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Unexplained drop in Snowflake client polls and bandwidth, testers wanted #131

Open wkrp opened 2 years ago

wkrp commented 2 years ago

Since the beginning of protests and shutdowns in Iran, we have been applying numerous performance optimizations to the Snowflake bridge. As a result, peak bandwidth has risen from 1 Gbps to 4 Gbps and the estimated number of simultaneous users has grown from 20,000 to 100,000. But about two days ago, at 2022-10-04 17:15, usage dropped suddenly and drastically. Likely related, users reported failed Snowflake connection from Iran starting 2022-10-05. We have been investigating, but the exact cause is not clear. We would like help, especially logs from failed Snowflake connections.

You can see the sudden drop in client polls at the Snowflake broker:

Client polls by NAT time

It was accompanied by a simultaneous drop in bandwidth at the bridge:

snowflake-01 bandwidth on eno1

The most likely explanation for a pattern like this is censorship of the broker, probably in Iran. Clients cannot reach the broker, therefore they do not get proxy service, therefore they do not use bridge bandwidth. But the evidence is somewhat ambiguous, and anyway we need to understand how the broker is being blocked, if indeed that is what's happening.

Some of the evidence:

There are various possible explanations. For example, connectivity to the broker domain front may be blocked only for certain TLS fingerprints. Perhaps OONI coverage is lacking in the networks most affected. For this we would like help.

How you can help

wkrp commented 2 years ago

Custom snowflake bridge lines to test. Custom snowflake bridge lines do not yet work in Orbot.

EDIT 2022-10-07: Removed the QR codes as they do not work in Orbot.

quartermarsh commented 2 years ago

Other things to test:

Would you like standalone hosts to try this with that url, ampcache, and front parameters in the torrc file at ~snowflake/client/torrc - then attach verbose logs here?

wkrp commented 2 years ago

Would you like standalone hosts to try this with that url, ampcache, and front parameters in the torrc file at ~snowflake/client/torrc - then attach verbose logs here?

Yes, you can also test these settings from the command line using tor -f torrc and a torrc file like one of the following:

UseBridges 1
DataDirectory datadir
SocksPort auto
ClientTransportPlugin snowflake exec ./client -log snowflake.log
Bridge snowflake 2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72 fingerprint=2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72 url=,,,,,,,,,,,
UseBridges 1
DataDirectory datadir
SocksPort auto
ClientTransportPlugin snowflake exec ./client -log snowflake.log
Bridge snowflake 2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72 fingerprint=2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72 url= ampcache=,,,,,,,,,,,

We are mainly interested in logs from connection failures. Then we may want to do some follow-up to see if there are changes we can apply to make the connection succeed.

quartermarsh commented 2 years ago

Excellent. I’ll give it a whirl and report back (probably tomorrow, it’s late here now).

Just to add for now: with the default torrc file traffic relayed and hourly connection metrics seem to be picking up with no connection errors/failures in the log since the bridge was rebooted at 2022-10-06 19:48:48. Also, probetest is reporting unrestricted NAT more frequently.

SaSyda commented 2 years ago

ok, the thing is i've been using tor in the first days of outage, but for certain reasons, been using other solution for the days since. As i saw ur post last night, decided to help out and started things up, first thing i realised, i could connect from my pc but not my mac laptop, but on a second thought i'm using tor browser on windows and orbot on mac. so i downloaded tor browser on mac os and wow! it's connecting with superspeeds, so, my conclusion, it's not actually a problem of ur systems, but the fact that people are mainly using orbot, and whatever thing they've done to stop us, is related to that app and the streams its using and going through. actually i'm more confident about my assumption, cuz i've suggested orbot to many people as it runs on mobile devices and clearly most users in iran use a phone to get to websites like instagram or certain messengers. And computer celebs over twitter and other places, been suggesting that app as well.

And i assume, as I can connect to the free internet, my log is no use to u, but still, tell me if u need me to send it as i could successfully go through ur tutorial.

and in my next experiments, i'll be using cellular connection, as it has been way heavier censored and the so called "national internet" which is an actual intranet with measures to limit connection to foreign servers and computers, is mainly implemented on OTG internet connections.

wkrp commented 2 years ago

@SaSyda thank you for your helpful feedback. Let me summarize to see if I understand correctly.

operating system client software bridge result
Windows Tor Browser for desktop ? works
macOS Orbot ? doesn't work
macOS Tor Browser for desktop ? works

My question: did you use bridges (pluggable transports) in the tests? Were you using Snowflake, or did it connect easily without configuring a bridge? If using Snowflake, did you use one of the custom bridge lines from, or the default?

I want to know if macOS+Orbot fails with every bridge line (default, snowflake/azure, snowflake/ampcache), or if it works with one of them. The difference could be important in learning what blocking technique is used.

If you have failed logs from the macOS+Orbot case, those are possibly useful. You can attach the logs here or email to

SaSyda commented 2 years ago

first off, ure welcome, it is thanks to people like u that we have a chance. Secondly, yes, u got it right, and i have to insist all my tests are on home adsl connection, and the more exact listing of outcomes are as follows.

on iOS: no bridge, obfs4, snowflake and AMP dont work, all giving bootstrapped 10% as u mentioned above and general socks server failure. for the custom bridge u provided I receive: there is no configured transport called snowflake. p.s. when i scan the qr code, it gives me the error of qr code could not be decoded! are u sure u scanned...

on Android: likewise no bridge, obs4, snowflake and AMP dont work, all giving these lines, and nothing more: updating settings in Tor service Updating torrc custom configuration… Orbot is starting… Connected to tor control port Added control port event handler and for the custom bridge provided, i concludes with: NOTICE: Application request when we haven't used client functionality lately. Optimistically trying known bridges again.

and on windows and macOS, the only working protocol for tor browser, is by using snowflake or custom bridges provided elsewhere, and not even the meek-azure.

I dont have the means to give u more detailed feedback from android as i'm not an expert in using android debuggers and tools like wireshark, but if there's any other way to help, keep me posted. and about the macOS+orbot, i'm not sure how to generate and copy the failed logs. in case u could give me a stepped tutorial like u just did, for setup of advanced logging on orbot i'll sure do it.

As followed, I uploaded my whole snowflake-client file, from this morning that i setup the current advanced logging mode. For the record, my last try in this log file was done using the custom bridge u provided up there.

sorry if i misunderstood any step or question of urs, and thanks again for being there for us. snowflake-client.log

wkrp commented 2 years ago

Thanks so much. I'll summarize my understanding of the results. In short, the only working configuration is Tor Browser for desktop with snowflake, and there, any configuration of snowflake works (default, custom front, custom ampcache). Additionally, it appears not to be possible to configure a custom snowflake bridge in Orbot for iOS.

works OS client software bridge front ampcache
iOS Orbot none
iOS Orbot obfs4
iOS Orbot snowflake/builtin
iOS Orbot snowflake/builtin
* iOS Orbot snowflake/custom
* iOS Orbot snowflake/custom
Android Orbot none
Android Orbot obfs4
Android Orbot snowflake/builtin
Android Orbot snowflake/builtin
* Android Orbot snowflake/custom
* Android Orbot snowflake/custom
Windows Tor Browser none
Windows Tor Browser snowflake/builtin
Windows Tor Browser snowflake/custom
Windows Tor Browser snowflake/custom
Windows Tor Browser meek-azure
macOS Tor Browser none
macOS Tor Browser snowflake/builtin
macOS Tor Browser snowflake/custom
macOS Tor Browser snowflake/custom
macOS Tor Browser meek-azure

* = "there is no configured transport called 'snowflake'"

I will contact the Guardian Project to see if they know why snowflake in Orbot is not working while snowflake in desktop Tor Browser is working.

for the custom bridge u provided I receive: there is no configured transport called snowflake.

It is surprising to me, but it looks like Orbot for iOS does not support custom snowflake bridge lines, only the two built-in configurations. See here, where "custom" is hardcoded to mean "obfs4":

p.s. when i scan the qr code, it gives me the error of qr code could not be decoded! are u sure u scanned...

Sorry about that. I'm not sure what's wrong. You may have to zoom in. I tried decoding the QR code image files using zbarimg and they produced the expected output.

SaSyda commented 2 years ago

answering in reverse order, no problem about that, i copied it anyways, it's fine.

and oh! so that's why i couldnt use custom bridges on my phone! thanks for the notice.

and about usability of snowflake in orbot and browser, due to the fact that orbot is an ipad app, i can simply install it on my macbook, so if they could make advanced logging possible on it, i can simply run any test for u, revealing any small details u might need.

and lastly, i've been living in this country for years, and i've been a long term user of vpns and anti-filtering apps :D due to my experience with these apps, i can say that ive been seeing certain censorship protocols, such as closing fundamental app servers for the whole internet, such as what has happened for ultrasurf and many times, if it's the case in the app, it might be true for it aswell. Maybe a more dynamic approach could solve the problem. Anyways i'm not an expert in this field, so pardon me for any stupid words up there 😄

Regards. btw, i'll send u an email.

free-the-internet commented 2 years ago

snowflake-client (1).log Some of my contacts can connect only by Orbot on Android but it was too slow to be usable, and some of them only by windows client. All set in snowflake. The log is collected from Iran.

Considering the Iran's situation, could you do something fast, or rollback to the previous stable state? We predict that in the next days the Internet shutdown and censorship in Iran to increase.

Also, do you have any research plans for solutions where there are some sort of "Intranet" like what we have sometimes in Iran? The situation where only the internal network is working, and the world internet is cut off. By this the regime can cut off the free flow of the information while internal services are connected and working.


wkrp commented 2 years ago

Talking to Orbot developers today, I've learned that Orbot does not directly support custom snowflake bridge lines like the ones in However, there may be a way to "trick" Orbot into using a custom snowflake bridge line, at least in Orbot for Android.

  1. From the main screen, tap Use Bridges, then Snowflake (Method 1 - Fastly), then go back to the main screen.
  2. Open the Settings menu, then under Debug, tap Torrc Custom Config, and paste in the following line: Bridge snowflake 2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72 fingerprint=2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72 url=,,,,,,,,,,, This line is the same as the first one in, with the addition of a Bridge prefix.
  3. Tap OK, go back the main screen, and start Tor.

If this works the way I think it does, then the resulting torrc file will have two Bridge snowflake lines, the default one that does not work, and the manually entered one that works. You can also experiment with the ampcache line from

wkrp commented 2 years ago

I captured a pcap of Orbot 16.6.1-RC-3-tor. on Android bootstrapping with Snowflake (Method 1 - Fastly). I also got a pcap of Tor Browser 11.5.2 on Linux bootstrapping with Snowflake. The fingerprints of the two Client Hellos are the same, differing only in fields that are expected to differ (Random, Session ID, key_share).

What does this mean? @SaSyda reported Orbot not working and desktop Tor Browser working on the same network connection. It could be that the TLS fingerprints on platforms I haven't tested are different. Or that the issue is not (only) about TLS fingerprint. It could be that a stage of the connection process other than the connection to the broker is being disrupted. (Though because of the almost instantaneous drop in client polling requests at the broker, it really looks like the rendezvous process is being disrupted, at least.)

Orbot 16.6.1-RC-3-tor. on Android Snowflake Client Hello dissection
Secure Sockets Layer
    TLSv1.2 Record Layer: Handshake Protocol: Client Hello
        Content Type: Handshake (22)
        Version: TLS 1.0 (0x0301)
        Length: 280
        Handshake Protocol: Client Hello
            Handshake Type: Client Hello (1)
            Length: 276
            Version: TLS 1.2 (0x0303)
            Random: f8ef130cc7fbe002d51cff3fce81d9ec1d90120e14390c1e...
                GMT Unix Time: May  6, 2102 21:59:08.000000000 MDT
                Random Bytes: c7fbe002d51cff3fce81d9ec1d90120e14390c1ea5099737...
            Session ID Length: 32
            Session ID: a58815e59c7f07496cf0f26575cc4ffa3e93f09f26b9af29...
            Cipher Suites Length: 38
            Cipher Suites (19 suites)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 (0xcca9)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 (0xcca8)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0xc02b)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0xc02f)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (0xc02c)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (0xc030)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (0xc009)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (0xc013)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (0xc00a)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (0xc014)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0x009c)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (0x009d)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (0x002f)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (0x0035)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA (0xc012)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA (0x000a)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 (0x1303)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0x1301)
                Cipher Suite: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (0x1302)
            Compression Methods Length: 1
            Compression Methods (1 method)
                Compression Method: null (0)
            Extensions Length: 165
            Extension: server_name (len=20)
                Type: server_name (0)
                Length: 20
                Server Name Indication extension
                    Server Name list length: 18
                    Server Name Type: host_name (0)
                    Server Name length: 15
                    Server Name:
            Extension: status_request (len=5)
                Type: status_request (5)
                Length: 5
                Certificate Status Type: OCSP (1)
                Responder ID list Length: 0
                Request Extensions Length: 0
            Extension: supported_groups (len=10)
                Type: supported_groups (10)
                Length: 10
                Supported Groups List Length: 8
                Supported Groups (4 groups)
                    Supported Group: x25519 (0x001d)
                    Supported Group: secp256r1 (0x0017)
                    Supported Group: secp384r1 (0x0018)
                    Supported Group: secp521r1 (0x0019)
            Extension: ec_point_formats (len=2)
                Type: ec_point_formats (11)
                Length: 2
                EC point formats Length: 1
                Elliptic curves point formats (1)
                    EC point format: uncompressed (0)
            Extension: signature_algorithms (len=26)
                Type: signature_algorithms (13)
                Length: 26
                Signature Hash Algorithms Length: 24
                Signature Hash Algorithms (12 algorithms)
                    Signature Algorithm: rsa_pss_rsae_sha256 (0x0804)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Hash: Unknown (8)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Signature: Unknown (4)
                    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256 (0x0403)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Hash: SHA256 (4)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Signature: ECDSA (3)
                    Signature Algorithm: ed25519 (0x0807)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Hash: Unknown (8)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Signature: Unknown (7)
                    Signature Algorithm: rsa_pss_rsae_sha384 (0x0805)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Hash: Unknown (8)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Signature: Unknown (5)
                    Signature Algorithm: rsa_pss_rsae_sha512 (0x0806)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Hash: Unknown (8)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Signature: Unknown (6)
                    Signature Algorithm: rsa_pkcs1_sha256 (0x0401)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Hash: SHA256 (4)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Signature: RSA (1)
                    Signature Algorithm: rsa_pkcs1_sha384 (0x0501)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Hash: SHA384 (5)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Signature: RSA (1)
                    Signature Algorithm: rsa_pkcs1_sha512 (0x0601)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Hash: SHA512 (6)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Signature: RSA (1)
                    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384 (0x0503)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Hash: SHA384 (5)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Signature: ECDSA (3)
                    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512 (0x0603)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Hash: SHA512 (6)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Signature: ECDSA (3)
                    Signature Algorithm: rsa_pkcs1_sha1 (0x0201)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Hash: SHA1 (2)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Signature: RSA (1)
                    Signature Algorithm: ecdsa_sha1 (0x0203)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Hash: SHA1 (2)
                        Signature Hash Algorithm Signature: ECDSA (3)
            Extension: renegotiation_info (len=1)
                Type: renegotiation_info (65281)
                Length: 1
                Renegotiation Info extension
                    Renegotiation info extension length: 0
            Extension: application_layer_protocol_negotiation (len=14)
                Type: application_layer_protocol_negotiation (16)
                Length: 14
                ALPN Extension Length: 12
                ALPN Protocol
                    ALPN string length: 2
                    ALPN Next Protocol: h2
                    ALPN string length: 8
                    ALPN Next Protocol: http/1.1
            Extension: signed_certificate_timestamp (len=0)
                Type: signed_certificate_timestamp (18)
                Length: 0
            Extension: supported_versions (len=9)
                Type: supported_versions (43)
                Length: 9
                Supported Versions length: 8
                Supported Version: TLS 1.3 (0x0304)
                Supported Version: TLS 1.2 (0x0303)
                Supported Version: TLS 1.1 (0x0302)
                Supported Version: TLS 1.0 (0x0301)
            Extension: key_share (len=38)
                Type: key_share (51)
                Length: 38
                Key Share extension
                    Client Key Share Length: 36
                    Key Share Entry: Group: x25519, Key Exchange length: 32
                        Group: x25519 (29)
                        Key Exchange Length: 32
                        Key Exchange: 0ed373eb1c4003e6e797f56e9ed190d0032c2555fee48404...
wkrp commented 2 years ago

