nestordedios / bolt-searchable-content-extension

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Contenttypes give unclear error on saving when the extension is not configured properly #1

Open ankedsgn opened 5 years ago

ankedsgn commented 5 years ago

Hai hai!

1st of all, thanks for the extension. Very handy, should actually be somehow a part of the Bolt core, since it adds a logical functionality to the blocks that are in Bolt core.

The issue:

It causes and error when you have used a field in the config file that the extension cannot deal with. For instance: Image field / select field.

What happens:

Unclear error when saving the contenttype: Page could not be saved. Notice: Array to string conversion

What would be a better solution:

An error somewhere saying: You have an error in the config of the searchable content extension, line X or something helpful like that.

Thank you!

ankedsgn commented 5 years ago

-> additional screenshot, you can never have too much clarity - ;) screenshot 2018-12-27 at 16 07 58