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Looking for: A good paper on how TLS-in-TLS detection works? #281

Open mmmray opened 1 year ago

mmmray commented 1 year ago

related to #280, it got me thinking about TLS-in-TLS: I wonder if ECH and/or GREASE in the inner layer would (temporarily) confuse those heuristics.

but then, i realized, i have no idea how TLS-in-TLS is detected today. is there an (english) summary of it?

I only see some vague allusions towards it at (google translate) which talks about packet sizes and timings being detectable via machine learning. But it's not very concrete about how this detection works (I think it's a good read regardless)

nlifew commented 1 year ago

nlifew commented 1 year ago

RPRX commented 1 year ago

I wonder if ECH and/or GREASE in the inner layer would (temporarily) confuse those heuristics.


几个月前有一篇研究 TLS in TLS 握手特征的论文(至今尚未发布),它的作者找到了我和 @yuhan6665 ,我提了一些修改建议

这篇论文也让我们意识到了实现 Vision Seed 的紧迫性,正好近期我们就在开发它,我还会给 Trojan-killer 加上原理说明等

A few months ago, the author of a paper on TLS in TLS handshake characterization (which has not yet been published) reached out to me and @yuhan6665, and I suggested some changes.

This paper also made us realize the urgency of implementing Vision Seed, which we've been working on for a while now, and I'll be adding a rationale to Trojan-killer, etc.

nekohasekai commented 1 year ago

I wonder if ECH and/or GREASE in the inner layer would (temporarily) confuse those heuristics.


几个月前有一篇研究 TLS in TLS 握手特征的论文(至今尚未发布),它的作者找到了我和 @yuhan6665 ,我提了一些修改建议

这篇论文也让我们意识到了实现 Vision Seed 的紧迫性,正好近期我们就在开发它,我还会给 Trojan-killer 加上原理说明等

If I understand correctly, The paper actually states that protocols like XTLS Vision that simply add padding to the connection header don't work in their own homemade TLS in crypto recognition model, and there is currently no evidence that GFW applies such checks either. In other words, not only is the protocol complex and undefined, it is also meaningless for anti-censorship purposes.

Your Trojan-killer simply checks the first packet length and claims to have no false positives on your own device. For the doubter, you even said that you don't know how to open a .pcap file.

Using Chinese to promote your project in the anti-censorship community and exaggerating the dangers of TLS in crypto traffic characteristics actually does not help understanding GFW.

RPRX commented 1 year ago

If I understand correctly, The paper actually states that protocols like XTLS Vision that simply add padding to the connection header don't work in their own homemade TLS in crypto recognition model, and there is currently no evidence that GFW applies such checks either. In other words, not only is the protocol complex and undefined, it is also meaningless for anti-censorship purposes.

首先我认为,你在看了别人未发表的文章后,公开说这篇文章是什么内容是不合适的。你的描述仅是这篇文章内容的一部分且并不准确,但我若说太多就是揭示了更多的内容,包括他的测试方法、其它协议的数据以及数据之间的对比。我最多能透露,根据作者的说法,通用 TLS in TLS 握手检测模型对 Vision 的强 padding 效果非常差,只能“协议倒模”,而这就是 Seed 要解决的问题之一。

然后“either”这个词,我补充一下背景,这位朋友说 TLS in TLS 检测是炒作,还有一个人说是骗流量,所以我就写了 Trojan-killer,仅为了揭示确实存在的问题。你我都清楚 Vision 和 Trojan 的区别,也清楚 Trojan 的反馈经常是一天封一个端口,不知道这种大规模的用户实测能否作为你要的“evidence”?此外不要忘记,就是在这里出现的“内鬼”说的 GFW 已经部署了这种检测,或许他不一定可信,然而我证明了我们自己就能检测,还有大规模的用户实测作为佐证。

First of all I don't think it's appropriate for you to say publicly what this article is about after reading someone else's unpublished article. Your description is only part of the article and is not accurate, but to say too much would be to reveal much more, including his testing methodology, data from other protocols, and comparisons between the data. The most I can reveal is that, according to the author, the generic TLS in TLS handshake detection model is so ineffective against Vision's strong padding that it can only be "protocol inverted", which is one of the problems Seed is trying to solve.

And the word "either", let me add a little background, this person said that TLS in TLS detection is hype, and another person said that it's a traffic scam, so I wrote Trojan-killer just to reveal that there is a real problem. You and I both know the difference between Vision and Trojan, and we both know that Trojan's feedback is often one port a day, so I wonder if this large-scale user testing is the "evidence" you're looking for? Also, don't forget that the " insider " who appeared here said that GFW has already deployed this kind of detection, maybe he may not be credible, but I proved that we can detect it by ourselves, and there is a large-scale user testing as a proof.

Your Trojan-killer simply checks the first packet length and claims to have no false positives on your own device. For the doubter, you even said that you don't know how to open a .pcap file.

并不是仅首包,而是“客户端 CCS(包括)后、服务端发数据前,客户端所发的数据量总和”,以及“客户端再次发数据前,服务端所发的数据量总和”,所以其实我的检测限制的是时序条件。并不是“no false positives”,而是约千分之一(Tun 模式)。

至于你所说的“doubter”,他公然告诉我们“如果靠一个简单的size匹配能过滤全部tls流量,那么密码学的基础就不存在了”,这句话的水平我就请各位自行评判,我已经评价过了。那个文件当时我确实等了半天都没能打开,那段时间我的 WireShark 一直很卡,后来重装系统发现应该是之前我为了抓 Chrome 的包,开了导出密钥供 WireShark 解密,它是一直积累的,时间长了就很卡。

It's not just the first packet, it's "the sum of the amount of data sent by the client after the client's CCS (inclusive) and before the server sends the data" and "the sum of the amount of data sent by the server before the client sends the data again", so really what I'm restricting my detection to is the Timing condition. Not "no false positives", but about 1 in 1000 (Tun mode).

