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shadowsocks 用户将被套杀,提前准备备用VPN / Shadowsocks will get killed, prepare a backup VPN in advance #384

Open preparing-debug opened 1 month ago

preparing-debug commented 1 month ago

shadowsocks 可以通过 websocket 进行伪装通信,但有一个很奇怪的现象,如果 websocket 使用了 TLS,就会被 GFW 精准封杀,而明文通信(内嵌 shadowsocks 加密)却被放行,这是一个奇怪的现象,中共明明有能力封杀,却留了活口,这是为什么?



2024-10-01 是中共建国75周年,在这个关键时间点之前,就在刚刚,2024-08-13 00:20:00 左右,中美之间大量 ip 通信中断,20分钟后恢复,也证明了中共留下可用通道的意图极有可能就是套杀。

现在已经 8 月了,距离中共建国 75 周年还有 1 个多月的时间,在这里提醒大家,在这种关键时间点,一定要提前准备大量备用 VPN,谨防套杀,一旦开始封杀,也会有大量 VPN 厂商跑路,这段时间一定要谨慎购买长期 VPN,谨慎购买长期 VPS。

shadowsocks can be used to camouflage communication via websocket, but there is a very strange phenomenon, if websocket uses TLS, it will be precisely blocked by GFW, while plaintext communication (embedded shadowsocks encryption) is allowed, this is a strange phenomenon, the CCP obviously has the ability to block it, but left the survivors, why is this?

This is most likely a trap left by the CCP to facilitate blocking. The CCP intentionally left an available channel for people to go through, so that the CCP can kill them all in one go at the critical moment.

There have been previous threads discussing similar issues:

2024-10-01 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the CCP, before this critical point in time, just now, around 2024-08-13 00:20:00, a large number of ip communications between China and the US were interrupted, and resumed after 20 minutes, which also proves that the intention of the CCP to leave an available channel is most likely to be a setup and kill.

Now it's already August, more than 1 month before the 75th anniversary of the founding of the CCP, I would like to remind everyone, at this kind of critical point in time, we must prepare a large number of spare VPNs in advance, beware of casing, once the blocking starts, there will also be a large number of VPN vendors running away, during this time, be careful to buy a long term VPN, be careful to buy a long term VPS.

preparing-debug commented 1 month ago

2024-08-13 03:00:00 左右再次网络异常,检测到部分 Cloudflare 服务器无法通信,无法 ping,无法连接 443 端口,03:20:00 左右通信恢复正常。中共的下一次攻击,极有可能将 Cloudflare 屏蔽掉。

中共的刀子已经悄悄抵到大家的后背了,接下来的一段时间务必小心,这段时间开展促销活动的 VPS、VPN,极有可能是中共在运作,后期看谁跑路就是实锤了。

2024-08-13 03:00:00 or so network anomaly again, detected some Cloudflare servers can not communicate, can not ping, can not connect to port 443, 03:20:00 or so communication is back to normal. It is very likely that Cloudflare will be blocked in the next attack by CCP.

The CCP's knife has been quietly pushed into everyone's back, we must be careful in the next period of time, the VPS and VPN that carry out promotional activities during this period of time, it is very likely that the CCP is in the operation, and we will see who will run away in the later period of time is the real hammer.

Tw-C commented 1 month ago

Wouldn't such sensitive time period present an ideal opportunity to validate experimental technique against a GFW on steroids?

UjuiUjuMandan commented 1 month ago



Most likely

Very likely

Can you stop your RPRX propaganda?