@free-the-internet thank you for the logs. To me, it looks like a log of a successful connection on desktop Tor Browser, is that correct? It looks like it took about 3 minutes to find a proxy that was working well, but it did eventually connect.

Considering the Iran's situation, could you do something fast, or rollback to the previous stable state?

Unfortunately it's nothing we changed. There's no different earlier state to roll back to. The difference seems to be a new form of blocking instituted about 3 days ago. We are doing our best to identify the cause and find workarounds.

SaSyda commented 2 years ago

@wkrp i'm giving more thoughts to ur idea. Thought i should report this as well. I downloaded onion browser on ios and the whole process went on like orbot, can't see much of debug log on that app either, but felt the same from what i could see. It's actually 4 am so it might be better for me to sleep and give my opinion, after giving it more thoughts. In the meantime, I, as a not expert, yeah i insist, might take a look at the steps taken after the 10% bootstrapped, it sure must be sth dropping in those moments, and yeah, i dont think it has anything to do with TLS fingerprint either.

SaSyda commented 2 years ago

mac: Tor

going through the steps u mentioned, on macOS, I edited the file in Applications/TorBrowser.App/Contents/Resources/TorBrowser/Tor/torrc-defaults but no pt_state folder or such file is made, am I doing sth wrong? did I edit the wrong file?

free-the-internet commented 2 years ago

@free-the-internet thank you for the logs. To me, it looks like a log of a successful connection on desktop Tor Browser, is that correct? It looks like it took about 3 minutes to find a proxy that was working well, but it did eventually connect.

Considering the Iran's situation, could you do something fast, or rollback to the previous stable state?

Unfortunately it's nothing we changed. There's no different earlier state to roll back to. The difference seems to be a new form of blocking instituted about 3 days ago. We are doing our best to identify the cause and find workarounds.

My contact whom the log belongs to said that it never could open any web page. Unfortunately I can't check myself to give you a good idea. But the other contact could connect with desktop browser. I will try to get other logs.

SaSyda commented 2 years ago

so, as u might know the main two mobile internet providers in iran are irancell (aka mtn) and mci, I had the chance to try to connect to them via Tor snowflake in "the most intese hours" of city, and here are the logs for those test. Hope they help. They are all generated using tor browser on windows.

snowflake-client-tci2.log snowflake-client-irc2.log snowflake-client-irc1.log snowflake-client-irc3.log snowflake-client-tci1.log

and as u can see, i was able to have successful connection on mci and not ircell, but despite apparent connection, most web pages would end with "webpage took too long to respond" and i could only be sure of a connection, using telegram on its SOCKS proxy. If it is possible to extract any log from browser, i'll be totally happy to help.

free-the-internet commented 2 years ago

I'd like also share one of my snowflake server logs running in docker. It seems since disruptions have been begun, "stream 1 not found" error is occurring more frequently. Does this mean something?

