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Is TLS fragment available in China? #370

Open louiesun opened 3 weeks ago

louiesun commented 3 weeks ago

I haven't use GFW-knocker's project successfully since it even can't wrong without fragment. (max fragment size 1000). (I test with a website available in China).

In addition, Cloudflare returns 400 Bad Request.

mmmray commented 2 days ago

this was mainly written for iran, where it still works pretty well as an all-purpose way to "freshen up" existing tunnels without changing the server. I saw that some chinese devs use fragmentation while testing the GFW, but am not aware of it being widely deployed there.

significant parts of this are now merged into xray's freedom outbound and there exist semi-private forks of xray developing it a bit further.

I think max fragment size=1000 is a bit high and unlikely to split up the packets where you need them.