neslib / Neslib.Xml

Ultra Light-Weight XML Library for Delphi
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Does not support comments at the beginning of the file #9

Closed viniciusfbb closed 1 year ago

viniciusfbb commented 1 year ago

XML with comments at the beginning of the file is not supported, which is not uncommon. For example, GrijjyDeployMan cannot correctly read the Skia4Delphi .dprojs due to the comments at the beginning of the document:

luebbe commented 1 year ago

It also fails on comments between XML nodes.

neslib commented 1 year ago

@viniciusfbb I just tested this and comments at the beginning of the file work just fine. I tried this test code:

procedure TTestXmlReader.TestIssue9_CommentsAtStart;
  var Doc := TXmlDocument.Create;
  Doc.Parse('<!-- Comment at start of file -->'#10+

  var Root := Doc.Root;

  { <!-- Comment at start of file --> }
  var Comment := Root.FirstChild;
  Assert.AreEqual<TXmlNodeType>(TXmlNodeType.Comment, Comment.NodeType);
  Assert.AreEqual<XmlString>(' Comment at start of file ', Comment.Value);

  { <element> }
  var Element := Comment.NextSibling;
  Assert.AreEqual<TXmlNodeType>(TXmlNodeType.Element, Element.NodeType);
  Assert.AreEqual<XmlString>('element', Element.Value);

Note that IXmlDocument has both a Root and DocumentElement property. Look at the documentation of these properties for information on their differences.

The Root property is like a virtual root. In this case, it has two children: the comment at the start of the file, and the <element> element. The DocumentElement property would return the <element> element

Can you confirm if this works with the code you are using?

@luebbe In my testing, comments between XML elements works. Are you referring to the bug you mentioned in your pull request ( I just pushed a fixed for that.

viniciusfbb commented 1 year ago

@neslib I didn't debug it, but when I run GrijjyDeployMan in dprojs with comments at the beginning, like the one I sent, which is the same as the print below:


After saving, the following dproj is generated:


But when I run the same dproj without that comment, it works fine.

I posted the issue here because by logic it must be some limitation of Neslib.Xml.

neslib commented 1 year ago

That's not a Neslib.Xml limitation, but probably a bug in DeployMan. I'll look into that.

viniciusfbb commented 1 year ago

Ok. Thanks!

erikvanbilsen commented 1 year ago

@viniciusfbb The actual error was inside the TXmlDocument.Save method, so I fixed that. I also updated the Neslib.Xml submodule inside the deployment manager, so you should update your local submodule of that repo as well.

luebbe commented 1 year ago

@luebbe In my testing, comments between XML elements works. Are you referring to the bug you mentioned in your pull request (#8)? I just pushed a fixed for that.

Yes, that is the problem that I mentionend in pr #8. Thanks for the fix. I'll test it asap.