nespinoza / juliet

A versatile modelling tool for transiting and non-transiting (single and multiple) exoplanetary systems
MIT License
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Grazing transit issue #83

Closed angelicaps closed 1 year ago

angelicaps commented 1 year ago

I am analyzing some new detections with Juliet and one of them is in grazing transit. As a result the depth and impact parameter are correlated and they look kind of bimodal . I tried to use the mode instead of median or mean for the calculation but it doesn't really pick the peak because of the bin number. I tried to increase the bin number but from e.g 40 to 50 bins the results are very different. Using the mode I also have trouble getting uncertainties since the lower and max will be under or over estimated. Did you ever deal with something like that? In that case what is the best way to get uncertainties?

Thank you a lot!

nespinoza commented 1 year ago

Hi @angelicaps --- coming late to this issue, very sorry. Basic reason is that this isn't an issue with juliet, but a general question about handling priors. In my experience, using statistics that work well on unimodal distributions (mean, mode, median) on each individual mode works best.

Closing this (as it's not an issue)!
