Closed devegupt closed 5 months ago
With our current lab configurations only the MD5 authproto, and the spine, leaf, border seem to be available to confirm the configurations are valid. Will check with the team to see if we need to test all options changing or expanding the lab.
Currently all devices are created with MD5 /type 5 creds, so none of the other authprotos work for our current lab setup.
username admin password 5 $5$GA……
role network-admin
ip domain-lookup
copp profile strict
snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 205F…..
I suppose we could change these or add new additional devices with different auth methods.
As for the roles, if we could get some assistance with the lab setup for those other roles, we can create configs and test all of those in our schema. @dsx1123
Issue is resolved with the following PRs: Updates for border gateway role for integration tests
updates for border_spine for full integration tests #129
updates for SHA auth_proto for integration tests #130
Make sure all combinations of the ndfc_inventory are tested:
To be tested: