
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My first issue #1

Closed neshoba78 closed 7 years ago

neshoba78 commented 7 years ago

communicating with the ESP8266 module. To communicate I will use the hardware serial of ATMEGA32 (pins TXD,RXD). Here is the pinout: -VCC: typical voltage is 3.3V for ESP8266, with up to 240mA consumed. I am feeding ~3.5V with the voltage divider. -RST: connected to pin PD3, active low, pull up for normal operation -CH_PD: connected to pin PD4, pull-up needed for chip enable -GPIO0: connected to PD5 pull low for updating firmware via UART, it looks like it can be left floating in normal operation, -GPIO2: connected to PD2 unused by current official firmware; modified firmware from allows controlling both GPIO0 and GPIO2 with either AT commands or commands sent via TCP/UDP, -TXD, RXD: UART, connected to TXD,RXD pins of ATMEGA32. The ESP8266 wifi module uses AT commands to function (like the ones in old modems). There are four different ways you can send a command depending on whether you want to : -Set the value of a variable : AT+=<…> -Find the value of a variable: AT+? -Test a variable with a value: AT+=? - Execute an operationg command: AT+ After playing a while with the Wifi module connected through an FTDI cable and communicating through Arduino Uno serial interface, I was ready to write the commands which the microcontroller has to send to connecto to the Internet. The implementation was straightforward and the wifi module was happy to connect to the MIT Network. In the next iteration of this board I will have the Wifi module sending data to my web application, which I learned can be done in two ways: either have the ESP8266 act as a webserver and send get requests, or have the module as a client and feed the data through a websocket.