@order = {
:id => "somestringid",
:user_id => "someotherstringid",
:amount => 19.99,
:metadata => [
:type => :shipping_data,
:address => "line 1 of address, line 2 of address, city, state, pincode"
:type => :payment,
:stripe_customer_id => "somestringid",
:stripe_card_id => "someotherstringid"
:type => :contact,
:email => "someone@example.com",
:phone => "1231231231"
# the "metadata" is a list of objects.
# There can be 0, 1 or more metadata objects.
# each metadata object has a different structure.
# the only common key for all metadata objects is the "type" key.
Note: I have simplified the hash to make this question easier to write out.
I want to be able to render this hash to json using rabl but cannot figure out how.
The json that I want to render should be as below
Note: I am using OpenStruct.new(@order) to convert my hash to an object. So in my controller, I call
render_with(OpenStruct.new(@object), default_template: :show) to create my json response.
I have the following hash in my controller.
Note: I have simplified the hash to make this question easier to write out.
I want to be able to render this hash to json using rabl but cannot figure out how. The json that I want to render should be as below