nestjsx / nestjs-typeorm-paginate

:page_with_curl: Pagination response object function + types for typeorm + nestjs
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How to use paginate function with custom option parameters #797

Open ghost opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

I want to be able to use function paginate, but being able to remain my current filters query params.

For instance, I have the following endpoint:

  async index(
    @Query('page', new DefaultValuePipe(1), ParseIntPipe) page: number = 1,
    @Query('limit', new DefaultValuePipe(10), ParseIntPipe) limit: number = 10,
    @Query('type') type: string,
  ): Promise<Pagination<Pokemons>> {
    limit = limit > 100 ? 100 : limit;
    return this.pokemonService.paginate({
      route: 'http://localhost:3000/pokemons',

As you can see, I have added the option type over there... But I cannot see this reflected on the links object when browsing in the api.

  "links": {
    "first": "http://localhost:3000/pokemons?limit=10",
    "previous": "",
    "next": "http://localhost:3000/pokemons?page=2&limit=10",
    "last": "http://localhost:3000/pokemons?page=7&limit=10"

I would like to see it for example when applying the query params of type=fire: "next": "http://localhost:3000/pokemons?page=2&limit=10&type=fire",

interface IOptions extends IPaginationOptions {
  type: string
  async paginate(options: IOptions): Promise<Pagination<Pokemons>> {
    const queryBuilder = this.repo
    if (options.type) {
      queryBuilder.where("(type_1 = :type OR type_2 = :type)", { type: options.type })

    return paginate<Pokemons>(queryBuilder, options);

What am I doing wrong here?

bashleigh commented 6 months ago

I see what you're trying to do. The links should really be added to the transform meta method so you can customise the links. For now you can do this manually but I'll look at add this in as a feature