proxy log
2022/09/26 20:23:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 104 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 413 MB, ↓ 270 MB.
2022/09/26 21:23:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 195 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 538 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/26 22:15:40 [0x4000691180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/26 22:15:40 [0x4000691180] stream 1 not found)
2022/09/26 22:23:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 131 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 581 MB, ↓ 230 MB.
2022/09/26 23:23:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 111 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 612 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/26 23:58:42 [0x40014b0540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/26 23:58:42 [0x40014b0540] stream 1 not found)
2022/09/27 00:23:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 65 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 897 MB, ↓ 140 MB.
2022/09/27 01:23:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 47 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 218 MB.
2022/09/27 02:23:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 106 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 4 GB, ↓ 847 MB.
2022/09/27 03:23:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 49 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 368 MB, ↓ 45 MB.
2022/09/27 04:23:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 56 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 331 MB, ↓ 133 MB.
2022/09/27 05:48:23 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 96 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 270 MB, ↓ 100 MB.
2022/09/27 06:48:23 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 142 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 754 MB, ↓ 240 MB.
ortc ERROR: 2022/09/27 06:51:45 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
2022/09/27 07:48:23 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 148 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 863 MB, ↓ 269 MB.
2022/09/27 08:50:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 136 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 186 MB, ↓ 139 MB.
2022/09/27 09:50:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 181 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 481 MB, ↓ 214 MB.
2022/09/27 10:50:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 169 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 488 MB, ↓ 288 MB.
2022/09/27 11:50:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 130 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 705 MB, ↓ 354 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/27 12:19:59 [0x4002986700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/27 12:19:59 [0x4002986700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/27 12:19:59 [0x4002986700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/27 12:19:59 [0x4002986700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/27 12:19:59 [0x4002986700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/27 12:19:59 [0x4002986700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/27 12:19:59 [0x4002986700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/27 12:19:59 [0x4002986700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/27 12:19:59 [0x4002986700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/27 12:19:59 [0x4002986700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/27 12:19:59 [0x4002986700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/27 12:19:59 [0x4002986700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/27 12:19:59 [0x4002986700] stream 1 not found)
2022/09/27 12:50:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 178 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 667 MB.
2022/09/27 13:50:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 90 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 801 MB, ↓ 408 MB.
2022/09/27 14:50:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 79 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 890 MB, ↓ 626 MB.
2022/09/27 15:50:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 71 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 287 MB.
2022/09/27 16:50:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 96 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 734 MB, ↓ 256 MB.
2022/09/27 17:50:42 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 79 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 508 MB.
2022/09/27 18:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 57 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 542 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/27 19:42:44 [0x400023f500] stream 1 not found)
2022/09/27 19:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 83 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 360 MB.
2022/09/27 20:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 135 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 462 MB.
2022/09/27 21:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 176 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 497 MB.
2022/09/27 22:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 101 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 383 MB.
2022/09/27 23:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 54 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 704 MB.
2022/09/28 00:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 27 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 191 MB.
2022/09/28 01:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 14 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 650 MB, ↓ 123 MB.
2022/09/28 02:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 31 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 132 MB.
2022/09/28 03:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 73 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 3 GB, ↓ 694 MB.
2022/09/28 04:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 91 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 738 MB, ↓ 504 MB.
2022/09/28 05:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 106 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 449 MB.
ortc ERROR: 2022/09/28 06:02:07 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
2022/09/28 06:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 114 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 796 MB, ↓ 407 MB.
2022/09/28 07:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 214 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 3 GB, ↓ 2 GB.
2022/09/28 08:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 121 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 198 MB, ↓ 149 MB.
2022/09/28 09:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 119 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 774 MB, ↓ 350 MB.
2022/09/28 10:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 157 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 515 MB, ↓ 267 MB.
mux ERROR: 2022/09/28 11:06:14 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
2022/09/28 11:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 189 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 443 MB, ↓ 193 MB.
2022/09/28 12:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 178 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 545 MB.
2022/09/28 13:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 55 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 388 MB, ↓ 142 MB.
2022/09/28 14:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 81 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 246 MB.
2022/09/28 15:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 97 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 649 MB, ↓ 281 MB.
mux ERROR: 2022/09/28 15:53:24 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
mux ERROR: 2022/09/28 16:40:23 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
2022/09/28 16:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 84 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 310 MB.
2022/09/28 17:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 137 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 480 MB.
2022/09/28 18:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 147 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 574 MB.
2022/09/28 19:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 123 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 729 MB, ↓ 234 MB.
ortc ERROR: 2022/09/28 20:10:59 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
2022/09/28 20:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 215 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 740 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/28 21:22:02 [0x4000aa48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/28 21:22:02 [0x4000aa48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/28 21:22:02 [0x4000aa48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/28 21:22:02 [0x4000aa48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/28 21:22:02 [0x4000aa48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/28 21:22:02 [0x4000aa48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/28 21:22:02 [0x4000aa48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/28 21:22:02 [0x4000aa48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/28 21:22:02 [0x4000aa48c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/09/28 21:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 343 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 848 MB.
2022/09/28 22:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 190 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 531 MB.
2022/09/28 23:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 59 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 448 MB.
2022/09/29 00:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 33 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 566 MB, ↓ 155 MB.
2022/09/29 01:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 102 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 1 GB.
2022/09/29 02:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 41 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 749 MB, ↓ 57 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/29 02:58:19 [0x4000333a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/29 02:58:19 [0x4000333a40] stream 1 not found)
2022/09/29 03:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 58 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 112 MB.
2022/09/29 04:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 107 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 927 MB, ↓ 158 MB.
2022/09/29 05:50:43 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 150 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 598 MB.
2022/09/29 07:00:07 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 144 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 275 MB, ↓ 134 MB.
2022/09/29 08:00:07 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 204 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 601 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/29 08:21:45 [0x40003b01c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/29 08:21:45 [0x40003b01c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/09/29 09:00:07 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 239 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 576 MB.
2022/09/29 10:00:07 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 218 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 776 MB, ↓ 374 MB.
2022/09/29 11:00:07 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 240 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 632 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/29 11:27:48 [0x4000727a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/29 11:29:55 [0x4003d6e380] stream 1 not found)
2022/09/29 12:00:07 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 260 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 1 GB.
2022/09/29 13:00:07 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 191 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 796 MB, ↓ 372 MB.
2022/09/29 14:00:07 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 68 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 239 MB.
2022/09/29 15:00:07 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 48 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 647 MB, ↓ 94 MB.
2022/09/29 16:00:07 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 35 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 470 MB, ↓ 96 MB.
2022/09/29 17:00:10 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 140 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 314 MB.
ortc ERROR: 2022/09/29 17:09:56 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
2022/09/29 18:00:10 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 184 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 492 MB.
mux ERROR: 2022/09/29 18:35:47 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
2022/09/29 19:00:10 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 175 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 538 MB.
2022/09/29 20:00:10 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 212 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 573 MB.
2022/09/29 21:00:10 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 239 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 698 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/29 21:33:19 [0x4000727180] stream 1 not found)
2022/09/29 22:00:10 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 179 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 704 MB.
2022/09/29 23:00:10 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 173 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 748 MB.
2022/09/30 00:00:10 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 187 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 237 MB, ↓ 67 MB.
2022/09/30 01:00:10 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 44 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 845 MB, ↓ 85 MB.
2022/09/30 02:00:10 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 31 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 136 MB.
2022/09/30 03:00:10 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 28 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 670 MB, ↓ 80 MB.
2022/09/30 04:00:10 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 38 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 186 MB, ↓ 64 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/30 04:47:32 [0x400042b6c0] stream 1 not found)
ortc ERROR: 2022/09/30 05:00:16 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
2022/09/30 05:06:42 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 146 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 531 MB, ↓ 63 MB.
2022/09/30 06:06:42 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 302 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 828 MB, ↓ 173 MB.
mux ERROR: 2022/09/30 06:56:31 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
2022/09/30 07:06:42 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 377 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 461 MB, ↓ 402 MB.
2022/09/30 08:06:42 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 433 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 445 MB.
2022/09/30 09:06:42 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 460 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 500 MB, ↓ 162 MB.
2022/09/30 10:06:42 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 335 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 233 MB.
2022/09/30 11:06:42 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 390 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 774 MB, ↓ 93 MB.
2022/09/30 12:06:42 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 375 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 406 MB, ↓ 118 MB.
2022/09/30 13:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 245 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 64 MB, ↓ 15 MB.
2022/09/30 14:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 48 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 497 MB, ↓ 141 MB.
2022/09/30 15:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 74 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 175 MB.
2022/09/30 16:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 98 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 874 MB, ↓ 139 MB.
2022/09/30 17:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 92 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 195 MB.
2022/09/30 18:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 159 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 540 MB, ↓ 137 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/30 19:00:06 [0x40027c4540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/30 19:00:06 [0x40027c4540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/30 19:00:06 [0x40027c4540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/30 19:00:06 [0x40027c4540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/30 19:00:06 [0x40027c4540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/09/30 19:00:06 [0x40027c4540] stream 1 not found)
2022/09/30 19:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 111 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 320 MB.
2022/09/30 20:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 152 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 931 MB.
2022/09/30 21:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 220 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 610 MB.
2022/09/30 22:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 147 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 609 MB.
2022/09/30 23:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 41 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 490 MB, ↓ 39 MB.
2022/10/01 00:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 24 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 906 MB, ↓ 96 MB.
2022/10/01 01:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 44 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 159 MB.
2022/10/01 02:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 59 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 648 MB, ↓ 51 MB.
ortc ERROR: 2022/10/01 03:14:45 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
2022/10/01 03:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 49 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 154 MB.
2022/10/01 04:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 69 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 168 MB.
2022/10/01 05:45:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 111 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 308 MB.
2022/10/01 07:23:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 131 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 332 MB, ↓ 120 MB.
2022/10/01 08:23:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 231 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 469 MB, ↓ 167 MB.
2022/10/01 09:23:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 259 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 887 MB, ↓ 475 MB.
mux ERROR: 2022/10/01 10:00:00 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
2022/10/01 10:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 279 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 256 MB, ↓ 99 MB.
2022/10/01 11:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 249 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 480 MB, ↓ 357 MB.
ortc ERROR: 2022/10/01 12:26:06 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
2022/10/01 12:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 228 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 493 MB.
2022/10/01 13:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 71 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 882 MB, ↓ 253 MB.
2022/10/01 14:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 74 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 283 MB.
2022/10/01 15:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 65 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 252 MB.
2022/10/01 16:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 63 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 619 MB, ↓ 150 MB.
2022/10/01 17:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 80 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 838 MB, ↓ 208 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 18:05:32 [0x40009dd500] stream 1 not found)
mux ERROR: 2022/10/01 18:35:03 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
2022/10/01 18:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 104 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 346 MB.
2022/10/01 19:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 212 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 984 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 19:55:25 [0x400213c380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 19:55:25 [0x400213c380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 19:55:25 [0x400213c380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 19:55:25 [0x400213c380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 20:02:07 [0x400057c8c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 20:09:23 [0x400213c1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 20:09:23 [0x400213c1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 20:09:23 [0x400213c1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 20:09:23 [0x400213c1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 20:11:29 [0x400213d180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 20:11:29 [0x400213d180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 20:11:29 [0x400213d180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 20:11:29 [0x400213d180] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/01 20:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 215 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 323 MB.
ortc ERROR: 2022/10/01 21:13:00 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 21:39:50 [0x40009dc8c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 21:39:50 [0x40009dc8c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 21:39:50 [0x40009dc8c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 21:48:53 [0x400213da40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 21:48:53 [0x400213da40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 21:48:53 [0x400213da40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 21:48:53 [0x400213da40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 21:48:53 [0x400213da40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 21:48:54 [0x4002374700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 21:48:54 [0x4002374700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 21:48:54 [0x4002374700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 21:48:54 [0x4002374700] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/01 21:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 295 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 416 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 22:00:49 [0x40005281c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 22:00:49 [0x40005281c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 22:11:38 [0x400336b180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 22:11:38 [0x400336b180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 22:11:38 [0x400336b180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 22:11:38 [0x400336b180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 22:11:38 [0x400336b180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 22:11:38 [0x400336b180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 22:11:38 [0x400336b180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 22:11:38 [0x400336b180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 22:26:33 [0x4007baee00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 22:26:33 [0x4007baee00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 22:35:25 [0x4002374380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 22:35:25 [0x4002374380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 22:35:25 [0x4002374380] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/01 22:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 200 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 356 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:03:24 [0x4007baf6c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:03:24 [0x4007baf6c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:03:24 [0x4007baf6c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:03:24 [0x4007baf6c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:04:33 [0x40001f4fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:04:33 [0x40001f4fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:20:05 [0x40050ff6c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:20:05 [0x40050ff6c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:20:05 [0x40050ff6c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:20:05 [0x40050ff6c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:22:14 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:22:14 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:22:14 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:22:14 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:22:14 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:22:14 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/01 23:22:14 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/01 23:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 157 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 313 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 00:22:06 [0x4004bdac40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 00:22:06 [0x4004bdac40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 00:34:54 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 00:34:54 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 00:34:54 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 00:34:54 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 00:34:54 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 00:34:54 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 00:34:54 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 00:34:54 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 00:34:54 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 00:34:54 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 00:34:54 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 00:34:54 [0x4007baea80] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 00:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 124 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 223 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 01:03:38 [0x4004bda8c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 01:38:52 [0x400057c1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 01:38:52 [0x400057c1c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 01:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 137 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 868 MB, ↓ 883 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 01:52:53 [0x40019b8540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 01:52:53 [0x40019b8540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 01:52:53 [0x40019b8540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 02:23:55 [0x40050ff6c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 02:23:55 [0x40050ff6c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 02:23:55 [0x40050ff6c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 02:23:55 [0x40050ff6c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 02:23:55 [0x40050ff6c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 02:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 100 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 762 MB, ↓ 80 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:02:21 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:02:21 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:02:21 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:03:28 [0x40050ff340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:03:28 [0x40050ff340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:03:28 [0x40050ff340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:03:28 [0x40050ff340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:11:24 [0x40019b8e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:11:24 [0x40019b8e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:30:46 [0x40050fee00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:30:46 [0x40050fee00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:30:46 [0x40050fee00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:30:46 [0x40050fee00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:30:46 [0x40050fee00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:40:00 [0x4003014540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:40:00 [0x4003014540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:40:00 [0x4003014540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:40:00 [0x4003014540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:40:00 [0x4003014540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:40:00 [0x4003014540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:40:00 [0x4003014540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:40:00 [0x4003014540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:40:00 [0x4003014540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:40:00 [0x4003014540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:40:00 [0x4003014540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:40:00 [0x4003014540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:40:00 [0x4003014540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:40:00 [0x4003014540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:40:00 [0x4003014540] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 03:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 189 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 613 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:54:43 [0x4002374380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:54:43 [0x4002374380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:54:43 [0x4002374380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 03:54:43 [0x4002374380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:00:35 [0x400107e380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:12:40 [0x400052afc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:12:40 [0x400052afc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:15:46 [0x40030148c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:15:46 [0x40030148c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:15:46 [0x40030148c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:15:46 [0x40030148c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:15:46 [0x40030148c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:20:20 [0x4001171dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:20:20 [0x4001171dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:36:11 [0x400107e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:36:11 [0x400107e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:36:11 [0x400107e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:36:11 [0x400107e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:36:11 [0x400107e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:36:11 [0x400107e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:36:11 [0x400107e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:36:11 [0x400107e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:36:11 [0x400107e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:36:11 [0x400107e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:36:11 [0x400107e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:44:22 [0x4001a83340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:44:22 [0x4001a83340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:44:22 [0x4001a83340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:44:22 [0x4001a83340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:44:22 [0x4001a83340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:44:22 [0x4001a83340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:44:22 [0x4001a83340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:44:22 [0x4001a83340] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 04:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 241 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 191 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:52:47 [0x40001f5c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:52:47 [0x40001f5c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:52:47 [0x40001f5c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:52:47 [0x40001f5c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:56:41 [0x4002374540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:56:41 [0x4002374540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:56:41 [0x4002374540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 04:56:41 [0x4002374540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 05:10:14 [0x40050fec40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 05:10:14 [0x40050fec40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 05:13:01 [0x400107e000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 05:13:01 [0x400107e000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 05:13:01 [0x400107e000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 05:13:01 [0x400107e000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 05:19:59 [0x4005fcfdc0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 05:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 350 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 315 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 05:53:49 [0x4003014700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 05:53:49 [0x4003014700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 05:53:49 [0x4003014700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 05:53:49 [0x4003014700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 05:53:49 [0x4003014700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 06:07:49 [0x40009dc000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 06:07:49 [0x40009dc000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 06:07:49 [0x40009dc000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 06:07:49 [0x40009dc000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 06:07:49 [0x40009dc000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 06:21:48 [0x4003014a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 06:21:48 [0x4003014a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 06:21:48 [0x4003014a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 06:21:48 [0x4003014a80] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 06:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 422 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 464 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:03:12 [0x4003015500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:06:18 [0x40020d61c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:06:18 [0x40020d61c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:06:18 [0x40020d61c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:06:18 [0x40020d61c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:07:16 [0x4002bd4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:07:16 [0x4002bd4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:16:00 [0x40001f5180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:27:12 [0x40019c56c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 07:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 368 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 229 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:54:21 [0x4003014a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:54:21 [0x4003014a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:54:21 [0x4003014a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:54:21 [0x4003014a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:54:21 [0x4003014a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:54:21 [0x4003014a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 07:54:21 [0x4003014a80] stream 1 not found)
ortc ERROR: 2022/10/02 08:26:39 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
2022/10/02 08:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 409 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 158 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 09:15:19 [0x400314a540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 09:15:19 [0x400314a540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 09:15:19 [0x400314a540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 09:15:19 [0x400314a540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 09:15:19 [0x400314a540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 09:15:19 [0x400314a540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 09:15:19 [0x400314a540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 09:15:19 [0x400314a540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 09:15:19 [0x400314a540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 09:15:19 [0x400314a540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 09:15:19 [0x400314a540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 09:49:56 [0x4004b34000] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 09:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 448 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 173 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 09:55:11 [0x4004b34000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 09:55:11 [0x4004b34000] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 10:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 392 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 256 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:06:31 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:42:57 [0x4000ef4540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:42:57 [0x4000ef4540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:42:57 [0x4000ef4540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 11:42:57 [0x4000ef4540] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 11:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 412 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 169 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 12:31:17 [0x4000ef4380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 12:46:31 [0x40001f4380] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 12:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 389 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 974 MB, ↓ 204 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 13:09:09 [0x4000747a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 13:09:09 [0x4000747a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 13:09:09 [0x4000747a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 13:09:09 [0x4000747a40] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 13:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 183 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 255 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 14:01:57 [0x4000747a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 14:01:57 [0x4000747a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 14:01:57 [0x4000747a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 14:01:57 [0x4000747a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 14:01:57 [0x4000747a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 14:01:57 [0x4000747a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 14:01:57 [0x4000747a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 14:07:54 [0x400057c000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 14:07:54 [0x400057c000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 14:07:54 [0x400057c000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 14:07:54 [0x400057c000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 14:14:36 [0x40050ff180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 14:14:36 [0x40050ff180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 14:24:26 [0x4000746000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 14:24:26 [0x4000746000] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 14:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 182 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 331 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 15:07:17 [0x40019c4c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 15:07:17 [0x40019c4c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 15:07:17 [0x40019c4c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 15:07:17 [0x40019c4c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 15:07:17 [0x40019c4c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 15:07:17 [0x40019c4c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 15:22:02 [0x40050fea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 15:22:02 [0x40050fea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 15:22:02 [0x40050fea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 15:22:02 [0x40050fea80] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 15:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 181 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 223 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 16:13:32 [0x400c2e8fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 16:13:32 [0x400c2e8fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 16:13:32 [0x400c2e8fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 16:49:21 [0x400c2e88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 16:49:21 [0x400c2e88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 16:49:21 [0x400c2e88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 16:49:21 [0x400c2e88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 16:49:21 [0x400c2e88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 16:49:21 [0x400c2e88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 16:49:21 [0x400c2e88c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 16:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 161 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 162 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 17:22:57 [0x40050ff500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 17:22:57 [0x40050ff500] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 17:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 228 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 292 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 17:54:16 [0x4002671a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 17:54:16 [0x4002671a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 17:54:16 [0x4002671a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 17:54:16 [0x4002671a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 17:54:16 [0x4002671a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 17:54:16 [0x4002671a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 17:54:16 [0x4002671a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 17:54:16 [0x4002671a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 17:54:16 [0x4002671a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 17:54:16 [0x4002671a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:00:41 [0x4000747a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:00:41 [0x4000747a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:00:41 [0x4000747a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:42:47 [0x4000746380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:47:35 [0x400057c700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 18:47:35 [0x400057c700] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 18:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 211 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 416 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:03:52 [0x40085c6fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:03:52 [0x40085c6fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:03:52 [0x40085c6fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:03:52 [0x40085c6fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:20:29 [0x4008516380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:20:29 [0x4008516380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:20:29 [0x4008516380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:20:29 [0x4008516380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:20:29 [0x4008516380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:20:29 [0x4008516380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:27:49 [0x4002671880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:27:49 [0x4002671880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:27:49 [0x4002671880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:27:49 [0x4002671880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:27:49 [0x4002671880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:27:49 [0x4002671880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:27:49 [0x4002671880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:27:49 [0x4002671880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:27:49 [0x4002671880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:27:49 [0x4002671880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:27:49 [0x4002671880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:27:49 [0x4002671880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:42:27 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:42:27 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:42:27 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:42:27 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:42:27 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:42:27 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:42:27 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:42:27 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:42:27 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:42:27 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:42:27 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:42:27 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:42:27 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 19:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 235 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 220 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:57:50 [0x400057ca80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:57:50 [0x400057ca80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:57:50 [0x400057ca80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:57:50 [0x400057ca80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:57:50 [0x400057ca80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:57:50 [0x400057ca80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:57:50 [0x400057ca80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:57:50 [0x400057ca80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:57:50 [0x400057ca80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:57:50 [0x400057ca80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:57:50 [0x400057ca80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:58:42 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:58:42 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:58:42 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:58:42 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:58:42 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:58:42 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 19:58:42 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 20:19:03 [0x4005080380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 20:46:39 [0x4002670fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 20:46:39 [0x4002670fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 20:46:39 [0x4002670fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 20:46:39 [0x4002670fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 20:46:39 [0x4002670fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 20:46:45 [0x4004dd4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 20:46:45 [0x4004dd4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 20:46:45 [0x4004dd4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 20:46:45 [0x4004dd4700] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 20:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 259 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 301 MB.