As for your "doubter", he blatantly told us that "if a simple size match can filter all tls traffic, then the foundation of cryptography doesn't exist", I'll leave it to you to judge the level of this statement, I've already done so. I've already done that. I did wait for half a day to open that file, and during that time my WireShark had been very stuck, and then I reinstalled my system and realized that I had opened the export key for WireShark to decrypt in order to capture Chrome packets, and it had been accumulating, and it was very stuck after a long period of time.

Using Chinese to promote your project in the anti-censorship community and exaggerating the dangers of TLS in crypto traffic characteristics actually does not help understanding GFW.


How does using Chinese give you a special effect? And don't I always use Chinese, how can I find an angle to hack? The ultimate reason I use Chinese is simply because my mastery of English is far from being able to change the characteristics of the language at will, after all, it's not my mother tongue, and it's much easier to do this in Chinese.

nekohasekai commented 1 year ago

我最多能透露,根据作者的说法,通用 TLS in TLS 握手检测模型对 Vision 的强 padding 效果非常差


That doesn't seem to be the case

也清楚 Trojan 的反馈经常是一天封一个端口

您应该清楚当时确定的原因是 Go TLS 指纹识别,且有报告有无条件 443 封锁出现。

无论如何,您的方法没有使用机器学习,也似乎无法应对不同的 Trojan 实现,也不会被 GFW 使用;且没有证据证明 GFW 应用了此类机器学习识别。考虑此类模型在误报率与性能问题,要想大规模部署都还需要很长时间。

You should be aware that the identified cause at the time was Go TLS fingerprinting, and there were reports of unconditional 443 blocks occurring.

Regardless, your approach does not use machine learning, does not appear to cope with different Trojan implementations, and is not used by GFW; and there is no evidence that GFW applies such machine learning recognition. Considering the false alarm rate and performance issues of such models, it will take a long time to deploy them on a large scale.

此外不要忘记,就是在这里出现的“内鬼”说的 GFW 已经部署了这种检测

我记得这位内鬼还曾爆料 GFW 使用 AES 加密的数据存在的特征进行封锁,这也是您要的密码学不存在了吗?

I remember that this insider also broke the news that GFW uses the characteristics of AES encrypted data to block it. Is this also the cryptography you want that does not exist?

这位朋友说 TLS in TLS 检测是炒作,还有一个人说是骗流量,所以我就写了 Trojan-killer,仅为了揭示确实存在的问题

您确实正在宣传一个没有证据的威胁,且您的 “识别” 并不能证明 GFW 确实能够或已经应用此类检查。

You are indeed promoting a threat without evidence, and your "proof" does not prove that GFW can or has applied such checks.

mmmray commented 1 year ago

几个月前有一篇研究 TLS in TLS 握手特征的论文(至今尚未发布),它的作者找到了我和 @yuhan6665 ,我提了一些修改建议

Exactly, a paper demonstrating TLS-in-TLS is what I am looking for (and specifically, a link), or a paper that explains what testing has been done to identify how the GFW does it. It's hard for me to understand not just the urgency for Vision Seed (on which I will "just trust" you) but also how it works under the hood, because I don't understand what exact features it aims to eliminate. and yes, ideally it would be in english.

I will also say that it is currently very hard for an outsider to study anything related to the XTLS project. It may be intentional, but hence my original question, I am looking for a technical writeup of:

  1. what experiments did you do
  2. what did you observe in those experiments
  3. what do you conclude about the GFW
  4. what is the feature you want to eliminate
  5. how do you eliminate the feature

announcement of XTLS vision addresses 4 and 5, and is really vague about 3.

if this is intentional due to strategic reasons it is fine, there's a reason i asked the original question in a research forum though, and not in the XTLS bugtracker

nekohasekai commented 1 year ago

Exactly, a paper demonstrating TLS-in-TLS is what I am looking for (and specifically, a link), or a paper that explains what testing has been done to identify how the GFW does it.

I can tell you that this paper does not study the behavior of GFW, but constructs a machine learning model by itself. If it weren't for rprx's publicity, I'm afraid the community wouldn't know how dangerous it is.

With the exception of the XTLS vision padding, everything about XTLS is about performance optimization and is unreviewed, and older versions of it have identifiable issues.

nekohasekai commented 1 year ago


我想提醒您,如果您无法正面回应对于您的质疑,请不要发动粉丝攻击他人。 我不是那种监视其他项目的群组的人。

I would like to remind everyone that if you are unable to respond directly to your doubts, please do not mobilize fans to attack others. I'm not the kind of person who oversees other project teams.

mmmray commented 1 year ago

i think there is merit in proactively eliminating features of a protocol before others get to build detection around it. i did not intend to start a discussion around that or to discuss how the XTLS project is lead. I am here to understand how TLS-in-TLS detection works, and I suppose if the GFW does not do it, how it can be done. again, even after this long unrelated debate, I have not seen a decent writeup on it.

nekohasekai commented 1 year ago

i think there is merit in proactively eliminating features of a protocol before others get to build detection around it. i did not intend to start a discussion around that or to discuss how the XTLS project is lead. I am here to understand how TLS-in-TLS detection works, and I suppose if the GFW does not do it, how it can be done. again, even after this long unrelated debate, I have not seen a decent writeup on it.

I'm afraid all of them here can't provide you with valuable content. Most developers in the Simplified Chinese community are mostly user-oriented and want more non-professional users to use their software, so they provide support for black industries or even closed-source software. People here do not work for anti-censorship or research GFW .

RPRX commented 1 year ago

我想提醒您,如果您无法正面回应对于您的质疑,请不要发动粉丝攻击他人。 我不是那种监督其他项目小组的人。

声明:在此期间 @nekohasekai 在其主页发了篇针对我的 小作文,我仅在频道发了条 消息 作为初步回应,并没有发动谁攻击谁

至于“监督其他项目小组”,是 @nekohasekai 认为其他人都一直在注视着他的 telegram 群组

@nekohasekai 的新回复当然我也会回复,但是看起来 @nekohasekai 并不想只讨论这件事本身,而是挑起一场战争

I would like to remind everyone that if you are unable to respond directly to your doubts, please do not mobilize fans to attack others. I'm not the kind of person who oversees other project teams.

