net-art-uchicago / cta-file-sharing

a collaborative artware project by Media Art and Design students at the University of Chicago.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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API Requests Structure [WIP] #14

Open shayna-k opened 1 year ago

shayna-k commented 1 year ago

General ideas for the requests we will handle:


1. Get all poems

endpoint URL: /api/poems description: Get all poems,

request optional URL parameters

param description example
author the author of a poem nick
loc GPS coordinates 41.78868316205326, -87.59874232864101
radius distance from "loc" in meters 20
route the CTA bus route number 172

an example of a request with specifc params set might be:


the request above will return an array of poem objects written by "nick", 20 meters around the given GPS coordinates (121.121029, 23.1029381208)

response returns an Array of poem objects which look like the following:

  datetime: 1668544391012, // number, unicode timestamp
  location: [41.78868316205326, -87.59874232864101], // Array of GPS coordinates
  text: "an example poem", // string
  author: "Bobby Bob", // string,
  route: 172 // number, a bus route


1. Post poem

endpoint URL: /api/add-poem description: Post a poem to the database

request needs to contain a JSON object for a poem in the POST request which looks like:

  datetime: 1668544391012, // number, unicode timestamp
  location: [41.78868316205326, -87.59874232864101], // Array of GPS coordinates
  text: "an example poem", // string
  author: "Bobby Bob", // string,
  route: 172 // number, a bus route

response if everything went smoothly on the backend

  success: true

if there was an issue, the API will return an error

  success: false,
  error: "an error message"
bermanisaac commented 1 year ago

@shayna-k Could we also add a request to get poems from a certain route or a certain bus number? That should be pretty similar to requests already included, but might be nice to have this functionality as well. I've also sent a comment to the database team to ask about storing this info as well.

I really like the idea that we could send users poems written on the same physical bus they are riding, even if those poems were written when that bus was serving a different route. The CTA API provides us with unique bus numbers that we should be able to track and associate with a poem.

shayna-k commented 1 year ago

@bermanisaac this sounds good! Updated the issue with a placeholder note to be edited later based on how the data will be stored