netascode / terraform-aci-nac-aci

Terraform Cisco ACI Nexus-as-Code Module
Apache License 2.0
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Bug: Port-tracking feature configuration push causes the feature to break in ACI #62

Closed alexanderdeca closed 4 months ago

alexanderdeca commented 4 months ago

Setting the following feature causes the feature to break on ACI (tested with version 6.04(d)), and it causes the interfaces to go into FabricTrack Oper State. (see screenshots output after using NaC abstraction)

Setting port-tracking

  admin_state: true
  delay: 120
  min_links: 2

Using the native terraform module works as expected if configured in the (as part of test)

Optional include the support for [include_apic_ports] in the abstraction layer (

NaC version = 0.8.1 Terraform ACI module = v2.13.2

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 10 49 11 Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 10 48 52
alexanderdeca commented 4 months ago

Ignore this, there is a typo