Disclaimer: In the meantime @nekohasekai posted a small essay against me on his homepage. ef91ae44ba422c91ed60835f01332c08045ea7ab), I only posted a message on my channel as an initial response, and I did not start an attack on anyone.

As for "monitoring other project teams", @nekohasekai thinks that everyone else has been watching his telegram group

New reply from @nekohasekai I'll reply of course, but it looks like @nekohasekai doesn't want to just discuss the matter itself, but start a war!

mmmray commented 1 year ago

I'm afraid all of them here can't provide you with valuable content. Most developers in the Simplified Chinese community are mostly user-oriented and want more non-professional users to use their software, so they provide support for black industries or even closed-source software. People here do not work for anti-censorship or research GFW .

I believe you are actively derailing the topic I want to discuss. I sympathize with your frustration around how XTLS is marketed, but I am not interested in your assessment of whether RPRX or anybody else can provide the content I requested.

I also want to point out that @nlifew is the only person in the thread who attempted to give me useful information. RPRX also gave some anecdote about a research paper, but it's not really answering my question.

Go fight elsewhere, this is embarassing.

RPRX commented 1 year ago

我最多能透露,根据作者的说法,通用 TLS in TLS 握手检测模型对 Vision 的强 padding 效果非常差


请你仔细看一下那个表格,检测其它协议(包括一些 mux)所用的是 通用模型,而检测 obfs 和 Vision 所用的是两个 针对性模型,即对 Vision 进行“协议倒模”,这就是 Seed 要解决的问题之一。我向作者说应当把通用模型检测 Vision 的数据放上来,作者对 @yuhan6665 和我说了上面这番话,这就是当时它没被放上来的原因。

If you look at the table carefully, detecting other protocols (including some muxes) uses generic models, while detecting obfs and Vision uses two specific models, i.e., "protocol inverting" for Vision, which was one of the problems Seed was trying to solve. I said to the author that the data from the generic model for detecting Vision should be put up, and the author said the above to @yuhan6665 and me, which is why it wasn't put up at the time.

也清楚 Trojan 的反馈经常是一天封一个端口

您应该清楚当时确定的原因是 Go TLS 指纹识别,且有报告有无条件 443 封锁出现。

无论如何,您的方法没有使用机器学习,也似乎无法应对不同的 Trojan 实现,也不会被 GFW 使用;且没有证据证明 GFW 应用了此类机器学习识别。考虑此类模型在误报率与性能问题,要想大规模部署都还需要很长时间。

如果你认为只有指纹识别,今年 uTLS 已经铺开,Trojan 和 Vision 都能用的情况下,仍然经常有人报告前者一天封一个端口。

Trojan-killer 仅为一个揭示 TLS in TLS 握手问题的启发性 PoC,为什么非要基于机器学习的方法?它写出来也不是为了非常完善以便被 GFW 使用。此外,我并没有 GFW 的方法的误报率与性能的内部数据,但我相信检测它对 GFW 的资源来说不是问题。

If you think it's only fingerprinting, uTLS has been rolled out this year with both Trojan and Vision working, and there are still frequent reports of the former blocking a port a day.

Trojan-killer is just an illuminating PoC that reveals the TLS in TLS handshake problem, so why does it have to be based on a machine learning approach? It's also not written to be perfected for use by GFW. Also, I don't have internal data on the false positives and performance of GFW's method, but I'm sure detecting it would not be a problem for GFW's resources.

此外不要忘记,就是在这里出现的“内鬼”说的 GFW 已经部署了这种检测

我记得这位内鬼还曾爆料 GFW 使用 AES 加密的数据存在的特征进行封锁,这也是您要的密码学不存在了吗?

并不是同一个人。对于 AES in AES 的说法,我的评价是“至于 AES in AES,我也觉得有点扯,但他说和硬件有关,不是我的专业。”


Not the same person. My comment on the AES in AES statement was "As far as AES in AES goes, I think it's a bit of a stretch too, but he said it had to do with hardware, not my specialty."

Please note that your statement is factually incorrect in this way on several occasions.

这位朋友说 TLS in TLS 检测是炒作,还有一个人说是骗流量,所以我就写了 Trojan-killer,仅为了揭示确实存在的问题

您确实正在宣传一个没有证据的威胁,且您的 “识别” 并不能证明 GFW 确实能够或已经应用此类检查。

我建议你自己去测试一下。既然我们都能用低成本检测出经典的 TLS in TLS 握手,为什么你仍觉得 GFW 没有能力实施检测?

关于 GFW 是否应用了此类检查,上面已经说过了。这已经是人们切实遇到的事情、实测出的区别。

I suggest you test it yourself. Why do you still think that GFW is not capable of applying inspections when we can all detect the classic TLS in TLS handshake at low cost?

The question of whether GFW applies such checks has already been addressed above. It's already a difference between what people actually encounter and what they actually test.

RPRX commented 1 year ago

上面是你要的“正面回应”,而对于你在本 issue 发表的仇恨性 off-topic 言论,我选择不作回应,这里不是合适的地方。


The above is the "direct response" you asked for, and I chose not to respond to the hateful off-topic comments you made in this issue, this is not the right place for it.

Your little essay is also riddled with errors, the first sentence of your analysis is wrong, you should be glad I don't have that much time on a Friday night.

RPRX commented 1 year ago

@nekohasekai 我看到了你在群里的回复,请把它发到这里,这样所有人都能看到。明天我会统一查看并回复。

I saw your reply in the group, please post it here so everyone can see it. I will check and reply in a unified way tomorrow.

mmmray commented 1 year ago

since RPRX does not know how to behave I am closing this issue.

RPRX commented 1 year ago

@mmmray 请不要误会,我的意思是他应当在这里发就事论事的“正面回应”,这只是在讨论技术问题。

Please don't get me wrong, I mean he should be posting "direct responses" here on the matter, this is just a technical discussion.

nametoolong commented 1 year ago

I guess it is worth actually explaining TLS-in-TLS detection before the flamewar heats up as people tend to get involved in the war without a proper understanding of the underlying issue.

First, let's take a look at TLS. Modern TLS usage is almost provable secure with LHAE security. Which means, vulnerabilities keep cropping up, but for most people that's just fine. An attacker's power is greatly limited compared to plaintext protocols:

These properties may seem strong enough for a generic secure transport, but not necessarily sufficient. It is common to want to hide some information in the handshake messages, hence ESNI and ECH. It is common to want to bind a TLS stream to another stream, where existing solutions have massive problems. Worse, for anti-censorship developers and malware developers, every aspect not covered by that notion of security is troublesome:

Oppressive regime needs you to find the difference between these developers and these developers. They're the same developers.

TLS-in-TLS detection is just a specialized version of flow analysis because the length and timing of a browser-initiated TLS handshake are too typical. It takes no machine learning to classify: Client Hello is always 517 bytes, Certificate is always huge like about 4KiB, predictable timing like the first Application Data after Change Cipher Spec. People have been classifying applications for so long.

nekohasekai commented 1 year ago

I have no intention of arguing here, please rprx reply to me in his own group or if he is willing to come up with some research results on GFW.

JimmyHuang454 commented 1 year ago

上面是你要的“正面回应”,而对于你在本 issue 发表的仇恨性 off-topic 言论,我选择不作回应,这里不是合适的地方。


又要笑死我了,这个人还在装高尚。人身攻击我的时候,怎么又不说 “仇恨性 off-topic 言论” 呢?

在我看来 @nekohasekai 的观点相当客观,反倒某人到处散播他的R主席语录。

Again LOL, this person is still acting noble. How come you don't say "hateful off-topic remarks" when you personally attack me?

It seems to me that @nekohasekai's views are quite objective, instead someone is spreading his R chairman quotes all over the place.

RPRX commented 1 year ago

I have no intention of arguing here, please rprx reply to me in his own group or if he is willing to come up with some research results on GFW.

这里的 arguing 不就是你先挑起来的吗?

在此之前我说的是 ,而它是和主题相关的。

Isn't arguing here what you started?

Before that I was talking about and it was related to the topic.

nekohasekai commented 1 year ago

I have no intention of arguing here, please rprx reply to me in his own group or if he is willing to come up with some research results on GFW.

这里的 arguing 不就是你先挑起来的吗?#281 (comment)

在此之前我说的是 #281 (comment) ,而它是和主题相关的。

I'm afraid that all the things we discussed are meaningless to this issue and the community. Also, you are ignoring my replies to you in your group, so this is my last message here.

RPRX commented 1 year ago

上面是你要的“正面回应”,而对于你在本 issue 发表的仇恨性 off-topic 言论,我选择不作回应,这里不是合适的地方。 你的那篇小作文也存在很多错误,第一句分析就错了,~你应该庆幸周五晚上我没那么多时间~。

又要笑死我了,这个人还在装高尚。人身攻击我的时候,怎么又不说 “仇恨性 off-topic 言论” 呢?

在我看来 @nekohasekai 的观点相当客观,反倒某人到处散播他的R主席语录。



First of all you have a big problem understanding Chinese, my first comment to you was about your "speech" because there are too many mistakes, which you also admitted.

Besides, you don't know how many mistakes you made in your project description, do you? I don't have time to play with you all the time, I can write it for you if you really want.

RPRX commented 1 year ago

I have no intention of arguing here, please rprx reply to me in his own group or if he is willing to come up with some research results on GFW.

这里的 arguing 不就是你先挑起来的吗?#281 (comment) 在此之前我说的是 #281 (comment) ,而它是和主题相关的。

I'm afraid that all the things we discussed are meaningless to this issue and the community. Also, you are ignoring my replies to you in your group, so this is my last message here.


So why are you trying to start a conflict? As I said, positive technical discussions can take place here. Of course if you don't want to post it here, I will respond, meaning tomorrow.

RPRX commented 1 year ago

@mmmray What's your problem? Isn't it clear that @nekohasekai started the fight at first? And why's that my responses to those unfriendly comments would receive your "thumbs down"? What about them who made their unfriendly comments in the first place? I don't what to do this here either, but they've already sent unfriendly comments. Shouldn't I respond?

nametoolong commented 1 year ago


To mitigate these problem, there came uTLS, application fronting, padding and a lot more techniques. What is being discussed here is padding.

I wonder if ECH and/or GREASE in the inner layer would (temporarily) confuse those heuristics.

Who knows (except that inner ghost). No one knows what those heuristics are. Fixing broken heuristics to accommodate ECH is just several hours.

Padding has shown to be somewhat effective in hiding inner stream characteristics. Good news: TLS can be arbitrarily shaped. Bad news: TLS can be made really slow with long padding. And effectively hiding the inner TLS stream requires rather long padding. XTLS chose to pad only the first few packets and leave the remainder to be raw, unaltered browser traffic, hence the somewhat opinionated breakage of V2Ray's composability.

People diverge about what is the best way to pad records. NaïveProxy uses short, always-on padding with multiplexing. Is long, specialized padding better or is short, indiscriminate padding? And the draft being discussed has not paid attention to the longer stream. Will XTLS allow an attacker to determine what website you're visiting? Likely if you are of high suspect.

That said, the padding strategy somewhat subjective and subject (pun intended) to the threat model. Xray has an opinionated threat model yet advertises itself as the objectively better choice. Trojan and Naïve has a very generic threat model, but it can be easily hammered down (with massive collateral damage) in situations like Iran. Is Xray bad by such advertisement? WireGuard is doing the same thing. Xray did well in being the stable go-to solution for many people.

Please at least take a look at the threat model before starting a flamewar. You can get away with nearly any protocol with a very clean IP. You can get away with Trojan-over-Trojan. There are one thousand weird ways to build a usable protocol, yet people want a stable protocol. There are even times when XTLS can get you into trouble, but how can you know that without learning as much as to become a developer? It is sheer hard to predict new features to build into a protocol. What if another inner ghost leaks that the GFW is using another way of detection instead of TLS-in-TLS length? Just try to be nice please.

