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🔄 [Documentation] Clarify on Browser Compatibility plus Support for Non-Chromium Browsers #49

Open kevin-wijnen opened 1 month ago

kevin-wijnen commented 1 month ago

General topic

On the website and the, there's a clear mention of the project being very compatible with Chrome-based browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Brave etc.

Question / Discussion

Is there any list of incompatibilities available for other well-known browsers such as Firefox or Safari, for developers to reference and potentially fix it down the line? I think it would be a useful resource for both gamers/end users and developers/contributors to the project to help increase the compatibility and usefulness of the browser.

By the way, I would suggest saying "Chromium"-based browsers instead of "Chrome"-based browsers, as the base of the Chrome browser is actually Chromium (with it being a separate browser as well).

wanjohiryan commented 1 month ago

Hey @kevin-wijnen

Thank you for bringing up an important point regarding browser compatibility and the terminology we use in our documentation.

As of now, we primarily support Chromium-based browsers (such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Brave, etc.) due to their comprehensive support for certain web technologies essential to our project. Specifically, here are the compatibility challenges we face with other popular browsers:

  1. Firefox: Unfortunately, Firefox does not support WebCodecs, which is critical for decoding audio and video on the client side in our application.
  2. Safari: While Safari has limited support for WebCodecs, it lacks support for WebTransport altogether. We use WebTransport as a more efficient alternative to WebRTC and WebSocket for our needs.

We acknowledge the value in making our project as compatible as possible with a wider range of browsers and will update our README to clearly explain these compatibility issues.

And thank you for the correction regarding "Chromium"-based browsers - I did not know that :)

Mike-FreeAI commented 1 month ago

@wanjohiryan i signed up

SomeSalmon commented 1 month ago

It sounds like firefox does support webcodecs via an experimental flag - - would this allow functionality in firefox or would there be other considerations preventing firefox from being viable?

ehfd commented 4 weeks ago

No keyboard lock in Firefox is also something immediately that comes out of my mind.