nesror / SmartHouse

A HomeAssistant third-party app that uses Flutter as its UI rendering. Faster startup and friendlier operation.
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About positioning #3

Open nesror opened 1 year ago

nesror commented 1 year ago

About location:

  1. Check whether the gps positioning permission is always allowed and the phone is turned off.
  2. Check whether the front desk service is killed (whether there is a notification that the service is running). [Android]: Note that keepalive or enable notification information service helps to improve the keepalive (do not want to use the application that can choose no notification), after enabling the system can turn off the notification of the foreground service in the app Settings (do not want to have more than one resident notification).
  3. The minimum positioning accuracy is adjusted higher, and the intensity accuracy of high-speed movement and in-car/indoor mobile phone gps models will be reduced.
  4. If you still need a spot after connecting to WiFi, please turn it off. [Turn off background positioning when connecting to wifi]

关于定位: 1.检查是定位权限是否为始终允许,手机是否关闭的gps定位。 2.检查前台服务是否被杀了(是否有服务运行的通知)。[Android]:注意保活或者开启通知信息服务有助于提高保活(不想用可用选择没有通知的应用),开启后可以在系统的app设置里关闭前台服务的通知(不想多一条常驻通知的话)。 3.最低定位精度调高一点,高速运动和车内/室内手机gps型号强度精度会降低. 4.连接WiFi后仍需要点位的话请关闭【wifi连接时关闭后台定位】 05fd076a0a9eb710b3d8f883cba59b1