TheyCallMeSecond commented 1 year ago

@mmmray What's your problem? Isn't it clear that @nekohasekai started the fight at first? And why's that my responses to those unfriendly comments would receive your "thumbs down"? What about them who made their unfriendly comments in the first place? I don't what to do this here either, but they've already sent unfriendly comments. Shouldn't I respond?

grow up my friend

mmmray commented 1 year ago

Isn't it clear that @nekohasekai started the fight at first?

I don't care about "original sin". He is attempting to move the discussion elsewhere. You are continuing the flamewar.

@nametoolong, i apprechiate the summary!

but how can you know that without learning as much as to become a developer?

yes exactly. I believe it is not possible to operate any proxy in the long-term without understanding what it does. short-term nothing is blocked.

RPRX commented 1 year ago

仅为 @nametoolong 的客观评论点赞,他所提到的一些问题也是我所提过的。For the record,我并不认为 Vision 是最好的方案,我也在尝试给它加更多的可能性、开发其它流控。Vision 和 Trojan 的区别就那些,我们可以从大量用户反馈的区别中得出 GFW 用了什么样的检测手段。

Just to give credit to @nametoolong for his objective comment, some of the issues he mentioned are the same ones I mentioned. for the record, I don't think Vision is the best solution, and I'm trying to add more possibilities to it and develop other flow controls. The differences between Vision and Trojan are just those, and we can draw them from a lot of user feedback. The differences between Vision and Trojan are just that, and we can tell from a lot of user feedback what kind of detection methods GFW is using.

RPRX commented 1 year ago

I don't care about "original sin". He is attempting to move the discussion elsewhere. You are continuing the flamewar.



How about looking at what he's done, he's started a conflict here, he's said all the nasty things, and yet I can't even get him to make a technically positive response here?

If he says it's just for you to shut me up and not be able to make a sound here after he's done all that on the grounds that "let's not bother anyone else", then I have nothing to say.

nekohasekai commented 1 year ago

Out of courtesy, I didn't want to argue here before. But GitHub isn't your home, your Telegram group is; I actually did reply to your technical questions and you didn't reply in your group.

What you say about feedback from a large number of users cannot actually be used as evidence. All the people who asked the question said they were blocked, and everyone has transmitted TLS data, what does this mean?

You never responded to the original question of this issue, and I don't want to watch you perform here.

Good night if you are in UTC+8.

RPRX commented 1 year ago

Out of courtesy, I didn't want to argue here before.


Still the same question: Didn't you start the conflict?

But GitHub isn't your home, your Telegram group is;


Another sarcastic remark.

I actually did reply to your technical questions and you didn't reply in your group.

既然你在 公开 场合挑起了冲突,我希望后续的讨论一样 公开,人们不用注册 telegram 就能看到。

Since you stirred up the conflict on a public occasion, I hope the subsequent discussion is just as public and people don't have to sign up for telegram to see it.

What you say about feedback from a large number of users cannot actually be used as evidence. All the people who asked the question said they were blocked, and everyone has transmitted TLS data, what does this mean?

我相信你清楚 Vision 和 Trojan 的差异仅剩 流量特征,当然还会有实现的不同,然而人们经常报告的是后者封端口,而不是前者。

I'm sure you're aware that the only difference between Vision and Trojan is traffic signatures, and of course there will be differences in implementation, however people often report the latter blocking ports, not the former.

You never responded to the original question of this issue, and I don't want to watch you perform here.

事实上 发的 Trojan-killer 项目的 issue 讨论区中,我已经说了一些原理,@nametoolong 也引用了,我无需重复。

并且 @mmmray 要的是一个 paper,而我已经在 中说明了会有一篇论文。

In fact, I've already stated some of the principles in the Trojan-killer project's issue forum posted by and quoted by @nametoolong, so I don't need to repeat them. I don't need to repeat it.

And @mmmray is asking for a paper, and I've already stated at that there will be a paper.

nekohasekai commented 1 year ago

Well there are rules for public places.

If you think it's righteous to win the fight anyway, maybe you can go to your Telegram Group (there are ten thousand people there and you did send the link to this issue there and pin it to the top) to stir up controversy, in other words , you turned this place into a so-called public place).

I don't want to argue about the difference in user environments between Trojan and Vision because you only have this empirical stuff as evidence.

Do you need me to apologize to you?

RPRX commented 1 year ago

Well there are rules for public places.

我理解一下,就比如说 ?以及你在主页写一篇针对我(且错误百出)的 小作文

As I understand it, let's say ? As well as you writing a small essay against me (and full of errors) on the main page?

If you think it's righteous to win the fight anyway, maybe you can go to your Telegram Group (there are ten thousand people there and you did send the link to this issue there and pin it to the top) to stir up controversy, in other words , you turned this place into a so-called public place).

所以说发在 GitHub 上不是所有人都能看到吗?

So isn't posting it on GitHub for everyone to see?

I don't want to argue about the difference in user environments between Trojan and Vision because you only have this empirical stuff as evidence.

如此相近的两个协议的存活状况、大量的社区经验为什么不可以作为一种 evidence?只是你自己不想认同而已

Why wouldn't the survival of two protocols so close to each other, and a great deal of community experience, serve as an evidence? It's just that you don't want to agree with it yourself.

Do you need me to apologize to you?


I don't think I need that kind of thing, it's enough to evaluate your error-ridden little essay.

nekohasekai commented 1 year ago

Your Vision is not designed as a complete protocol, but is combined with a large number of other protocols or spliced with other programs; and the original Trojan project is no longer maintained; this is obviously not comparable, but as a hobby similar to traditional medicine author's theory.

Your vision is often used with reality, which ostensibly does solve the problem of TLS fingerprinting, but brings more features.

I'm sure you're not doing serious statistics but basking in user compliments.

I can admit that my article is not rigorous, but you have not conducted a serious and academic discussion from beginning to end.

Your users agree that you are monitoring your group, sing-box and Clash.Meta groups, maybe my blog, and more.

It doesn't make sense that you cultivate, or attract, a large number of aggressive people like 4chan users to attack other projects.

