nestorsalceda / mamba

The definitive testing tool for Python. Born under the banner of Behavior Driven Development (BDD).
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Global before.each #79

Open raindrift opened 8 years ago

raindrift commented 8 years ago

It'd be wonderful to be able to define a before.each for the entire suite. This would allow things like ensuring that the database is always cleared between examples. As it is, I have to do the global test setup once per file.

With RSpec, which seems to be what mamba is modeled on, you can put before(:each) and before(:all) in the global rspec configuration.

nestorsalceda commented 8 years ago

Hey @raindrift!

Mamba provides a before.all hook on every suite. Do you refer to all suites or with this hook is enough?


raindrift commented 8 years ago

I know about the hooks. What I'm wondering is, can I have a before.all or a before.each on the entire test suite?

For example, let's say I have a spec/ directory with six spec files. Right now, I'm doing the following in each file:

from spec.helper import *
from myproject import mymodule

with description('mymodule'):
    with before.each:

Then, spec.helper implements a setup() function that sets up a connection to my test database, clears the db, etc.

I'd love to remove that chunk of boilerplate from all my tests, though. It'd be great if there was some global configuration where I could specify these things. It'd make the test files cleaner, and reduce the chance that I'll forget to call it.

jes5e commented 6 years ago


nestorsalceda commented 6 years ago

Oookey, I see :)

It's something like before/after hooks in configuration, like RSpec ones:

And when we have tagging support, i thing this idea would be useful too:

Thanks for the idea, I would consider it for 1.0 release :)

MatthewRalston commented 6 years ago

Thanks for considering this @nestorsalceda

danilito19 commented 4 years ago

@nestorsalceda will this feature be added anytime soon? Considering migrating from pytest > mamba, but having a global fixture (defining it only once) that runs for every single "it" block in my entire testing directory is essential.

nestorsalceda commented 4 years ago

Yes, I think is easy to implement. I have some doubts about how to share state between the specs, but I think it can be done easily.

I'm going to target it to next week release :)