net-lisias-ksp / DistantObject

Distant Object Enhancement (DOE) is a visual enhancement mod that makes objects realistically visible over large distances.
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Hundreds of errors in KSP.log #34

Closed Clayell closed 1 year ago

Clayell commented 1 year ago

Is it normal to have this many errors in my KSP.log for distant object enhancement? I'm doing a RP-1 playthrough, and it seems like most of these errors are related to RO engines.

just some of the many errors

Lisias commented 1 year ago

Hi, @Clayell !

Ideally these ERRORS should not be there, they mean that the MeshEngine was not able to find the mesh for the part and, so, that part will not be rendered by Distant Object.

Other than having empty spaces scattered on the affected vessels, no harm is done.

As a matter of fact, I don't even know to what add'on these parts belong, I'm completely in the dark about them.

If you could explain to me from what Add'On these parts belongs, I can try to inspect them and perhaps learn where to find their meshes! This will add support on DOE for them, and so not only the ERRORs would vanish from your KSP.log, as these parts will be correctly rendered too!

Clayell commented 1 year ago

I believe these are either RO Engine parts or something with Real Fuel. Glad to see that the errors aren't harmful to FPS or anything in the mean time.

If you could explain to me from what Add'On these parts belongs, I can try to inspect them and perhaps learn where to find their meshes! This will add support on DOE for them, and so not only the ERRORs would vanish from your KSP.log, as these parts will be correctly rendered too!

Lisias commented 1 year ago

On a after thought… I think the message should be changed to a Warning instead…

I'm flagging this issue as a Task to remember doing it that on the next release!