mux ERROR: 2022/10/02 21:00:13 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
2022/10/02 21:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 358 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 281 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 21:55:49 [0x400c2e88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 21:55:49 [0x400c2e88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 21:55:49 [0x400c2e88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 21:55:49 [0x400c2e88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 21:55:49 [0x400c2e88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 21:55:49 [0x400c2e88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 21:55:49 [0x400c2e88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 21:55:49 [0x400c2e88c0] stream 1 not found)
mux ERROR: 2022/10/02 22:00:08 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 22:15:30 [0x4001b72a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 22:15:30 [0x4001b72a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 22:15:30 [0x4001b72a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 22:15:30 [0x4001b72a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 22:18:56 [0x400c2e9c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 22:18:56 [0x400c2e9c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 22:18:56 [0x400c2e9c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 22:18:56 [0x400c2e9c00] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 22:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 253 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 553 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:05:19 [0x40085c6540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:14:53 [0x4000746540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/02 23:19:48 [0x40007476c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/02 23:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 190 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 202 MB.
mux ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:06:04 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:19:09 [0x400c2e8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:19:09 [0x400c2e8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:30:32 [0x40001f4e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 00:50:05 [0x4004dd48c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 00:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 111 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 115 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 01:04:59 [0x4004dd4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 01:04:59 [0x4004dd4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 01:04:59 [0x4004dd4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 01:04:59 [0x4004dd4700] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 01:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 82 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 836 MB, ↓ 184 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:10:30 [0x4000746000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:10:30 [0x4000746000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:10:30 [0x4000746000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:10:30 [0x4000746000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:10:30 [0x4000746000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:10:30 [0x4000746000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:26:58 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:26:58 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:26:58 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:26:58 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:26:58 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:26:58 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:26:58 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:26:58 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:26:58 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:26:58 [0x40085c6a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:27:57 [0x4004dd4a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:27:57 [0x4004dd4a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:37:21 [0x4004dd4c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:37:21 [0x4004dd4c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:37:21 [0x4004dd4c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:21 [0x4002670a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 02:45:29 [0x4008516000] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 02:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 110 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 784 MB, ↓ 130 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 03:32:04 [0x4000746000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 03:32:04 [0x4000746000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 03:32:04 [0x4000746000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 03:32:04 [0x4000746000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 03:32:04 [0x4000746000] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 03:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 194 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 221 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:13:22 [0x4009875dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:13:22 [0x4009875dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:13:22 [0x4009875dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:13:22 [0x4009875dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:13:22 [0x4009875dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:13:22 [0x4009875dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:16:12 [0x4001b72c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:16:12 [0x4001b72c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:25:54 [0x400c2e8fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:25:54 [0x400c2e8fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:30:46 [0x4005081c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:30:46 [0x4005081c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:30:46 [0x4005081c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:30:46 [0x4005081c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:33:13 [0x400057d500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:33:13 [0x400057d500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 04:33:13 [0x400057d500] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 04:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 267 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 242 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:01:41 [0x4001b72380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:01:41 [0x4001b72380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:01:41 [0x4001b72380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:01:41 [0x4001b72380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:01:41 [0x4001b72380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:14:31 [0x4002670fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:14:31 [0x4002670fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:14:31 [0x4002670fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:14:31 [0x4002670fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:14:57 [0x4009874fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:14:57 [0x4009874fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:19:03 [0x4008516e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:19:03 [0x4008516e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:19:03 [0x4008516e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:19:03 [0x4008516e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:19:03 [0x4008516e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:44:20 [0x4009014000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:44:20 [0x4009014000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:44:20 [0x4009014000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:44:20 [0x4009014000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:44:21 [0x4009874380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:44:21 [0x4009874380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:44:21 [0x4009874380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:44:21 [0x4009874380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:46:35 [0x4000747180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:46:35 [0x4000747180] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 05:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 258 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 391 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:51:54 [0x4004dd4c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 05:51:54 [0x4004dd4c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:12:02 [0x4004dd5180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:12:02 [0x4004dd5180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:44:55 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:44:55 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:44:55 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:44:55 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:44:55 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:44:55 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:44:55 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:44:55 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:44:55 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:44:55 [0x40001f4700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:49:16 [0x4000746fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:49:16 [0x4000746fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:49:16 [0x4000746fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:49:16 [0x4000746fc0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 06:51:20 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 278 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 388 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:55:47 [0x40000db180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:55:47 [0x40000db180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:55:47 [0x40000db180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:55:47 [0x40000db180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:59:19 [0x4004fdbc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:59:19 [0x4004fdbc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:59:19 [0x4004fdbc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:59:19 [0x4004fdbc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 06:59:19 [0x4004fdbc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 07:12:14 [0x4009875a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 07:12:14 [0x4009875a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 07:12:14 [0x4009875a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 07:12:14 [0x4009875a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 07:16:13 [0x4005b3a1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 07:53:55 [0x40025e3c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 07:58:56 [0x4005c72540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 07:58:56 [0x4005c72540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 07:58:56 [0x4005c72540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 07:58:56 [0x4005c72540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 07:58:56 [0x4005c72540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 07:58:56 [0x4005c72540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 07:58:56 [0x4005c72540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:05:32 [0x40025e3500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:05:32 [0x40025e3500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:05:32 [0x40025e3500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:05:32 [0x40025e3500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:05:32 [0x40025e3500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:05:32 [0x40025e3500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:05:32 [0x40025e3500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:05:32 [0x40025e3500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:05:32 [0x40025e3500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:05:32 [0x40025e3500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:05:32 [0x40025e3500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:06:59 [0x4001750a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:06:59 [0x4001750a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:06:59 [0x4001750a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:06:59 [0x4001750a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:06:59 [0x4001750a80] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 08:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 236 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 282 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:36:24 [0x40046221c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:36:24 [0x40046221c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 08:49:55 [0x4000bdf340] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 09:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 270 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 349 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 09:38:23 [0x4000a87340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 09:38:23 [0x4000a87340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 09:53:48 [0x4005c728c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 09:53:48 [0x4005c728c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 09:54:26 [0x40001ef340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 09:54:26 [0x40001ef340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 09:54:26 [0x40001ef340] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 10:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 255 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 415 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:11:15 [0x4001751a40] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 11:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 262 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 313 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:44:58 [0x4005e26e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:44:58 [0x4005e26e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 11:50:20 [0x4001eca1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 12:09:40 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 12:11:54 [0x4003157180] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 12:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 251 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 351 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:00:09 [0x400064bc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:00:09 [0x400064bc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:00:09 [0x400064bc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:00:09 [0x400064bc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:00:09 [0x400064bc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:00:09 [0x400064bc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:00:09 [0x400064bc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:09:08 [0x4004622e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:09:08 [0x4004622e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:09:08 [0x4004622e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:09:08 [0x4004622e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:12:18 [0x4005e26380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:12:18 [0x4005e26380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:12:18 [0x4005e26380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:12:18 [0x4005e26380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:12:18 [0x4005e26380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:12:18 [0x4005e26380] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 13:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 221 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 282 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:29:32 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:29:32 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:29:32 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:29:32 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:29:32 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:29:32 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:29:32 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:29:32 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:29:32 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:29:32 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:29:32 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:29:32 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:29:32 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:29:32 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:44:17 [0x4005e27500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:44:17 [0x4005e27500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:51:18 [0x4001eca540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:54:29 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:54:29 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:54:29 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 13:54:29 [0x40025e2380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:05:28 [0x4006eb08c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:05:28 [0x4006eb08c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:05:28 [0x4006eb08c0] stream 1 not found)
ortc ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:16:40 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:23:49 [0x40014a2700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:23:49 [0x40014a2700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:23:49 [0x40014a2700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:23:49 [0x40014a2700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:23:49 [0x40014a2700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:23:49 [0x40014a2700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:23:49 [0x40014a2700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:23:49 [0x40014a2700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:23:49 [0x40014a2700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:23:49 [0x40014a2700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:23:49 [0x40014a2700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:23:49 [0x40014a2700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:23:49 [0x40014a2700] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 14:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 209 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 328 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:29:03 [0x40014a3500] stream 1 not found)
mux ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:45:09 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:48:24 [0x4001ecb180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:48:24 [0x4001ecb180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:48:24 [0x4001ecb180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:48:24 [0x4001ecb180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 14:48:24 [0x4001ecb180] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 15:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 223 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 246 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 15:44:47 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 15:44:47 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 15:44:47 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 15:44:47 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 15:44:47 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 15:44:47 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 15:44:47 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 15:54:08 [0x4003b7e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 15:54:08 [0x4003b7e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 15:54:08 [0x4003b7e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:02:40 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:02:40 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:24:11 [0x4003b7ea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:24:11 [0x4003b7ea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:24:11 [0x4003b7ea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:24:11 [0x4003b7ea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:24:11 [0x4003b7ea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:24:11 [0x4003b7ea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:24:11 [0x4003b7ea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:24:11 [0x4003b7ea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:24:11 [0x4003b7ea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:24:11 [0x4003b7ea80] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 16:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 218 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 262 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:26:49 [0x4004622e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:26:49 [0x4004622e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:26:49 [0x4004622e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:26:49 [0x4004622e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:37:54 [0x4005e26380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:37:54 [0x4005e26380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:37:54 [0x4005e26380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:37:54 [0x4005e26380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:37:54 [0x4005e26380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:37:54 [0x4005e26380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:37:54 [0x4005e26380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:37:54 [0x4005e26380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:45:18 [0x4000bdea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:45:18 [0x4000bdea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:45:18 [0x4000bdea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:45:18 [0x4000bdea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:45:18 [0x4000bdea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:52:10 [0x4004623dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:52:10 [0x4004623dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:52:10 [0x4004623dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:52:10 [0x4004623dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 16:52:10 [0x4004623dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 17:09:45 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 17:09:45 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 17:09:45 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 17:09:45 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 17:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 231 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 255 MB.
ortc ERROR: 2022/10/03 17:41:31 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 17:51:28 [0x4001e33a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 17:51:28 [0x4001e33a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 17:51:28 [0x4001e33a40] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 18:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 232 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 287 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:26:46 [0x4000464fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:26:46 [0x4000464fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:26:46 [0x4000464fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:26:46 [0x4000464fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:37:25 [0x4006eb1340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:37:25 [0x4006eb1340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:37:25 [0x4006eb1340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:37:25 [0x4006eb1340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:37:25 [0x4006eb1340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:38:01 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:38:01 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:38:01 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:38:01 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:38:01 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:38:01 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:38:01 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:38:01 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:38:01 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:38:01 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:38:01 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:38:01 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:38:01 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:38:01 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:38:01 [0x40014a2540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:44:16 [0x4005e268c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:45:09 [0x40014a21c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:45:09 [0x40014a21c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:45:09 [0x40014a21c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:45:09 [0x40014a21c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:45:09 [0x40014a21c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:45:09 [0x40014a21c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:45:09 [0x40014a21c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:48:12 [0x4000bde380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:48:12 [0x4000bde380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:48:12 [0x4000bde380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:59:52 [0x4006eb0a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:59:52 [0x4006eb0a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:59:52 [0x4006eb0a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:59:52 [0x4006eb0a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 18:59:52 [0x4006eb0a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:07:00 [0x40001ef180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:07:00 [0x40001ef180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:20:13 [0x4005e268c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:20:13 [0x4005e268c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:20:13 [0x4005e268c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:20:13 [0x4005e268c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:20:13 [0x4005e268c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:20:13 [0x4005e268c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:20:13 [0x4005e268c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:20:13 [0x4005e268c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 19:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 238 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 332 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:34:45 [0x4006eb1340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:34:45 [0x4006eb1340] stream 1 not found)
mux ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:35:34 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:58:27 [0x4000bdfc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:58:27 [0x4000bdfc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 19:58:27 [0x4000bdfc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 20:03:24 [0x40001eec40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 20:22:57 [0x40001ee700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 20:22:57 [0x40001ee700] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 20:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 226 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 344 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:15:26 [0x400c4bddc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:15:26 [0x400c4bddc0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 21:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 260 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 525 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:29:02 [0x400174f500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:29:02 [0x400174f500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:29:02 [0x400174f500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:29:02 [0x400174f500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:35:30 [0x400064b180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:35:30 [0x400064b180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:39:45 [0x4006eb0380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:39:45 [0x4006eb0380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:39:45 [0x4006eb0380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:39:45 [0x4006eb0380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:39:45 [0x4006eb0380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:39:45 [0x4006eb0380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:43:42 [0x400c43bdc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:43:42 [0x400c43bdc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:43:42 [0x400c43bdc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:43:42 [0x400c43bdc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:43:42 [0x400c43bdc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:43:42 [0x400c43bdc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:43:42 [0x400c43bdc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:43:42 [0x400c43bdc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:46:09 [0x4000a87880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:48:33 [0x400174f180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:48:33 [0x400174f180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:48:33 [0x400174f180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:48:33 [0x400174f180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:48:33 [0x400174f180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:48:33 [0x400174f180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 21:48:33 [0x400174f180] stream 1 not found)
mux ERROR: 2022/10/03 22:04:43 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
2022/10/03 22:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 280 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 409 MB.
mux ERROR: 2022/10/03 22:41:04 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
mux ERROR: 2022/10/03 22:43:14 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 22:45:31 [0x400c4bc700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 22:45:31 [0x400c4bc700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:17:57 [0x4005e27340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:17:57 [0x4005e27340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:17:57 [0x4005e27340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:17:57 [0x4005e27340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:17:57 [0x4005e27340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:17:57 [0x4005e27340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:17:57 [0x4005e27340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:17:57 [0x4005e27340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:19:03 [0x4003b7e8c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:19:03 [0x4003b7e8c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/03 23:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 283 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 349 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:38:49 [0x400c4bd880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:38:49 [0x400c4bd880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:38:49 [0x400c4bd880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:38:49 [0x400c4bd880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:38:49 [0x400c4bd880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:38:49 [0x400c4bd880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:38:49 [0x400c4bd880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:38:49 [0x400c4bd880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:38:49 [0x400c4bd880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:38:49 [0x400c4bd880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:55:06 [0x40048d7c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:55:06 [0x40048d7c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:56:14 [0x4003b7fa40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:56:14 [0x4003b7fa40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:56:14 [0x4003b7fa40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/03 23:56:14 [0x4003b7fa40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 00:14:31 [0x4000a86700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 00:14:31 [0x4000a86700] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 00:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 211 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 274 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 00:33:05 [0x400126ca80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 00:33:05 [0x400126ca80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:12:01 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:24:23 [0x4000a87c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:24:23 [0x4000a87c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:24:23 [0x4000a87c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:24:23 [0x4000a87c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:24:23 [0x4000a87c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:24:23 [0x4000a87c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:24:23 [0x4000a87c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:24:23 [0x4000a87c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:24:23 [0x4000a87c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:24:23 [0x4000a87c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 01:24:23 [0x4000a87c00] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 01:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 151 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 111 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:00:51 [0x4001ecb500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:00:51 [0x4001ecb500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:00:51 [0x4001ecb500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:00:51 [0x4001ecb500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:16:26 [0x400c4bd180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:16:26 [0x400c4bd180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:16:26 [0x400c4bd180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:16:26 [0x400c4bd180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:16:26 [0x400c4bd180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:16:26 [0x400c4bd180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:17:16 [0x4003b7f340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:22:28 [0x4001eca380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:22:28 [0x4001eca380] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 02:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 141 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 245 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:26:58 [0x400174ea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:26:58 [0x400174ea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:26:58 [0x400174ea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:26:58 [0x400174ea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:26:58 [0x400174ea80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:33:06 [0x400c43ac40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:33:06 [0x400c43ac40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:33:06 [0x400c43ac40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:33:06 [0x400c43ac40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:33:06 [0x400c43ac40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:33:06 [0x400c43ac40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:33:06 [0x400c43ac40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:33:06 [0x400c43ac40] stream 1 not found)
