netbirdio / netbird

Connect your devices into a secure WireGuard®-based overlay network with SSO, MFA and granular access controls.
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Whats wrong with the website #1963

Open mrpastewart opened 6 months ago

mrpastewart commented 6 months ago

Project Website appears dead when i try to connect is the site permanently down or?

greatbody commented 6 months ago the website is active available.

mrpastewart commented 6 months ago

Interesting I can't access it from my location/connection been trying for a week

Screenshot from 2024-05-10 20-32-17

I'm not behind a firewall or proxy so I am at a loss for why I can't browse the site on my laptop I can reach it on my phone

greatbody commented 6 months ago

Interesting I can't access it from my location/connection been trying for a week

Screenshot from 2024-05-10 20-32-17

I'm not behind a firewall or proxy so I am at a loss for why I can't browse the site on my laptop I can reach it on my phone

If your phone and laptop are connected to the same network and your laptop cannot access the website, it must be an laptop issue.

mlsmaycon commented 6 months ago

@mrpastewart can you try generating a HAR file? it might that some image of file is too large on your desktop and is taking time to load.

To generate a HAR file you can follow the steps from;

euh2 commented 6 months ago

I can't access when connected to a VPN, primarily from M247 networks . I guess some firewall is dropping the traffic.

mrpastewart commented 6 months ago

@mlsmaycon Here is my HAR file for chrome it does this in firefox and MS Edge as well and my phone and my laptop are both on the AT&T network. Laptop is connected via wifi router and the phone is on the cell network.

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euh2 commented 6 months ago

@mrpastewart It looks like you try with IPv6. That endpoint, [2a05:d014:1f8d:7302:ebca:ec15:b24d:d07e], isn't responding for me as well. You could try to force to reach through IPv4. Eg. by adding the following line to your /etc/hosts file:
mrpastewart commented 6 months ago

@euh2 That did it for me thanks I can access site now

euh2 commented 6 months ago

@mrpastewart That's good! Just so you know, this should only be a temporary solution. You should check out your network setup. Especially DNS. You are likely having a configuration where your DNS serves you with IPv6 addresses, although your network may not always work with IPv6 connections. And IP address might change in the future, so then our /etc/hosts hack won't work anymore.

To debug issues like this you could use the curl application on Linux, like:

curl --verbose

This would give you some more detailed information on what's going on behind the scenes.

mlsmaycon commented 6 months ago

Thank you guys, we will review this configuration and make sure ipv6 works as expected.