Open aays opened 4 years ago
Also - for reference - here's the snippet of code I used when doing this to look at LD decay in C. reinhardtii:
fnames <- dir_ls(regexp = 'chromosome_[0-9]{1,2}\\.csv')
weir_hill <- function(fname) {
chrname <- str_extract(fname, 'chromosome_[0-9]{1,2}')
outname <- paste0(chrname, '_fit.csv')
equation <- '((10 + p*d)/(22 + (13*p*d) + (p*d)^2))*(1 + (((3 + (p*d))/(24*(22 + (13*p*d) +\
(p*d)^2))) * (12 + (12*p*d) + (p*d)^2)))' %>%
str_replace(., '\\n', '') %>%
str_replace(' {2,}', '')
d <- read_csv(fname, col_types = cols()) %>%
mutate(d = abs(pos2 - pos1)) %>%
select(d, r2)
predicted_decay <- nls(
paste('r2', '~', equation),
data = d, control = list(maxiter = 500), start = list(p = 0.5)
) %>%
predict() %>%
colnames(predicted_decay) <- 'r2'
predicted_decay$d <- d$d
predicted_decay %<>%
group_by(d) %>%
summarise(r2 = mean(r2)) %>%
arrange(d) %>%
mutate(chrom = chrname) %>%
select(chrom, d, r2)
write_csv(predicted_decay, outname)
fnames %>%
walk(~ weir_hill(.))
From here
Another idea from lab meeting. Could be a lot faster than full LDhelmet runs when all we really care about is the genome-wide recombination rate, although if we adopt this it'll probably be a good idea to do a few test runs with both to assess concordance.
Paper in question - see bottom of Appendix 2