neskweek / LightSaberOS

Operating System for Arduino based LightSaber
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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DFPlayer Behavior on LSOS 1.5 #68

Closed azsde closed 7 years ago

azsde commented 7 years ago

I am having troubles with my DFPlayer, the volume is correctly set, but it keeps looping on "Soundfont" sound and doesn't play anything.

I have tried with the old library, and it is sometimes working.

What can I do to fix this ?

DRagonenko commented 7 years ago

try the modes with the usual LEDs on newpixel it happens

azsde commented 7 years ago

I kinda figured it out, why my arduino nano is loaded with too much code (90% of the space), the whole system behaves weirdly...

I think I'll rewrite some features when I have to time so that they are cleaner and lighter

azsde commented 7 years ago

I'm sorry to re-open this issue but I'm really struggling getting this feature to work.

My arduino is 83% full and the DFPlayer is still stuck on looping "soundfont" ...

Can anyone help me ?

azsde commented 7 years ago

It was an hardware issue, switched to another dfplayer and it works fine