I am not an opinion leader like you, but an ordinary amateur developer without your ability to mobilize fans. And my personal homepage is only monitored by your users. For example, I was notified not long ago that my idle server was attacked by DDOS. This is also an example.

In China, developing proxy programs is actually not as risky as you claim. As far as I know, the current main maintainers of shadowsocks, Clash and V2Ray all have their real names online, and no one has been threatened by the government except the original shadowsocks author.

Are you hiding your identity by claiming that your open source work is dangerous, but is the reason actually because so much of your behavior is controversial?

You are adept at creating controversial topics to promote your projects, thereby exerting influence on the entire community, that is for sure.

Since you have so much influence, no one will point out your problems, and your toxic community will fix it all for you whenever someone doesn't like it.

klzgrad pointed out your problem two years ago and you brushed it off.

You should understand that this question asks for some professional discussion, not some vague experience; this is the anti-censorship community, not your personal group, and neither you nor I are at the center.

wkrp commented 1 year ago

@mmmray, thanks for the question. To answer it directly, I am not aware of any article available yet in English on the topic of either (1) how TLS-in-TLS detection might work conceptually or (2) whether or how TLS-in-TLS detection is done by the GFW. As has been alluded to in the thread, there is at least one writeup in progress about (1), but as far as I know it's not public yet. As for (2), there is some evidence in the form of user blocking reports, but as yet I'm not aware of any controlled experiment.

But the general issues touching TLS-in-TLS (or TLS-in-anything) detection have been studied for a long time in the field of website fingerprinting. and in this thread give some of the considerations. I can recommend the IETF draft "Network-Based Website Fingerprinting" for a survey. Protocols have certain communication patterns that are detectable even inside an encrypted tunnel, unless you take steps to hide those features. The features don't even necessarily have to take into account detailed measurements like the size and transmission times of packets; you can get a lot of information just by looking at the directionality of clusters of packets. TLS has a fairly distinct pattern: first the client sends a sequence of packets with a fairly predictable size (while the server sends nothing), then the server sends a sequence of packets with a fairly predictable size (meanwhile the client sends nothing), then the client can resume sending. Detecting TLS inside a tunnel is almost certainly an easier problem than general website fingerprinting.

It's pretty easy to make classifiers robust to the kind of changes that would result from ECH or GREASE, since those don't affect the pattern of directionality. Same with simple strategies like splitting packets or adding small amounts of padding; they don't really disrupt the "↑X, ↓Y" pattern. On the other hand, TLS is unlikely to be confused with a protocol like SSH or SMTP, where it is the server that sends first, rather than the client.

It is too bad the conversation in this thread went off track. It is hard to moderate and keep up when arguments arise, and I think it is an annoyance for those who are subscribed to new posts. I want to remind posters that you are representatives of your community, and the best way to lead is to lead by example. I know that people's feelings are legitimate, but this is not the place to resolve grievances. I have hidden the comments that were the most offtopic, and I hope that is enough. Please don't continue the argument, or else I will block accounts.

wkrp commented 1 year ago

TLS is unlikely to be confused with a protocol like SSH or SMTP, where it is the server that sends first, rather than the client.

Inside a tunnel, of course, you have freedom to make the communication pattern anything you want it to be. You can specify a scheme for padding and have packet sends operate according to a schedule that is independent of the actual application payload (TLS or whatever it may be). You could even make it look like the tunneled protocol is a "server first" protocol, by having the server send padding at the start, and having the client buffer its initial data until it has received the padding from the server. has a sketch of such a padding scheme, and "Security Notions for Fully Encrypted Protocols" from this year's FOCI also shows how to achieve arbitrary traffic patterns using buffering.

Even tunnel protocols that do not nominally support padding might be able to work in this way. Shadowsocks AEAD does not have explicit padding support, but you can simulate padding by encrypting and tagging zero-length ciphertexts. So a Shadowsocks AEAD tunnel could disguise its contents by first having the server send sufficiently many empty ciphertexts to make, say, 200 bytes; the client would buffer its outgoing data until after receiving bytes from the server, and then both sides could continue normally. Something like this is likely to defeat a simple tunneled TLS detector.

Here's an idea for a hack to transforming TLS into a "server first" protocol, even when the tunnel protocol does not support padding. You can have the server immediately transmit a fixed prefix of the Server Hello, say \x16\x03, without waiting for a Client Hello. Have the client wait until it receives that fixed prefix, then continue as normal. When it comes time for the server to send its Server Hello, it omits the prefix that it has already sent. I don't know, is there something in the TLS specification that would prevent it from working? This specific idea would be easy to detect in itself (because the server always sending 2 bytes is a strong signature), but it could be useful as a test.

This would be easy to implement as a pair of netcat-like wrapper programs. On the client:

client_socket = accept( # local connection
server_socket = connect(...) # remote connection
prefix = recv(server_socket, 1) # wait to receive at least 1 byte from the server
client-to-server thread:
  copy from client_socket to server_socket
server-to-client thread:
  send(client_socket, prefix)
  copy from server_socket to client_socket

On the server:

client_socket = accept( # external connection from client
server_socket = connect( # upstream connection to the real TLS server
send(client_socket, "\x16\x03") # immediately send prefix of Server Hello
client-to-server thread:
  copy from client_socket to server_socket
server-to-client thread:
  prefix = recv(server_socket, 2) # read the prefix of the real TLS Server Hello
  if prefix != "\x16\x03":
    abort() # uh oh, the prefix we already sent does not match what the TLS server sent
  # discard the real prefix because we have already sent it
  copy from server_socket to client_socket
RPRX commented 1 year ago

@wkrp 感谢你的补充。加密隧道内的流量分析是一个已经有很多研究的领域,早在 VLESS BETA 中我也简述了两种最基本的分类:

VLESS Flow 与 Seed 存在的目的就是提供不同的流量模式、可配置的策略以应对这些威胁,包括 reshape 成目标网站的形状。

它们各有优劣,近期我也在研究解决一些鲜有人提及的问题。我相信 IETF 在 ECH 后至少还有一些配套的标准要制定、推动。

Thanks for the addition. Traffic analysis inside encrypted tunnels is an area that has been the subject of a lot of research, back in VLESS BETA I also briefly described the two most basic classifications:

VLESS Flow and Seed exist to provide different traffic patterns and configurable policies to address these threats, including reshaping into the shape of a target website.

