nespinoza / juliet

A versatile modelling tool for transiting and non-transiting (single and multiple) exoplanetary systems
MIT License
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Eclipse fit and joint eclipse-transit fit #73

Closed Jayshil closed 2 years ago

Jayshil commented 2 years ago

With this pull request, juliet will now be able to fit an eclipse as well as jointly fitting an eclipse and a transit signal in a given dataset. juliet will identify which type of fitting to be done on the dataset by looking at the provided priors. If the user wants to fit only eclipse model to the given dataset, the user needs to provide two new planetary priors: fp_p1 (or, fp_p2 and so on) for eclipse depth (in absolute units) and ac_p1 (or, ac_p2, and so on) for correcting light travel time across the orbit. In the case of only eclipse fitting, the user doesn't have to provide limb darkening coefficients (otherwise, juliet will think that the user wants to fit eclipse and transit simultaneously -- see below).

Now, to perform a joint eclipse-transit fit, the user needs to provide priors to the limb darkening coefficients in addition to two above mentioned priors.

Hope this helps!