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Minor, badge rendering with README file #132

Open fakoua opened 4 years ago

fakoua commented 4 years ago

The readme file renders the badges in the same line with github, while nest renders the badge in two separate lines, minor but fixing it would be great. Thanks

t8 commented 4 years ago

@fakoua thanks for letting us know. Could you attach a link and/or a screenshot so we can see what is happening?

fakoua commented 4 years ago

@fakoua thanks for letting us know. Could you attach a link and/or a screenshot so we can see what is happening?

For example: and

Please check how the badge are rendered.


t8 commented 4 years ago

I see. This is very interesting. If you visit Opine's module page, this does not occur. As a workaround, try formatting your README badges like Craig Morten does here:

Note: Craig uses HTML elements instead of markdown.

Let me know if this helps fix your problem!

fakoua commented 4 years ago

Hi @tbaumer22 , It is fine for Opine, but my concern is not a specific package, we need consistency between github and nest.

t8 commented 4 years ago

Yes, you're right. I completely agree. We'll investigate a solution to this problem when we can. Until then, feel free to use Craig Morten's method above!

Thanks again for reporting this.

maximousblk commented 4 years ago

seems to be a problem with vue-markdown. it adds a <br> tag after each image.


balupton commented 4 years ago

You can use for maintaining the readme badges via <!-- BADGES --> inside the readme, it uses package.json:badges and other information from inside package.json to populate them.

t8 commented 4 years ago

I'm afraid that our issue here has to do with the way the badges are displayed on the site and not the badge files themselves.

@MartonDev is this something that can be fixed with your experimental vue-markdown in development?