They each have their advantages and disadvantages, and recently I've been working on solving some of the lesser-mentioned problems. I'm sure the IETF has at least a few more standards to develop and promote after ECH.

wkrp commented 1 year ago

我相信 IETF 在 ECH 后至少还有一些配套的标准要制定、推动。

I'm sure the IETF has at least a few more standards to develop and promote after ECH.

I have been watching MASQUE, which is developing standards for proxying (even proxying UDP and IP packets) over HTTP/3. It's used in iCloud Private Relay already. From what I have seen of their documents, there is not much in the way of protection against protocol fingerprinting. draft-ietf-masque-quic-proxy-00 briefly mentions padding, in the context of input–output correlation:

An attacker on both sides of the proxy can use the size of ingress and egress packets to correlate packets belonging to the same connection. (Absent client-side padding, tunnelled packets will typically have a fixed amount of overhead that is removed before their HTTP Datagram contents are written to the target.)

HTTP/2, QUIC, and TLS have provisions for padding, but they are kind of "inside-out" from how we would prefer them to be. It's easier for our purposes if the padding is the outer layer: padding(TLS), not TLS(padding).

This recent Tor proposal is related. It doesn't have specific solutions, more of an overview of the problem (also including things like circuit tagging that are specific to Tor).

"Prioritizing Protocol Information Leaks in Tor"

1.2.1. Handshakes with unique traffic patterns

Certain aspects of Tor's handshakes are very unique and easy to fingerprint, based only on observed traffic timing and volume patterns. In particular, the onion client and onion service handshake activity is fingerprintable with near-zero false negatives and near-zero false positive rates, as per [ONIONPRINT].

1.3.3. Passive Application-Layer Traffic Patterns

This category of information leak occurs after a client has begun using a circuit, by analyzing application data traffic.

Examples of this class of information leak include:

  • Website traffic fingerprinting
  • End-to-end correlation

But I think your approach is in the right direction. We need to get away from simplistic padding schemes that only add padding or split packets, like traffic morphing and obfs4's iat-modes, and actually decouple the traffic patterns from the application that is tunneled from the traffic patterns of the tunnel itself. One question I am still struggling with is what the tunnel's traffic sending schedule should actually be; i.e., client-first or server-first, what mix of burst sizes and directionality, etc. Cf.

mmmray commented 1 year ago

One question I am still struggling with is what the tunnel's traffic sending schedule should actually be; i.e., client-first or server-first, what mix of burst sizes and directionality, etc. Cf.

ideal pattern would be aligned with traffic of the target website in the case of XTLS or domain-front. However, in those deployments the proxy does not know what normal traffic to the target website looks like.

If I (as Xray operator) operated the target website myself, I would have precise traffic measurements to the real website that I can extract patterns from. Therefore I think it would be ideal if the pattern itself would be part of client configuration, similar to SNI in domain-fronting, and that a protocol would leave a generous amount of API surface for custom patterns. Ideally there'd be both 1) initial pattern as part of client config for bootstrapping 2) next to transmitted data, a place for the server to tell the client which pattern to use next

VLESS Flow and Seed exist to provide different traffic patterns and configurable policies to address these threats, including into the shape of a target website.

I found this document with the same info, are there details on what can be (or has to be) configured? or is flow/seed still WIP

diwenx commented 1 year ago

ideal pattern would be aligned with traffic of the target website in the case of XTLS or domain-front.

I think this might be where ECH can actually be helpful. Precisely matching the traffic patterns of a somewhat "static" website can be challenging to get every details right. Targeting a "generic" domain used as the outer ECH SNI (e.g., should be less demanding.

klzgrad commented 1 year ago

there is at least one writeup in progress about (1), but as far as I know it's not public yet

Is it ok to discuss this paper publicly when it was shared privately?

To answer it directly, I am not aware of any article available yet in English on the topic of either (1) how TLS-in-TLS detection might work conceptually or (2) whether or how TLS-in-TLS detection is done by the GFW. As has been alluded to in the thread, there is at least one writeup in progress about (1), but as far as I know it's not public yet. As for (2), there is some evidence in the form of user blocking reports, but as yet I'm not aware of any controlled experiment.

The formation of the concept TLS-in-TLS in the community implied a belief in a certain heuristic that this is a more important traffic feature than others, but research in this field would typically study general traffic classification with general ML models instead of heuristics and hand-crafted classifiers, and as a result there is less insight into the explanability of the ML models on which features are the structurally more important factors and why that is the case.

And the reason for this belief in the heuristic is also because it is doubly more difficulty to build a general traffic obfuscator that can reliably defeat a general traffic classifier than to build the classifier itself, as there is no publicly available general traffic classifiers in this space (the ones deployed in China, Iran, etc.) than can be used to study its behaviors and build adversarial general obfuscator model (i.e. traffic morphers, traffic shapers, etc. mentioned above) and then experiment and verify their performance against the classifiers. So instead if the most important factor on the general traffic classifiers can be identified, then it is much easier and realistic to implement specific, scope-limited countermeasures to mitigate and hinder the general traffic classifiers.

nametoolong commented 1 year ago

Is it ok to discuss this paper publicly when it was shared privately?

To be fair, I was not contacted by the original authors. The authors of said paper posted a graph in a public thread. I kept looking at the graph until I found out it is related to an unpublished research. I am very sorry about leaking the details and have redacted related information from my comments.

it is doubly more difficulty to build a general traffic obfuscator

This. SSRoT is another project that just works. Survived with glaring features like original SSR. Does it mean SSRoT's obfuscation is effective? No, it is because no one cared enough.

