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PowerTunnel #356

Closed op30mmd closed 1 month ago

op30mmd commented 2 months ago

Hello, i want to know that PowerTunnel Android app discontinued or not, and does it works in iran?

wkrp commented 1 month ago

Hi @op30mmd, this is not a good forum for this kind of question. It will be better to ask on a user support forum. Or, if you want to discuss PowerTunnel, we will need to know some technical background about how it works.

op30mmd commented 1 month ago

@wkrp What is it

PowerTunnel is an extensible proxy server built on top of LittleProxy that does not require root-access to work.

PowerTunnel provides an SDK that allows you to extend its functionality however you like, and even handle encrypted HTTPS traffic (powered by LittleProxy-MITM), which can be especially useful in web development. PowerTunnel has an Android version, so any plugin you write can work on almost all devices.

PowerTunnel was originally developed and is best known as a censorship bypass tool. This functionality has been spun off in the LibertyTunnel plugin, it is installed by default, just like DNS Resolver with DNS over HTTPS support.

Anti-censorship tool

Digital censorship has become widespread in authoritarian and developing countries: governments install DPI - Deep Packet Inspection systems - for Internet Service Providers, which allows analyzing and blocking traffic to websites they don't want you to see, forcing you to use slow and often paid proxies or VPN services with dubious privacy policy.

PowerTunnel is an active DPI circumvention utility - it works only on your PC and do not route your traffic through some third-party webservers. It creates a local proxy server on your device and diverts your HTTP(S) traffic there, where PowerTunnel modifies your traffic in a special way to exploit bugs in DPI systems which makes it possible to bypass the lock - without (significantly) slowing down your Internet connection.

Anti-censorship module can be configured in Plugins window - it is called LibertyTunnel.

In this sense, PowerTunnel is a free cross-platform implementation of GoodbyeDPI written in Java with support for Android.

Please, note that PowerTunnel does not change your IP address.

op30mmd commented 1 month ago

Last update was 2y ago