netbe / Babelish

Chaotically confused, like Babel
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Duplicate localisation keys #57

Closed borut-t closed 9 years ago

borut-t commented 9 years ago

Because of the differences handling localisation files between platforms (iOS, Android) I've duplicated keys in csv file for some translations (handling translations with parameters) and than added excluded_states property to config file (iOS, Android) to exclude the ones that does not go with selected plaftform.


translationKey;number %d;iOS;
translationKey;number %1$d;Android;

Config in iOS project defines excluded_states: ["Android"]. Config in Android project defines excluded_states: ["iOS"].

Script always takes the last key (in above case for android) ingoring excluded_states. Is there a workaround?

borut-t commented 9 years ago

Forget it. It works like I want it to be working. I've been testing on old csv file.