ortc ERROR: 2022/10/04 02:50:51 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 03:05:21 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 03:05:21 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 03:05:21 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 03:05:21 [0x400064a700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 03:21:32 [0x4000bdefc0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 03:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 200 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 546 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 03:29:39 [0x400126c700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 03:29:39 [0x400126c700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 03:35:24 [0x4005e27dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 03:44:13 [0x40025e2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 04:13:03 [0x400064a000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 04:21:56 [0x400174e8c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 04:21:56 [0x400174e8c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 04:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 257 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 366 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 04:46:50 [0x4003b7f880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 04:46:50 [0x4003b7f880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:09:58 [0x400126c8c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:09:58 [0x400126c8c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:09:58 [0x400126c8c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:09:58 [0x400126c8c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:09:58 [0x400126c8c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 05:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 267 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 386 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:31:10 [0x4006b3e1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:31:10 [0x4006b3e1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:31:10 [0x4006b3e1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:31:10 [0x4006b3e1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:31:10 [0x4006b3e1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:31:10 [0x4006b3e1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:31:10 [0x4006b3e1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:45:11 [0x4013c5e380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:45:11 [0x4013c5e380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:45:11 [0x4013c5e380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:45:11 [0x4013c5e380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:45:11 [0x4013c5e380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:45:11 [0x4013c5e380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:45:11 [0x4013c5e380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:45:11 [0x4013c5e380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:45:11 [0x4013c5e380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 05:45:11 [0x4013c5e380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:04:11 [0x4006b3e000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:04:11 [0x4006b3e000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:04:28 [0x4006eb08c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:04:28 [0x4006eb08c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:04:28 [0x4006eb08c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:04:28 [0x4006eb08c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:04:28 [0x4006eb08c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:05:11 [0x400126c540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:05:11 [0x400126c540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:05:11 [0x400126c540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:05:11 [0x400126c540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:05:11 [0x400126c540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:05:11 [0x400126c540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:05:11 [0x400126c540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:05:11 [0x400126c540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:05:11 [0x400126c540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:05:11 [0x400126c540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:05:11 [0x400126c540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:05:11 [0x400126c540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:20:45 [0x400c4bddc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:20:45 [0x400c4bddc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:20:45 [0x400c4bddc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:20:45 [0x400c4bddc0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 06:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 281 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 431 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:56:56 [0x4000bde000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 06:56:56 [0x4000bde000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:05:18 [0x4000bde700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:05:18 [0x4000bde700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:05:18 [0x4000bde700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:05:18 [0x4000bde700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:14 [0x40025e21c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:14 [0x40025e21c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:14 [0x40025e21c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:14 [0x40025e21c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:14 [0x40025e21c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:14 [0x40025e21c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:14 [0x40025e21c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:49 [0x4000bdf180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:49 [0x4000bdf180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:49 [0x4000bdf180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:49 [0x4000bdf180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:52 [0x4005e261c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:52 [0x4005e261c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:52 [0x4005e261c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:52 [0x4005e261c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:52 [0x4005e261c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:52 [0x4005e261c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:52 [0x4005e261c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:52 [0x4005e261c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:52 [0x4005e261c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:07:52 [0x4005e261c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:18:06 [0x4005c72000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:18:06 [0x4005c72000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:18:06 [0x4005c72000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:18:06 [0x4005c72000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:18:06 [0x4005c72000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:25:14 [0x400c4bc000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:25:14 [0x400c4bc000] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 07:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 251 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 2 GB, ↓ 330 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:44:40 [0x400064b500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:44:40 [0x400064b500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:44:40 [0x400064b500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:44:40 [0x400064b500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:44:40 [0x400064b500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 07:48:38 [0x400c4bc380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 08:07:56 [0x4006b3e380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 08:07:56 [0x4006b3e380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 08:07:56 [0x4006b3e380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 08:07:56 [0x4006b3e380] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 08:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 259 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 296 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 08:25:46 [0x400064b340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 08:25:46 [0x400064b340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 08:34:28 [0x4006eb01c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 08:34:28 [0x4006eb01c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 08:36:33 [0x4001ecafc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 08:36:33 [0x4001ecafc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 08:36:33 [0x4001ecafc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 08:36:33 [0x4001ecafc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 08:39:02 [0x4001ecac40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 08:59:54 [0x4004edefc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:03:46 [0x40048d76c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:03:46 [0x40048d76c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:03:46 [0x40048d76c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:03:46 [0x40048d76c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:03:46 [0x40048d76c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:10:42 [0x4001e32000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:10:42 [0x4001e32000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:10:42 [0x4001e32000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:10:42 [0x4001e32000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:10:42 [0x4001e32000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:10:42 [0x4001e32000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:10:42 [0x4001e32000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:10:42 [0x4001e32000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:21:13 [0x4000a87a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:21:13 [0x4000a87a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:21:13 [0x4000a87a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:21:13 [0x4000a87a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:21:13 [0x4000a87a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:21:13 [0x4000a87a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:21:13 [0x4000a87a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:21:13 [0x4000a87a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:21:13 [0x4000a87a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:21:13 [0x4000a87a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:21:13 [0x4000a87a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:21:13 [0x4000a87a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:24:42 [0x4001e328c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 09:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 270 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 205 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:26:38 [0x4006eb16c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:26:38 [0x4006eb16c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:54:49 [0x4005c73a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:54:49 [0x4005c73a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 09:54:49 [0x4005c73a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 10:09:08 [0x4006b3f6c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 10:15:46 [0x4004ede380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 10:15:46 [0x4004ede380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 10:15:46 [0x4004ede380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 10:15:46 [0x4004ede380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 10:15:46 [0x4004ede380] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 10:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 217 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 333 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 10:26:05 [0x4000a87a40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 10:36:48 [0x4005c72000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 10:36:48 [0x4005c72000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 10:48:22 [0x40048d68c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 10:48:22 [0x40048d68c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:09:31 [0x4004622c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:09:31 [0x4004622c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:09:31 [0x4004622c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:09:31 [0x4004622c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:18:56 [0x4005c72a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:18:56 [0x4005c72a80] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 11:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 253 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 243 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:28:00 [0x400174f880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:28:00 [0x400174f880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:28:00 [0x400174f880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:28:00 [0x400174f880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:28:00 [0x400174f880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:28:00 [0x400174f880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:28:00 [0x400174f880] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:36:37 [0x4013c5f500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:36:37 [0x4013c5f500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:36:37 [0x4013c5f500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:36:37 [0x4013c5f500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 11:36:37 [0x4013c5f500] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:00:28 [0x4005e27dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:00:28 [0x4005e27dc0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 12:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 273 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 378 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:40:57 [0x4005c72380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 12:59:49 [0x40025e2e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:13:06 [0x40046228c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:21:32 [0x40048d7dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:21:32 [0x40048d7dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:21:32 [0x40048d7dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:21:32 [0x40048d7dc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:21:32 [0x40048d7dc0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 13:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 247 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 309 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:44:24 [0x400126c380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:44:24 [0x400126c380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:44:24 [0x400126c380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:44:24 [0x400126c380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:44:24 [0x400126c380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:44:24 [0x400126c380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:55:15 [0x400c327c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:55:15 [0x400c327c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:55:15 [0x400c327c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 13:55:15 [0x400c327c00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 14:17:08 [0x4005c72a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 14:17:08 [0x4005c72a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 14:22:15 [0x400126dc00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 14:22:15 [0x400126dc00] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 14:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 241 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 283 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 14:39:42 [0x4003b7e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 14:39:42 [0x4003b7e540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:01:31 [0x40014a2a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 15:17:45 [0x4013c5ec40] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 15:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 246 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 241 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:13:59 [0x4000a86c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:13:59 [0x4000a86c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:13:59 [0x4000a86c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:13:59 [0x4000a86c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:13:59 [0x4000a86c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:13:59 [0x4000a86c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:13:59 [0x4000a86c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:13:59 [0x4000a86c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:13:59 [0x4000a86c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:13:59 [0x4000a86c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:13:59 [0x4000a86c40] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 16:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 256 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 218 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:51:32 [0x4004622a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:51:32 [0x4004622a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:51:32 [0x4004622a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:51:32 [0x4004622a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 16:51:32 [0x4004622a80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 17:05:13 [0x40025e3180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 17:05:13 [0x40025e3180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 17:05:13 [0x40025e3180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 17:05:13 [0x40025e3180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 17:05:13 [0x40025e3180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 17:05:13 [0x40025e3180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 17:05:13 [0x40025e3180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 17:05:13 [0x40025e3180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 17:05:13 [0x40025e3180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 17:05:13 [0x40025e3180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 17:09:26 [0x4004622700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 17:09:26 [0x4004622700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 17:09:26 [0x4004622700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 17:09:26 [0x4004622700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 17:09:26 [0x4004622700] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 17:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 274 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 1 GB, ↓ 221 MB.
2022/10/04 18:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 76 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 388 MB, ↓ 58 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 19:12:24 [0x4005c72000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 19:12:24 [0x4005c72000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 19:12:24 [0x4005c72000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 19:12:24 [0x4005c72000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 19:22:43 [0x400c970fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 19:22:43 [0x400c970fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 19:22:43 [0x400c970fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 19:22:43 [0x400c970fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 19:22:43 [0x400c970fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 19:22:43 [0x400c970fc0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 19:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 71 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 227 MB, ↓ 205 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 19:32:00 [0x400126c540] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 20:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 75 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 328 MB, ↓ 78 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 21:18:43 [0x400126d340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 21:18:43 [0x400126d340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 21:18:43 [0x400126d340] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 21:18:43 [0x400126d340] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/04 21:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 68 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 242 MB, ↓ 33 MB.
2022/10/04 22:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 60 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 311 MB, ↓ 25 MB.
2022/10/04 23:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 64 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 334 MB, ↓ 31 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/04 23:42:43 [0x4005c73340] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/05 00:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 46 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 305 MB, ↓ 18 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 00:34:58 [0x40048d6fc0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/05 01:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 117 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 351 MB, ↓ 35 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 01:58:21 [0x400174e1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 01:58:21 [0x400174e1c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 01:58:21 [0x400174e1c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/05 02:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 37 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 125 MB, ↓ 13 MB.
2022/10/05 03:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 46 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 295 MB, ↓ 34 MB.
ortc ERROR: 2022/10/05 03:48:46 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 04:25:37 [0x40001ee540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 04:25:37 [0x40001ee540] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/05 04:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 62 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 279 MB, ↓ 41 MB.
ortc ERROR: 2022/10/05 04:57:08 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
2022/10/05 05:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 65 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 315 MB, ↓ 23 MB.
2022/10/05 06:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 69 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 187 MB, ↓ 14 MB.
2022/10/05 07:25:40 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 64 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 414 MB, ↓ 40 MB.
2022/10/05 08:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 62 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 185 MB, ↓ 29 MB.
2022/10/05 09:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 69 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 245 MB, ↓ 25 MB.
2022/10/05 10:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 73 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 305 MB, ↓ 34 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 11:23:44 [0x4001519180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 11:23:44 [0x4001519180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 11:23:44 [0x4001519180] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/05 11:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 86 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 406 MB, ↓ 406 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 12:04:47 [0x40004101c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 12:04:47 [0x40004101c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 12:04:47 [0x40004101c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/05 12:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 89 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 561 MB, ↓ 61 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:37:39 [0x40008ece00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:37:39 [0x40008ece00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:37:39 [0x40008ece00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:37:39 [0x40008ece00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 13:44:13 [0x4000993180] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/05 13:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 72 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 469 MB, ↓ 40 MB.
2022/10/05 14:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 73 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 332 MB, ↓ 33 MB.
ortc ERROR: 2022/10/05 15:29:20 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
2022/10/05 15:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 65 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 275 MB, ↓ 23 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 16:09:25 [0x4001518700] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/05 16:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 66 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 407 MB, ↓ 26 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 17:30:43 [0x40001ef6c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/05 17:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 68 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 283 MB, ↓ 629 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 17:45:13 [0x40003fbc00] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/05 18:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 85 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 403 MB, ↓ 34 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 19:39:56 [0x4000410540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 19:39:56 [0x4000410540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 19:41:24 [0x40003faa80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 19:41:24 [0x40003faa80] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 19:41:24 [0x40003faa80] stream 1 not found)
mux ERROR: 2022/10/05 19:41:25 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
2022/10/05 19:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 70 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 546 MB, ↓ 86 MB.
2022/10/05 20:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 82 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 417 MB, ↓ 41 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 21:17:44 [0x40001eee00] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/05 21:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 75 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 471 MB, ↓ 47 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 22:25:54 [0x40015181c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 22:25:54 [0x40015181c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 22:25:54 [0x40015181c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 22:25:54 [0x40015181c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 22:25:54 [0x40015181c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 22:37:17 [0x4000208000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 22:37:17 [0x4000208000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 22:37:17 [0x4000208000] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/05 22:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 73 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 531 MB, ↓ 39 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 23:15:23 [0x400070a8c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/05 23:15:23 [0x400070a8c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/05 23:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 66 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 632 MB, ↓ 62 MB.
2022/10/06 00:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 58 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 412 MB, ↓ 30 MB.
2022/10/06 01:44:45 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 56 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 249 MB, ↓ 22 MB.
2022/10/06 02:44:46 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 53 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 539 MB, ↓ 43 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 02:50:49 [0x40002088c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 02:50:49 [0x40002088c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/06 03:44:46 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 46 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 160 MB, ↓ 13 MB.
2022/10/06 04:44:46 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 52 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 357 MB, ↓ 23 MB.
2022/10/06 05:44:46 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 86 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 470 MB, ↓ 78 MB.
2022/10/06 06:44:46 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 66 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 535 MB, ↓ 39 MB.
2022/10/06 07:44:46 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 54 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 286 MB, ↓ 27 MB.
2022/10/06 08:44:46 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 13 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 43 MB, ↓ 4 MB.
2022/10/06 09:44:46 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 0 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 0 B, ↓ 0 B.
2022/10/06 10:44:46 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 6 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 50 MB, ↓ 5 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 11:34:26 [0x40002a0000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 11:34:26 [0x40002a0000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 11:34:26 [0x40002a0000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 11:34:26 [0x40002a0000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 11:34:26 [0x40002a0000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 11:34:26 [0x40002a0000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 11:34:26 [0x40002a0000] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/06 12:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 61 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 275 MB, ↓ 25 MB.
2022/10/06 13:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 73 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 490 MB, ↓ 49 MB.
2022/10/06 14:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 65 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 441 MB, ↓ 52 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 14:37:54 [0x40001f6700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 14:37:54 [0x40001f6700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 14:37:54 [0x40001f6700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 14:37:54 [0x40001f6700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 14:37:54 [0x40001f6700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 14:37:54 [0x40001f6700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 14:37:54 [0x40001f6700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 14:37:54 [0x40001f6700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 14:37:54 [0x40001f6700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 14:37:54 [0x40001f6700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 14:37:54 [0x40001f6700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 14:37:54 [0x40001f6700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 14:37:54 [0x40001f6700] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/06 15:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 70 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 471 MB, ↓ 48 MB.
ortc ERROR: 2022/10/06 15:55:55 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
2022/10/06 16:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 54 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 352 MB, ↓ 86 MB.
2022/10/06 17:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 77 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 546 MB, ↓ 96 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 17:30:41 [0x40001f6a80] stream 1 not found)
ortc ERROR: 2022/10/06 17:54:01 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
2022/10/06 18:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 56 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 308 MB, ↓ 27 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 18:23:13 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 18:23:13 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 18:23:13 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 18:23:13 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/06 19:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 62 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 297 MB, ↓ 27 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 19:23:30 [0x40001f6fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 19:23:30 [0x40001f6fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 19:53:08 [0x40023ee540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 19:53:08 [0x40023ee540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 19:53:08 [0x40023ee540] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/06 20:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 97 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 452 MB, ↓ 52 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:08:19 [0x400077e000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:12:18 [0x40001f6c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 20:58:40 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/06 21:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 69 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 279 MB, ↓ 25 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 21:21:42 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 21:21:42 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 21:21:42 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 21:21:42 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 21:21:42 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 21:21:42 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 21:21:42 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 21:21:42 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 21:21:42 [0x40001f6380] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/06 22:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 59 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 405 MB, ↓ 30 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 22:23:36 [0x40008f8000] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/06 23:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 42 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 259 MB, ↓ 20 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/06 23:07:19 [0x400077e540] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/07 00:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 47 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 500 MB, ↓ 59 MB.
2022/10/07 01:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 21 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 98 MB, ↓ 11 MB.
2022/10/07 02:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 14 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 222 MB, ↓ 17 MB.
2022/10/07 03:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 23 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 155 MB, ↓ 13 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 03:11:20 [0x400077e000] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/07 04:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 21 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 94 MB, ↓ 8 MB.
2022/10/07 05:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 20 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 102 MB, ↓ 6 MB.
2022/10/07 06:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 31 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 127 MB, ↓ 11 MB.
2022/10/07 07:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 59 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 433 MB, ↓ 41 MB.
2022/10/07 08:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 64 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 356 MB, ↓ 29 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 08:54:25 [0x4005fd8e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 08:54:25 [0x4005fd8e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 08:54:25 [0x4005fd8e00] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 08:54:25 [0x4005fd8e00] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/07 09:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 64 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 331 MB, ↓ 28 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 09:17:36 [0x40008b41c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 09:17:36 [0x40008b41c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 09:17:36 [0x40008b41c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 09:17:36 [0x40008b41c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 09:24:49 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 09:24:49 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 09:24:49 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 09:24:49 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 09:24:49 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 09:24:49 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 09:24:49 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 09:24:49 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 09:24:49 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 09:24:49 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 09:24:49 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/07 10:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 50 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 540 MB, ↓ 51 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 10:50:36 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 10:50:36 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 10:50:36 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 10:50:36 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 10:50:36 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 10:50:36 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 10:50:36 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 10:50:36 [0x40008b4000] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/07 11:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 60 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 552 MB, ↓ 53 MB.
2022/10/07 12:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 53 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 265 MB, ↓ 26 MB.
2022/10/07 13:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 51 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 402 MB, ↓ 29 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 13:11:07 [0x4005fd8700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 13:11:07 [0x4005fd8700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 13:11:07 [0x4005fd8700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 13:11:07 [0x4005fd8700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 13:11:07 [0x4005fd8700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 13:12:48 [0x4005fd8c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 13:12:48 [0x4005fd8c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 13:12:48 [0x4005fd8c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 13:12:48 [0x4005fd8c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 13:24:03 [0x40023ee380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 13:24:03 [0x40023ee380] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 13:28:58 [0x40008f8540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 13:28:58 [0x40008f8540] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 13:28:58 [0x40008f8540] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/07 14:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 57 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 355 MB, ↓ 29 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 14:50:34 [0x4005fd81c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 14:50:34 [0x4005fd81c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/07 15:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 50 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 258 MB, ↓ 24 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 15:30:23 [0x4003175180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 15:30:23 [0x4003175180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 15:30:23 [0x4003175180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 15:30:23 [0x4003175180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 15:30:23 [0x4003175180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 15:30:23 [0x4003175180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 15:30:23 [0x4003175180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 15:30:23 [0x4003175180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 15:30:23 [0x4003175180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 15:44:24 [0x40023ee380] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/07 16:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 65 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 332 MB, ↓ 29 MB.
2022/10/07 17:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 55 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 244 MB, ↓ 32 MB.
2022/10/07 18:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 59 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 266 MB, ↓ 27 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 18:48:31 [0x40008b4c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 18:48:31 [0x40008b4c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 18:48:31 [0x40008b4c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 18:48:31 [0x40008b4c40] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 18:54:41 [0x4005fd88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 18:54:41 [0x4005fd88c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/07 19:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 53 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 310 MB, ↓ 28 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 19:54:15 [0x40001f6fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 19:54:15 [0x40001f6fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 19:54:15 [0x40001f6fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 19:54:15 [0x40001f6fc0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/07 19:54:15 [0x40001f6fc0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/07 20:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 53 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 337 MB, ↓ 29 MB.
2022/10/07 21:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 47 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 335 MB, ↓ 48 MB.
2022/10/07 22:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 43 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 234 MB, ↓ 24 MB.
2022/10/07 23:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 39 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 174 MB, ↓ 15 MB.
ortc ERROR: 2022/10/07 23:48:19 Failed to accept data channel: failed to send ChannelOpen ACK: sending payload data in non-established state: state=Closed
2022/10/08 00:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 22 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 178 MB, ↓ 11 MB.
2022/10/08 01:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 11 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 125 MB, ↓ 10 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 01:05:42 [0x40001f7dc0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/08 02:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 6 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 95 MB, ↓ 18 MB.
2022/10/08 03:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 7 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 56 MB, ↓ 5 MB.
2022/10/08 04:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 24 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 143 MB, ↓ 11 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 04:46:24 [0x40031741c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/08 05:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 35 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 421 MB, ↓ 33 MB.
2022/10/08 06:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 53 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 299 MB, ↓ 23 MB.
mux ERROR: 2022/10/08 06:33:24 mux: ending readLoop dispatch error io: read/write on closed pipe
2022/10/08 07:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 51 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 291 MB, ↓ 29 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 07:53:37 [0x40014781c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/08 08:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 38 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 231 MB, ↓ 25 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 08:30:40 [0x4001479180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 08:30:40 [0x4001479180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 08:30:40 [0x4001479180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 08:30:40 [0x4001479180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 08:30:40 [0x4001479180] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 08:30:40 [0x4001479180] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/08 09:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 55 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 490 MB, ↓ 46 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 09:06:53 [0x4005fd88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 09:06:53 [0x4005fd88c0] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 09:06:53 [0x4005fd88c0] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/08 10:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 62 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 327 MB, ↓ 37 MB.
2022/10/08 11:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 63 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 382 MB, ↓ 33 MB.
2022/10/08 12:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 57 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 415 MB, ↓ 37 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 12:50:07 [0x4001478700] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 12:50:07 [0x4001478700] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/08 13:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 80 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 866 MB, ↓ 65 MB.
2022/10/08 14:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 54 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 519 MB, ↓ 52 MB.
2022/10/08 15:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 17 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 198 MB, ↓ 20 MB.
2022/10/08 16:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 25 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 245 MB, ↓ 17 MB.
2022/10/08 17:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 33 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 343 MB, ↓ 34 MB.
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 17:05:00 [0x4001a76000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 17:05:00 [0x4001a76000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 17:05:00 [0x4001a76000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 17:05:00 [0x4001a76000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 17:05:00 [0x4001a76000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 17:05:00 [0x4001a76000] stream 1 not found)
sctp ERROR: 2022/10/08 17:05:00 [0x4001a76000] stream 1 not found)
2022/10/08 18:00:52 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 51 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 352 MB, ↓ 37 MB.
wkrp commented 2 years ago