RPRX commented 1 year ago

昨天我和 @yuhan6665 再次联系了那篇论文的作者询问何时发布,作者说“那篇论文提交审核且通过了 不过我们还在进行一些修改 比如强调vision的结果是另一个更有针对性的classifier做出来的 以避免一些误会”,“预计在九月下旬就会发布”

Yesterday, @yuhan6665 and I contacted the author of the paper again to ask when it will be released, and the author said "the paper was submitted for review and passed, but we are still making some changes, such as emphasizing that the results for vision are from another classifier that is more specific to the topic, so as to avoid some misunderstandings". "We expect it to be released in late September."

Testeera commented 1 year ago

昨天我和 @yuhan6665 再次联系了那篇论文的作者询问何时发布,作者说“那篇论文提交审核且通过了 不过我们还在进行一些修改 比如强调vision的结果是另一个更有针对性的classifier做出来的 以避免一些误会”,“预计在九月下旬就会发布”


What country is the author from

RPRX commented 1 year ago


很多人对机器学习或深度学习的印象是“耗资源”,其实不完全准确。因为对于绝大多数模型,明显的“耗资源”仅是“训练”,即 不断调整各处权重 这一过程(当然采集数据、标注也算,防杠),而训练好后它基本上就是一个固定的算法,部署它需要的资源相对来说非常少。对于时序流量这样相对不复杂的数据源,可以确定的是训练模型、部署模型所需的资源都相对更少。

可解释性这个问题,主要是因为训练出来的模型可能只是“以奇怪的方式刚好 work”,不直观,人类只是知道它 work,但看不懂它是怎么 work 的,当然参数量大的话更看不懂。不过,对于相对不复杂的数据源,控制变量进行测试即可探究出它的原理。

最后是误报率,在资源相同的情况下,针对性越强误报率越低,这个应该不说就能想到。实际上我想说的是,我认为对 GFW 而言它要封 TLS 类会有一些 权重,无论是手写的还是内化到模型里(端到端),而非仅凭单一特征,这样可以有效降低它的误杀率

Additionally I'd like to discuss the performance, interpretability vs. false positives of machine learning to avoid some misunderstandings. I am not an expert in this area, but I have done some research and actually trained and deployed some models.

Many people have the impression that machine learning or deep learning is "resource intensive", which is not entirely accurate. Because for the vast majority of models, the obvious "resource intensive" part is only the "training"; that is, the process of constantly adjusting the weights (of course, data collection and labeling also count), and after training there is basically a fixed algorithm, deployment of which requires very few resources. For a relatively uncomplicated data source such as time-series traffic, it is certain that the resources needed both to train and deploy the model are relatively few.

Interpretability is a problem mainly because the trained model may just "work in a weird way", which is not intuitive. Humans just know it works, but they can't understand how it works, and even more so if the number of parameters is large. However, for relatively uncomplicated data sources, testing with control variables will allow you to find out how it works.

Finally, regarding the false positive rate, all else being equal, the more targeted it is, the lower the false positive rate, this should go without saying. In fact, I'd like to say that I think for GFW to interrupt TLS it would have some weights, either handwritten or internalized into the model (end-to-end), instead of relying on not just a single feature, so as to effectively reduce its false positive rate.

RPRX commented 1 year ago

ideal pattern would be aligned with traffic of the target website in the case of XTLS or domain-front.

I think this might be where ECH can actually be helpful. Precisely matching the traffic patterns of a somewhat "static" website can be challenging to get every details right. Targeting a "generic" domain used as the outer ECH SNI (e.g., should be less demanding.

我觉得 ECH 是这些技术的 IETF 版,也有一些共同的问题。从技术上来讲,一个明确的 "generic" domain 确实看起来更加合理,但从实践上来讲,这样的事情不会被 GFW 所接受。因为它绝对不会允许人们大规模地不挂任何代理而 直接浏览它想封锁的网站,否则依附于 GFW 的存在而建立起的一系列审查制度都会变成一纸空文。对 GFW 来说,若无法精准封锁,那就只剩全封这一个选择。就像 HTTP 时代它还能检测一下你的关键字,而 HTTPS 时代若你不配合屏蔽一些内容,那就会封掉你的整个域名。

I think ECH is the IETF version of these technologies, and there are some common problems. Technically, an explicit "generic" domain does seem to make more sense, but practically, something like this wouldn't be acceptable to GFW. It will never allow people to browse sites it wants to block on a large scale without any proxies, otherwise all the censorship that has been built up around the existence of GFW would be rendered useless. For GFW, if you can't block it precisely, then you have no choice but to block it all. Just like in the HTTP era, it can still detect your keywords, while in the HTTPS era, if you don't cooperate in blocking some content, it will block your whole domain.

RPRX commented 1 year ago

that this is a more important traffic feature than others

继续这个话题,我觉得 TLS-in-whatever 特征不一定是 more important,不过它至少比较明显、影响广泛、易于被审查者所利用:

以上这些因素叠加导致了如果我们要写一个“尽量不暴露自己是代理”的代理,就不得不以某种形式处理 TLS-in-whatever 特征。

Continuing on this topic, I don't think the TLS-in-whatever feature is necessarily more important, but it is at least more obvious, more widespread, and more easily exploited by censors:

The combination of these factors leads to the fact that if we want to write a proxy that "tries not to reveal itself as a proxy", we have to deal with the TLS-in-whatever feature in some way.

wkrp commented 1 year ago
  • TLS 又是最常见的流量类型,无论代理本身是什么形式,被代理的流量基本上就是 TLS,最大化了这个问题的影响程度

  • TLS is also the most common type of traffic, regardless of the form of the proxy itself, the traffic being proxied is basically TLS, maximizing the impact of the problem.

This is a key point. The censor's goal is not to detect tunneled TLS per se—it is to detect tunnels, period. It's just that because TLS makes up such a large proportion of all traffic, whenever you have any kind of tunnel, at some point you are going to send TLS through it. If you don't do something to disguise the timing and directionality pattern of TLS, then that evidence of tunneling will show through. In other words, it's not the "TLS" part the censor cares about, it's the "tunnel" part. The "TLS" is just a handy identifier because it's so common and it has a characteristic traffic pattern.