nestjsx / crud

NestJs CRUD for RESTful APIs
MIT License
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Added class transform options #811

Closed xTCry closed 1 year ago

xTCry commented 1 year ago

PR Checklist

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PR Type

What kind of change does this PR introduce?

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Issue Number: N/A

What is the new behavior?

Added the possibility of optional transformation of classes for entities

Does this PR introduce a breaking change?

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xTCry commented 1 year ago

Example usage This allows to get and update only the available fields by user role.


  model: { type: User },
  query: {
    join: {
      balances: { eager: true },
    softDelete: true,
  routes: {
    only: ['getOneBase', 'getManyBase', 'updateOneBase', 'replaceOneBase'],
    getOneBase: {
      decorators: [
        AllowedRoles(UserRole.ADMIN, UserRole.DEFAULT),
    getManyBase: {
      decorators: [
        AllowedRoles(UserRole.ADMIN, UserRole.DEFAULT),
    updateOneBase: {
      returnShallow: true,
      decorators: [AllowedRoles(UserRole.ADMIN)],
    replaceOneBase: {
      returnShallow: true,
      decorators: [AllowedRoles(UserRole.ADMIN)],
  validation: {
    transform: true,
    transformOptions: {
      groups: [FOR_ALL],
  property: 'user',
  groups: (user: User) => user.role,
export class UserController implements CrudController<User> {
    public readonly service: UserService,
  ) {}


import { Exclude, Expose, plainToClass } from 'class-transformer';
import {
} from 'typeorm';
import { UserRole, FOR_ALL } from '@my-common';
import { DefaultTransform } from '@my-common/decorator';

import { UserBalance } from './user-balance.entity';

export class User {
  public id: number;

  @Expose({ groups: [FOR_ALL, UserRole.ADMIN] })
  @Column({ type: 'character varying', length: 32, nullable: true })
  public username: string | null;

  @Expose({ groups: [FOR_ALL, UserRole.ADMIN] })
  @Column({ type: 'character varying', nullable: true })
  public fullname: string | null;

  @Column({ type: 'enum', enum: UserRole, default: UserRole.DEFAULT })
  @DefaultTransform(UserRole.DEFAULT, { toClassOnly: true })
  public role: UserRole;

  @Expose({ groups: [FOR_ALL, UserRole.ADMIN] })
  @Column({ type: 'character varying', nullable: true })
  @DefaultTransform(null, { toClassOnly: true })
  public notes: string;

  @Expose({ groups: [FOR_ALL, UserRole.ADMIN] })
  @OneToMany(() => UserBalance, (balance) => balance.user)
  public balances: UserBalance[];

  public createdAt: Date;

  public updatedAt: Date;

  constructor(input?: Partial<User>) {
    if (input) {
      Object.assign(this, plainToClass(User, input, { groups: [FOR_ALL] }));