going through the steps u mentioned, on macOS, I edited the file in Applications/TorBrowser.App/Contents/Resources/TorBrowser/Tor/torrc-defaults but no pt_state folder or such file is made, am I doing sth wrong? did I edit the wrong file?

Sorry about that. The state directory may have changed since the last time I tried the instructions. I cannot easily check myself, but you may find the pt_state folder under ~/Library/Application Support/TorBrowser-Data. According to, the folder is hidden by default, and you must use "Go to Folder..." in the menu.

wkrp commented 2 years ago

It seems since disruptions have been begun, "stream 1 not found" error is occurring more frequently. Does this mean something?

@free-the-internet the sctp logs may be related, but I do not know. There is a thread already on the Tor Forum, however there is not much more information.

FYI, SCTP is an inner protocol used in the WebRTC link between the client and the proxy.

wkrp commented 2 years ago

so, as u might know the main two mobile internet providers in iran are irancell (aka mtn) and mci, I had the chance to try to connect to them via Tor snowflake in "the most intese hours" of city, and here are the logs for those test. Hope they help. They are all generated using tor browser on windows.

Thank you, this is informative. What I see in the Irancell (irc) logs is that all DNS lookups failed; that is the connection problem (at least) has to do with DNS.

2022/10/08 09:46:50 Error resolving address: lookup no such host
2022/10/08 09:46:50 Error creating STUN connection: lookup no such host
2022/10/08 09:46:50 Error resolving address: lookup no such host
2022/10/08 09:46:50 Error creating STUN connection: lookup no such host
2022/10/08 09:46:50 Error resolving address: lookup no such host
2022/10/08 09:46:50 Error creating STUN connection: lookup no such host
2022/10/08 09:46:50 WebRTC: dial tcp: lookup no such host  Retrying...
2022/10/08 09:47:00 WebRTC: dial tcp: lookup no such host  Retrying...

From the logs I cannot tell whether all DNS lookups would have failed at that time, or if only the specific domain names used by snowflake are affected. One thing you can try is configuring a different system DNS resolver, like one of the domestic resolvers from

In the MCI (tci) logs, I see rendezvous working and getting a proxy connection, though I can believe you that the connection is not very functional. I see low traffic rates (only a few KB/s), and each proxy appears to be lasting only a few minutes.

SaSyda commented 2 years ago

@wkrp ure welcome, and thanks for the directory it was actually there, and it'll be easier for me to run the next test. (and i guess we can have orbot logs the same way, in case they give us the option) so, if i'm not mistaken, u need me to try connecting to other DNS available and provided in my country, or any international ones? we've actually got dns connection problems for years, as i remember periods when googles' like weren't reachable. Anyways i'm ready to try any scripts for any tests. and for the MCI (tci) part, the actual speed of mobile internet connection in iran and on LTE is about 1-4MBps, and it being KBps is the actual problem which might as well be related to what u mentioned about DNS.

free-the-internet commented 2 years ago

any tests. and for the MCI (tci) part, the actual speed of mobile internet connection in iran and on LTE is about 1-4MBps, and it being KBps is the actual problem which might as well be related to what u mentioned about DNS.

