nest / nest-simulator

The NEST simulator
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Suggestion to improve nest.SetKernelStatus() and nest.GetKernelStatus() documentation #1350

Closed morales-gregorio closed 4 years ago

morales-gregorio commented 5 years ago

Hello hello!

@rgutzen and I are working on a NEST simulation code class for Networkunit and stumbled across some problems with the Nest kernel parameters.

We wanted to manage the setting of the kernel parameters in a general way such that Networkunit users can use a standardized simulation parameter dictionary instead of writing all the code themselves. While trying to implement this, I found it difficult to find which are all the Kernel parameters and what is their function in the documentation.

Here I describe the process I went through to try to figure out which keywords are accepted for nest.SetKernelStatus() (Just skip to the end to see the suggestion/conclusion)

So I thought that retrieving them would be a good idea (in pynest):

>>> import nest
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> nest.ResetKernel()
>>> params = nest.GetKernelStatus()
>>> pprint(params)
{'T_max': 1152921504606846.8,
 'T_min': -1152921504606846.8,
 'adaptive_spike_buffers': True,
 'adaptive_target_buffers': True,
 'buffer_size_secondary_events': 0,
 'buffer_size_spike_data': 2,
 'buffer_size_target_data': 2,
 'data_path': '',
 'data_prefix': '',
 'dict_miss_is_error': True,
 'grng_seed': 0,
 'growth_factor_buffer_spike_data': 1.5,
 'growth_factor_buffer_target_data': 1.5,
 'keep_source_table': True,
 'local_num_threads': 1,
 'local_spike_counter': 0,
 'max_buffer_size_spike_data': 8388608,
 'max_buffer_size_target_data': 16777216,
 'max_delay': 0.1,
 'max_num_syn_models': 512,
 'min_delay': 0.1,
 'ms_per_tic': 0.001,
 'network_size': 1,
 'num_connections': 0,
 'num_processes': 1,
 'off_grid_spiking': False,
 'overwrite_files': False,
 'print_time': False,
 'resolution': 0.1,
 'rng_seeds': (1,),
 'sort_connections_by_source': True,
 'structural_plasticity_synapses': {},
 'structural_plasticity_update_interval': 1000,
 'tics_per_ms': 1000.0,
 'tics_per_step': 100,
 'time': 0.0,
 'time_collocate': 0.0,
 'time_communicate': 0.0,
 'to_do': 0,
 'total_num_virtual_procs': 1,
 'use_wfr': True,
 'wfr_comm_interval': 1.0,
 'wfr_interpolation_order': 3,
 'wfr_max_iterations': 15,
 'wfr_tol': 0.0001}

We found there what seems to be the full set of kernel parameters. I thought we could use this as a template for setting the parameters, but it soon turned out to be a bad idea:

>>> nest.SetKernelStatus(params)

Nov 27 13:46:25 SetStatus [Error]: 
    Variable data_path not set: Directory '' does not exist.

Nov 27 13:46:25 ModelManager::clear_models_ [Info]: 
    Models will be cleared and parameters reset.

Nov 27 13:46:25 Network::create_rngs_ [Info]: 
    Deleting existing random number generators

Nov 27 13:46:25 Network::create_rngs_ [Info]: 
    Creating default RNGs

Nov 27 13:46:25 Network::create_grng_ [Info]: 
    Creating new default global RNG

Nov 27 13:46:25 ModelManager::clear_models_ [Info]: 
    Models will be cleared and parameters reset.

Nov 27 13:46:25 Network::create_rngs_ [Info]: 
    Deleting existing random number generators

Nov 27 13:46:25 Network::create_rngs_ [Info]: 
    Creating default RNGs

Nov 27 13:46:25 Network::create_grng_ [Info]: 
    Creating new default global RNG

Nov 27 13:46:25 SimulationManager::set_status [Info]: 
    tics per ms and resolution changed.

Nov 27 13:46:25 SimulationManager::set_status [Info]: 
    Waveform communication interval changed successfully. 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/morales/anaconda2/envs/newt/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nest/", line 246, in stack_checker_func
    return f(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/morales/anaconda2/envs/newt/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nest/lib/", line 243, in SetKernelStatus
  File "/home/morales/anaconda2/envs/newt/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nest/", line 132, in catching_sli_run
    raise exceptionCls(commandname, message)
nest.ll_api.DictError: ('DictError in SetStatus_id: Unused dictionary items:  T_max T_min tics_per_step time_collocate time_communicate to_do', 'DictError', <SLILiteral: SetStatus_id>, ': Unused dictionary items:  T_max T_min tics_per_step time_collocate time_communicate to_do')

As @AlexVanMeegen pointed out, some of this parameters probably depend on each other and therefore cannot be set by the user. As a last check I decided to drop the parameters mentioned in the error message:

>>> [params.pop(item) for item in ['T_max', 'T_min', 'tics_per_step', 'time_collocate', 'time_communicate', 'to_do']]
>>> pprint(params)
{'adaptive_spike_buffers': True,
 'adaptive_target_buffers': True,
 'buffer_size_secondary_events': 0,
 'buffer_size_spike_data': 2,
 'buffer_size_target_data': 2,
 'data_path': '',
 'data_prefix': '',
 'dict_miss_is_error': True,
 'grng_seed': 0,
 'growth_factor_buffer_spike_data': 1.5,
 'growth_factor_buffer_target_data': 1.5,
 'keep_source_table': True,
 'local_num_threads': 1,
 'local_spike_counter': 0,
 'max_buffer_size_spike_data': 8388608,
 'max_buffer_size_target_data': 16777216,
 'max_delay': 0.1,
 'max_num_syn_models': 512,
 'min_delay': 0.1,
 'ms_per_tic': 0.001,
 'network_size': 1,
 'num_connections': 0,
 'num_processes': 1,
 'off_grid_spiking': False,
 'overwrite_files': False,
 'print_time': False,
 'resolution': 0.1,
 'rng_seeds': (1,),
 'sort_connections_by_source': True,
 'structural_plasticity_synapses': {},
 'structural_plasticity_update_interval': 1000,
 'tics_per_ms': 1000.0,
 'time': 0.0,
 'total_num_virtual_procs': 1,
 'use_wfr': True,
 'wfr_comm_interval': 1.0,
 'wfr_interpolation_order': 3,
 'wfr_max_iterations': 15,
 'wfr_tol': 0.0001}

But this also did not really solve the problem, since there seems to still be some dependencies among the parameters.

>>> nest.SetKernelStatus(params)

Nov 27 13:54:35 SetStatus [Error]: 
    Variable data_path not set: Directory '' does not exist.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/morales/anaconda2/envs/newt/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nest/", line 246, in stack_checker_func
    return f(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/morales/anaconda2/envs/newt/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nest/lib/", line 243, in SetKernelStatus
  File "/home/morales/anaconda2/envs/newt/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nest/", line 132, in catching_sli_run
    raise exceptionCls(commandname, message)
nest.ll_api.: ('Delay extrema have been set: Thread/process number cannot be changed. in SetStatus_id: ', 'Delay extrema have been set: Thread/process number cannot be changed.', <SLILiteral: SetStatus_id>, ': ')

I thought that probably this did not work because I had not reset the kernel and indeed:

>>> nest.ResetKernel()

Nov 27 13:55:37 ModelManager::clear_models_ [Info]: 
    Models will be cleared and parameters reset.

Nov 27 13:55:37 Network::create_rngs_ [Info]: 
    Deleting existing random number generators

Nov 27 13:55:37 Network::create_rngs_ [Info]: 
    Creating default RNGs

Nov 27 13:55:37 Network::create_grng_ [Info]: 
    Creating new default global RNG
>>> nest.SetKernelStatus(params)

Nov 27 13:55:39 SetStatus [Error]: 
    Variable data_path not set: Directory '' does not exist.

Nov 27 13:55:39 ModelManager::clear_models_ [Info]: 
    Models will be cleared and parameters reset.

Nov 27 13:55:39 Network::create_rngs_ [Info]: 
    Deleting existing random number generators

Nov 27 13:55:39 Network::create_rngs_ [Info]: 
    Creating default RNGs

Nov 27 13:55:39 Network::create_grng_ [Info]: 
    Creating new default global RNG

Nov 27 13:55:39 ModelManager::clear_models_ [Info]: 
    Models will be cleared and parameters reset.

Nov 27 13:55:39 Network::create_rngs_ [Info]: 
    Deleting existing random number generators

Nov 27 13:55:39 Network::create_rngs_ [Info]: 
    Creating default RNGs

Nov 27 13:55:39 Network::create_grng_ [Info]: 
    Creating new default global RNG

Nov 27 13:55:39 SimulationManager::set_status [Info]: 
    tics per ms and resolution changed.

Nov 27 13:55:39 SimulationManager::set_status [Info]: 
    Waveform communication interval changed successfully. 

All in all, I am still not sure if ['T_max', 'T_min', 'tics_per_step', 'time_collocate', 'time_communicate', 'to_do'] are the only parameters that depend on the others, or if there is another reason for them to raise an error when trying to set them.


Right now the documentation of nest.SetKernelStatus() and nest.GetKernelStatus() are unfortunately not very informative.

>>> print(nest.SetKernelStatus.__doc__)
Set parameters for the simulation kernel.

    params : dict
        Dictionary of parameters to set.

    See Also

>>> print(nest.GetKernelStatus.__doc__)
Obtain parameters of the simulation kernel.

    keys : str or list, optional
        Single parameter name or ``list`` of parameter names

        Parameter dictionary, if called without argument
        Single parameter value, if called with single parameter name
        List of parameter values, if called with list of parameter names

        If `keys` are of the wrong type.

    See Also


I think that a list of the possible keys and a very brief description of what they are (in the docstring) would help the users a lot (specially the newer ones like myself). It would also help if the types and inter-dependencies between these parameters are also stated in the description.

Thanks for reading!

jougs commented 4 years ago

The first part of this issue is basically a duplicate of #248. The cause of the problem is not so much dependencies between parameters, but rather that some of the parameters in the kernel/node/connection status dictionaries are read-only and using them in a call to Set{Kernel}Status will rightfully fail.

The proper solution to the problem would be to tag each entry as read-only or read-write, so they could easily be filtered out. However, this is pretty hard:

There are two basic workarounds:

Now to the second part: the kernel properties are documented. It's just that the documentation is pretty hidden:"kernel")

I'm happily reviewing a pull request adding this information to the docstrings you mentioned!

morales-gregorio commented 4 years ago

On it!