@SaSyda, You mean resolution timeout caused by the very low speed? You can try to increase it if you are using Linux distributions easily by editing /etc/resolve.conf, and test if the problem is the very long latency. see

wkrp commented 2 years ago

so, if i'm not mistaken, u need me to try connecting to other DNS available and provided in my country, or any international ones?

That's correct. It is possible the first step of the connection is being disrupted by blocking DNS queries. But it may be only that the default ISP DNS resolvers on mobile networks are blocking the queries. Other DNS resolvers may be able to resolve the names correctly. Even a domestic resolver would work, if it is a recursive resolver. has a list of potentially working domestic resolvers. I tested a few of these and they worked for DNS tunneling, so they should be good enough for normal queries.

How to change DNS settings:

it being KBps is the actual problem which might as well be related to what u mentioned about DNS.

It is unlikely that problems with DNS would affect the speed of an ensuing connection. My guess is that problems with the speed/stability of the WebRTC proxy connection has a different cause.

quartermarsh commented 2 years ago

@wkrp I ran the proxy with the ampcache torrc file for a while and didn’t notice an appreciable difference from the default torrc. There are infrequent sctp errors which never seem to effect connections on the host side, and as dcf observed may just reflect capacity issues at the bridge. Other than that, there are no connection failures in the proxy -verbose log. Perhaps that log isn’t verbose enough to report other errors? If you have a workaround for that I’d appreciate it.

you can also test these settings from the command line using tor -f torrc and a torrc file

I should make sure that this will work from the tor included in Tor Browser (the machine is on darwin, so in the Application Support folder >’Tor-Browser-Data’>Tor). And, because my command line skills are a bit lacking, I’d like to check a few things with you if I may :)

First, that the tor command PATH should be to ~/Library/Application Support/TorBrowser-Data/Tor (and also add it to the shell profile).

Second, which directory I should cd into to run tor -f torrc. (That's after I swap out the torrc file in that Tor folder with the one you provided)

The last question is about logging. Am I looking for debug.log? I see this in the tor man page: " For instance, if you want Tor to log all debugging messages to debug.log, you must specify --Log "debug file debug.log"." I’m not sure how to do that or where I would find it if I’m successful. I’m also wondering about the mention of ./client -log snowflake.log in the torrc file. Is that the appropriate log and where would I find it? I’m a bit confused as you can see :/

Thank you so much for helping us out!

wkrp commented 2 years ago

Thanks @quartermarsh.

I ran the proxy with the ampcache torrc file

This doesn't make sense to me. There's not ampcache nor torrc with the snowflake proxy. Those are parameters of the snowflake client only. A proxy does not actually use tor at all (tor is only at the client and the bridge). Proxies always contact the broker directly using HTTPS; they don't have support for any covert rendezvous like ampcache.

Since the huge drop on October 4, the bridge is very comfortably within its capacity limits, so it is unlikely any runtime errors are caused by a loss of bridge capacity. It is possible that there is some kind of dynamic interference with WebRTC connections (which could explain the short proxy lifetimes observed in MCI in, and those could manifest at the proxy as sctp errors, but that is only a guess.

you can also test these settings from the command line using tor -f torrc and a torrc file

I should make sure that this will work from the tor included in Tor Browser (the machine is on darwin, so in the Application Support folder >’Tor-Browser-Data’>Tor).

I am not too familiar with macOS, so I could be mistaken, but I believe the tor executable is inside the original TorBrowser app folder (which you can open like a folder in the Finder by command-clicking, or cd into from the command line), not in the Application Support folder. The Application Support folder is only for some dynamically created files, like the snowflake-client log; the static files should remain in the original dmg.

I am typing these instructions blind as a I do not have a macOS host to test with, but it should be something like

cd "/Applications/Tor"
./tor -f ~/
./tor -f ~/torrc.ampcache

If you installed Tor Browser somewhere other than /Applications, you will have to make the necessary adjustment. and torrc.ampcache are names I've given the files from You can name them whatever you like. To work with the command lines given above, they should be created in the ~ directory (also known as $HOME or the Home folder in the Finder), which is /Users/yourusername.

I am not sure if the DataDirectory datadir configuration lines will work while you are cded to a subdirectory of /Applications. You can try deleting that line, or do something like this instead:

cd # enters $HOME directory
"/Applications/Tor" -f
"/Applications/Tor" -f torrc.ampcache

The last question is about logging. Am I looking for debug.log? ... I’m also wondering about the mention of ./client -log snowflake.log in the torrc file. Is that the appropriate log and where would I find it?

Good questions. The tor log and the snowflake-client log are two separate files. Unfortunately the tor log is not informative enough; that's why in this issue we're asking for the snowflake-client log. debug.log is the tor log file. The file we are looking for is snowflake-client.log, which is created by -log snowflake-client.log in the ClientTransportPlugin line. When you use -log snowflake-client.log, the file snowflake-client.log will be created in the current directory (the directory you were in when you run the tor command). If you use instead -log snowflake-client.log -log-to-state-dir, the log will be created at datadir/pt_state/snowflake-client.log, where datadir is specified in the DataDirectory line in torrc. If it's not where you expect, try the search feature in Finder. When you use snowflake using the built-in features in Tor Browser, datadir is somewhere under the Application Support folder, which is the only case where you might have to look there.

quartermarsh commented 2 years ago

Thanks @wkrp.

I’ve just gone back to the beginning of this post and I think I’ve made a fundamental error. It appears you’re looking for connection failures for snowflake bridge users [clients], not proxy operators [hosts] like myself. If so, I’m so sorry to take up your time and I’ll see myself out lol. If not, I’ll review your advice and see if I can figure out how to generate the logs you’re lookng for.

wkrp commented 2 years ago

It's no problem, you were asking intelligent questions. Indeed I was looking for reports from clients.

It is possible that measurements from proxies can also tell us something, but it will likely require more than looking at logs: filtering client IP addresses by geolocation to Iran, followed by focused analysis of pcaps.

quartermarsh commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the confirmation. The verbosity level of the proxy log isn’t quite enough alone. I have a good little network utility which I use to monitor and geolocate proxy traffic. Hadn’t thought of analysing pcaps. Thanks for the suggestion. And thanks once again for the helpful advice to proxy users. You certainly are getting some interesting log results! All the best to you.

gusgustavo commented 2 years ago

Orbot with Snowflake-AMP reddit thread:

updating settings in Tor service Updating torrc custom configuration… Orbot is starting… Connected to tor control port Added control port event handler 
NOTICE: Bootstrapped 14% (handshake): Handshaking with a relay 
NOTICE: Bootstrapped 15% (handshake_done): Handshake with a relay done 
NOTICE: Bootstrapped 20% (onehop_create): Establishing an encrypted directory connection 
NOTICE: Bootstrapped 25% (requesting_status): Asking for networkstatus consensus 
NOTICE: new bridge descriptor 'flakey6' (fresh): $2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72~flakey6 [1zOHpg+FxqQfi/6jDLtCpHHqBTH8gjYmCKXkus1D5Ko] at 
NOTICE: Bootstrapped 30% (loading_status): Loading networkstatus consensus 
NOTICE: I learned some more directory information, but not enough to build a circuit: We have no usable consensus. 
NOTICE: Bootstrapped 40% (loading_keys): Loading authority key certs NOTICE: The current consensus has no exit nodes. Tor can only build internal paths, such as paths to onion services. 
NOTICE: Bootstrapped 45% (requesting_descriptors): Asking for relay descriptors 
NOTICE: I learned some more directory information, but not enough to build a circuit: We need more microdescriptors: we have 0/6140, and can only build 0% of likely paths. (We have 100% of guards bw, 0% of midpoint bw, and 0% of end bw (no exits in consensus, using mid) = 0% of path bw.) 
NOTICE: Bootstrapped 50% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors 
NOTICE: Delaying directory fetches: No running bridges
quartermarsh commented 2 years ago

Orbot on iOS log - Snowflake AMP

Oct 11 07:50:01.000 [notice] Tor opening new log file. Oct 11 07:50:01.958 [notice] We compiled with OpenSSL 101010ff: OpenSSL 1.1.1o 3 May 2022 and we are running with OpenSSL 101010ff: 1.1.1o. These two versions should be binary compatible. Oct 11 07:50:01.979 [notice] Tor running on Darwin with Libevent 2.1.12-stable, OpenSSL 1.1.1o, Zlib 1.2.11, Liblzma 5.2.5, Libzstd N/A and Unknown N/A as libc. Oct 11 07:50:01.979 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at Oct 11 07:50:01.980 [notice] Configuration file "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/DCF43207-4B4B-4969-8B9D-3EFF0D267A25/.torrc" not present, using reasonable defaults. Oct 11 07:50:01.985 [warn] MaxMemInQueues is set to a low value; if your client doesn't work, this may be the reason why. Oct 11 07:50:01.993 [notice] Opening Socks listener on Oct 11 07:50:01.994 [notice] Socks listener listening on port 49829. Oct 11 07:50:01.994 [notice] Opened Socks listener connection (ready) on Oct 11 07:50:01.994 [notice] Opening DNS listener on Oct 11 07:50:01.994 [notice] DNS listener listening on port 49763. Oct 11 07:50:01.994 [notice] Opened DNS listener connection (ready) on Oct 11 07:50:01.994 [notice] Opening Control listener on Oct 11 07:50:01.994 [notice] Control listener listening on port 49830. Oct 11 07:50:01.994 [notice] Opened Control listener connection (ready) on Oct 11 07:50:02.000 [notice] {GENERAL} Parsing GEOIP IPv4 file /var/containers/Bundle/Application/DB4DDC93-4D2E-4A06-9EAF-C9BAB19D449D/ Oct 11 07:50:02.000 [notice] {GENERAL} Parsing GEOIP IPv6 file /var/containers/Bundle/Application/DB4DDC93-4D2E-4A06-9EAF-C9BAB19D449D/ Oct 11 07:50:02.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 0% (starting): Starting Oct 11 07:50:03.000 [notice] {GUARD} Starting with guard context "bridges" Oct 11 07:50:03.000 [notice] {DIR} Delaying directory fetches: No running bridges Oct 11 07:50:03.000 [notice] {CONTROL} New control connection opened from Oct 11 07:50:04.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 1% (conn_pt): Connecting to pluggable transport Oct 11 07:50:04.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 2% (conn_done_pt): Connected to pluggable transport Oct 11 07:50:04.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 10% (conn_done): Connected to a relay Oct 11 07:50:08.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 14% (handshake): Handshaking with a relay Oct 11 07:50:09.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 15% (handshake_done): Handshake with a relay done Oct 11 07:50:09.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 20% (onehop_create): Establishing an encrypted directory connection Oct 11 07:50:09.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 25% (requesting_status): Asking for networkstatus consensus Oct 11 07:50:09.000 [notice] {DIR} new bridge descriptor 'flakey4' (fresh): $2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72~flakey4 [1zOHpg+FxqQfi/6jDLtCpHHqBTH8gjYmCKXkus1D5Ko] at Oct 11 07:50:09.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 75% (enough_dirinfo): Loaded enough directory info to build circuits Oct 11 07:50:10.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 76% (ap_conn_pt): Connecting to pluggable transport to build circuits Oct 11 07:50:10.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 77% (ap_conn_done_pt): Connected to pluggable transport to build circuits Oct 11 07:50:10.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 85% (ap_conn_done): Connected to a relay to build circuits Oct 11 07:50:16.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 89% (ap_handshake): Finishing handshake with a relay to build circuits Oct 11 07:50:17.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 90% (ap_handshake_done): Handshake finished with a relay to build circuits Oct 11 07:50:17.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 95% (circuit_create): Establishing a Tor circuit Oct 11 07:50:18.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 100% (done): Done

On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 5:06 AM, Gustavo Gus @.***> wrote:

Orbot with Snowflake-AMP logs:

updating settings in Tor service Updating torrc custom configuration… Orbot is starting… Connected to tor control port Added control port event handler NOTICE: Bootstrapped 14% (handshake): Handshaking with a relay NOTICE: Bootstrapped 15% (handshake_done): Handshake with a relay done NOTICE: Bootstrapped 20% (onehop_create): Establishing an encrypted directory connection NOTICE: Bootstrapped 25% (requesting_status): Asking for networkstatus consensus NOTICE: new bridge descriptor 'flakey6' (fresh): $2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72~flakey6 [1zOHpg+FxqQfi/6jDLtCpHHqBTH8gjYmCKXkus1D5Ko] at NOTICE: Bootstrapped 30% (loading_status): Loading networkstatus consensus NOTICE: I learned some more directory information, but not enough to build a circuit: We have no usable consensus. NOTICE: Bootstrapped 40% (loading_keys): Loading authority key certs NOTICE: The current consensus has no exit nodes. Tor can only build internal paths, such as paths to onion services. NOTICE: Bootstrapped 45% (requesting_descriptors): Asking for relay descriptors NOTICE: I learned some more directory information, but not enough to build a circuit: We need more microdescriptors: we have 0/6140, and can only build 0% of likely paths. (We have 100% of guards bw, 0% of midpoint bw, and 0% of end bw (no exits in consensus, using mid) = 0% of path bw.) NOTICE: Bootstrapped 50% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors NOTICE: Delaying directory fetches: No running bridges

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wkrp commented 2 years ago
NOTICE: Bootstrapped 50% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors

@gusgustavo The fact that bootstrapping got as far as 50% means that every part of Snowflake was working: contacting a STUN server, HTTPS/AMP rendezvous with the broker, WebRTC connection with a temporary proxy, data exchange with the bridge. A tor log that reaches 50% says that none of those components was outright blocked. But the fact that it only got to 50%, and no more, says that something stopped working after the connection to the bridge was already working. It might have been an unlucky string of bad proxies; it may be some kind of interference with the established WebRTC connection that we have not identified yet.

quartermarsh commented 2 years ago

I think I missed a setting in Orbot. Apparently you have to toggle “I’m sure I can’t connect without a bridge” before connecting.

Oct 11 10:28:22.000 [notice] Tor opening new log file. Oct 11 10:28:21.986 [notice] We compiled with OpenSSL 101010ff: OpenSSL 1.1.1o 3 May 2022 and we are running with OpenSSL 101010ff: 1.1.1o. These two versions should be binary compatible. Oct 11 10:28:22.005 [notice] Tor running on Darwin with Libevent 2.1.12-stable, OpenSSL 1.1.1o, Zlib 1.2.11, Liblzma 5.2.5, Libzstd N/A and Unknown N/A as libc. Oct 11 10:28:22.005 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at Oct 11 10:28:22.006 [notice] Configuration file "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/DCF43207-4B4B-4969-8B9D-3EFF0D267A25/.torrc" not present, using reasonable defaults. Oct 11 10:28:22.008 [warn] MaxMemInQueues is set to a low value; if your client doesn't work, this may be the reason why. Oct 11 10:28:22.017 [notice] Opening Socks listener on Oct 11 10:28:22.018 [notice] Socks listener listening on port 49982. Oct 11 10:28:22.018 [notice] Opened Socks listener connection (ready) on Oct 11 10:28:22.018 [notice] Opening DNS listener on Oct 11 10:28:22.018 [notice] DNS listener listening on port 51778. Oct 11 10:28:22.018 [notice] Opened DNS listener connection (ready) on Oct 11 10:28:22.018 [notice] Opening Control listener on Oct 11 10:28:22.018 [notice] Control listener listening on port 49983. Oct 11 10:28:22.018 [notice] Opened Control listener connection (ready) on Oct 11 10:28:22.000 [notice] {GENERAL} Parsing GEOIP IPv4 file /var/containers/Bundle/Application/DB4DDC93-4D2E-4A06-9EAF-C9BAB19D449D/ Oct 11 10:28:22.000 [notice] {GENERAL} Parsing GEOIP IPv6 file /var/containers/Bundle/Application/DB4DDC93-4D2E-4A06-9EAF-C9BAB19D449D/ Oct 11 10:28:22.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 0% (starting): Starting Oct 11 10:28:23.000 [notice] {GUARD} Starting with guard context "bridges" Oct 11 10:28:23.000 [notice] {DIR} Delaying directory fetches: No running bridges Oct 11 10:28:23.000 [notice] {DIR} new bridge descriptor 'flakey4' (cached): $2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72~flakey4 [1zOHpg+FxqQfi/6jDLtCpHHqBTH8gjYmCKXkus1D5Ko] at Oct 11 10:28:23.000 [notice] {DIR} new bridge descriptor 'flakey3' (cached): $2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72~flakey3 [1zOHpg+FxqQfi/6jDLtCpHHqBTH8gjYmCKXkus1D5Ko] at Oct 11 10:28:23.000 [notice] {CONTROL} New control connection opened from Oct 11 10:28:24.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 1% (conn_pt): Connecting to pluggable transport Oct 11 10:28:24.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 2% (conn_done_pt): Connected to pluggable transport Oct 11 10:28:24.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 10% (conn_done): Connected to a relay Oct 11 10:28:27.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 14% (handshake): Handshaking with a relay Oct 11 10:28:28.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 15% (handshake_done): Handshake with a relay done Oct 11 10:28:28.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 75% (enough_dirinfo): Loaded enough directory info to build circuits Oct 11 10:28:28.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 95% (circuit_create): Establishing a Tor circuit Oct 11 10:28:29.000 [notice] {DIR} new bridge descriptor 'flakey6' (fresh): $2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72~flakey6 [1zOHpg+FxqQfi/6jDLtCpHHqBTH8gjYmCKXkus1D5Ko] at Oct 11 10:28:31.000 [notice] {CONTROL} Bootstrapped 100% (done): Done Oct 11 10:29:05.000 [notice] {APP} Have tried resolving or connecting to address '[scrubbed]' at 3 different places. Giving up.

On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 10:02 AM, wkrp @.***> wrote:

NOTICE: Bootstrapped 50% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors

@.***( The fact that bootstrapping got as far as 50% means that every part of Snowflake was working: contacting a STUN server, HTTPS/AMP rendezvous with the broker, WebRTC connection with a temporary proxy, data exchange with the bridge. A tor log that reaches 50% says that none of those components was outright blocked. But the fact that it only got to 50%, and no more, says that something stopped working after the connection to the bridge was already working. It might have been an unlucky string of bad proxies; it may be some kind of interference with the established WebRTC connection that we have not identified yet.

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quartermarsh commented 2 years ago

Tor Browser - snowflake-client.log

No obvious connection failures but I’m not sure what to look for, so…


pitasia commented 2 years ago

MY COMMENT LIKELY NOT HELPFUL; do not waste time responding to my comment please. I was looking up what WebRTC is, "A few CDNs, such as the Microsoft-owned Peer5, use the client's bandwidth to upload media to other connected peers, enabling each peer to act as an edge server." Made me think what if someone connected transfers large things to hog bandwidth as a means to mess others up, but I guess that would not result in a drop in the overall measure of bandwidth.

wkrp commented 2 years ago

I captured a pcap of Orbot 16.6.1-RC-3-tor. on Android bootstrapping with Snowflake (Method 1 - Fastly). I also got a pcap of Tor Browser 11.5.2 on Linux bootstrapping with Snowflake. The fingerprints of the two Client Hellos are the same, differing only in fields that are expected to differ (Random, Session ID, key_share).

I think I found why I got the same fingerprint for desktop Tor Browser and Orbot. Background:

Briefly, the differences in the native Go crypto/tls ciphersuite ordering does not directly ahve to do with mobile versus desktop; it instead hinges on whether the platform has hardware AES-GCM acceleration or not. Evidently, most mobile platforms do not have such acceleration, while most desktop platforms do, which is why the ciphersuite order and hence the TLS fingerprint tends to differ across mobile and desktop. When I tested the desktop version, I did it in a VM that did not emulate support for accelerated AES-GCM, so I got the same ciphersuite order as is commonly produced on Android.

But this is good news: it's strong evidence that TLS fingerprint is (one of) the features being used to block Snowflake in Iran. They blocked the more common mobile TLS fingerprint, but did not block the less common desktop fingerprint. This hypothesis agrees with @SaSyda's report in It is also something that can likely be fixed in a reasonably short time frame.

The next version of Tor Browser is already set to include a version of snowflake-client with uTLS fingerprint camouflage, which presumably include Tor Browser for Android, though I don't know when a release is planned. I am not sure about near-future release plans for Orbot, but I will check.

wkrp commented 2 years ago

Snowflake with uTLS support in Tor Browser 11.5.4 for Android

Version 11.5.4 of Tor Browser, released 5 days ago, already has support for TLS camouflage using uTLS in Snowflake. It is not enabled by default, and unfortunately there is no easy configuration interface: you have to edit a bridge line. You can help by testing uTLS fingerprints in Android and reporting whether they work. We can use the test results to make enabling uTLS easier and more automatic in future releases, and make it work in Orbot as well.

The change you will make is to add utls-imitate=fingerprint, where fingerprint is hellochrome_auto, helloios_auto, or hellorandomizedalpn.

  1. Get a copy of Tor Browser 11.5.4. There are instructions on the Tor Forum.

    If you have trouble downloading, you can contact

  2. Go to where Tor Browser lets you enter a bridge address (⚙️ Settings iconConfig BridgeUse a BridgeProvide a Bridge I know). Copy and paste the following bridge line: snowflake 2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72 fingerprint=2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72 url=,,,,,,,,,,, utls-imitate=hellochrome_auto

  3. Click OK and go back to the main browser screen.

Now Tor Browser should connect over Snowflake. If it works, within about a minute the normal browser interface will appear. If it fails, the Settings screen will show "Is Tor Ready: No" and "State: Connecting", and the Tor log (swipe left on the main screen) will say "general SOCKS server failure".

You can experiment with different settings of utls-imitate in the bridge line:

There is also a hellofirefox_auto setting, but it did not work for me in Android on ARM. The Tor log says "server selected unsupported group".

EDIT 2022-10-17: Fixed the bridge line in step 2. It originally had the alternative broker domain front from, in addition to the utls-imitate change. It was meant to only have the utls-imitate change.

wkrp commented 2 years ago

Tor Browser is getting ready to make a new release that enables uTLS camouflage in Snowflake, using the hellorandomizedalpn Client Hello ID. Currently Snowflake lacks the technical ability to specify more than one Client Hello ID or to choose one randomly.

@gaukas, is there any reason why hellorandomizedalpn is a bad idea?

gaukas commented 2 years ago

why hellorandomizedalpn is a bad idea

Not that I know of. But this could be a bug related to HelloRandomizedALPN:

I am not really available for investigating or reproducing this bug but I believe if Tor decides to release such feature, it should be tested to made sure works.

quartermarsh commented 2 years ago

TB for Mac bootstraps with no errors with all three options fwiw. At least in the Tor log.

On Tue, Oct 18, 2022 at 2:41 PM, Gaukas Wang @.***> wrote:

why hellorandomizedalpn is a bad idea

Not that I know of. But this could be a bug related to HelloRandomizedALPN: refraction-networking/utls#109

I am not really available for investigating or reproducing this bug but I believe if Tor decides to release such feature, it should be tested to make sure it works.

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hexrot commented 2 years ago

Server traffic declined to zero now on different instances of snowflake. Any hint for N00bie to improove? Just wait for external solution?

SaSyda commented 2 years ago

@wkrp hello man and sorry for my long absence, i dont think u would want to know where i've been these day. Got back here to see your new theory and man u are right, just tested tor browser on android with ur custom snowflake, and it works, not perfectly or fast, but does connect and brings certain restricted websites. actually i'm not that of a professional in that app. but i was able to test it and really, well done. I'll be back with more details soon. keep rocking.

quartermarsh commented 2 years ago

@hexrot It may recover after a few hours of idle. Wait and see. A restart of the proxy can help (assuming you’re running standalone). The snowflake team is working on it.

Message ID: @.***>

wkrp commented 2 years ago

Server traffic declined to zero now on different instances of snowflake.

@hexrot it was a reboot of the bridge server. We are tracking such events at the metrics timeline.

mehdifirefox commented 2 years ago

Here is Iran All things disabled I am connected with VMess now. If I can help the Tor team I am at your service

Because of the high advertisement of people to go to Tor Were just out of the same time.

Iranian users are more looking for a comfortable application to connect

free-the-internet commented 2 years ago

Here is Iran All things disabled I am connected with VMess now. If I can help the Tor team I am at your service

Because of the high advertisement of people to go to Tor Were just out of the same time.

Iranian users are more looking for a comfortable application to connect

Tor is the best way to go as many users with millions of IPs can run snowflake bridges and it is super hard for censor to block them. To help, refer to this: with the latest Tor Browser ver. 11.5.4 (not Orbot), and report the result here. Both in windows and android, if possible. Thank you.

mehdifirefox commented 2 years ago

I got the latest version of Android tor and tested it

It did not connect normally. I tried different bridges and it didn't connect. I got the configuration from the Telegram tor bot. was not connected.

I will test Windows in a few hours

On Thu, 20 Oct 2022, 11:45 free-the-internet, @.***> wrote:

Here is Iran All things disabled I am connected with VMess now. If I can help the Tor team I am at your service

Because of the high advertisement of people to go to Tor Were just out of the same time.

Iranian users are more looking for a comfortable application to connect

Tor is the best way to go as many users with millions of IPs can run snowflake bridges and it is super hard for censor to block them. To help, refer to this: #125 (comment) with the latest Tor Browser ver. 11.5.4 (not Orbot), and report the result here. Both in windows and android, if possible. Thank you.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>

free-the-internet commented 2 years ago

I got the latest version of Android tor and tested it It did not connect normally. I tried different bridges and it didn't connect. I got the configuration from the Telegram tor bot. was not connected. I will test Windows in a few hours On Thu, 20 Oct 2022, 11:45 free-the-internet, @.> wrote: Here is Iran All things disabled I am connected with VMess now. If I can help the Tor team I am at your service Because of the high advertisement of people to go to Tor Were just out of the same time. Iranian users are more looking for a comfortable application to connect Tor is the best way to go as many users with millions of IPs can run snowflake bridges and it is super hard for censor to block them. To help, refer to this: #125 (comment) <#125 (comment)> with the latest Tor Browser ver. 11.5.4 (not Orbot), and report the result here. Both in windows and android, if possible. Thank you. — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#131 (comment)>, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.>

‌Be careful about the fact that if you use snowflake it take some minutes to connect.

mehdifirefox commented 2 years ago

Test again Time tehran 12:47 up to 12:56 was not connected

On Thu, 20 Oct 2022, 12:41 free-the-internet, @.***> wrote:

I got the latest version of Android tor and tested it It did not connect normally. I tried different bridges and it didn't connect. I got the configuration from the Telegram tor bot. was not connected. I will test Windows in a few hours … <#m1538058103657570967> On Thu, 20 Oct 2022, 11:45 free-the-internet, @.> wrote: Here is Iran All things disabled I am connected with VMess now. If I can help the Tor team I am at your service Because of the high advertisement of people to go to Tor Were just out of the same time. Iranian users are more looking for a comfortable application to connect Tor is the best way to go as many users with millions of IPs can run snowflake bridges and it is super hard for censor to block them. To help, refer to this: #125 (comment) <#125 (comment)> with the latest Tor Browser ver. 11.5.4 (not Orbot), and report the result here. Both in windows and android, if possible. Thank you. — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#131 (comment)>, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.>

‌Be careful about the fact that if you use snowflake it take some minutes to connect.

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wkrp commented 2 years ago

There is now a release available of Orbot that enables uTLS for Snowflake (from

You can download APKs here:

This release makes it possible to see the snowflake-client log. If there's a failure to connect, it will help us figure out what is going wrong. Enable SettingsDebug Log, then go back to the main screen and Start. Tap on a status message to show the tor log, then tap the :snowflake: snowflake icon to view the snowflake-client log.