netbirdio / netbird

Connect your devices into a secure WireGuard®-based overlay network with SSO, MFA and granular access controls.
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[BUG] We need another DNS approach for [Synology] systems. #1983

Open zzecool opened 2 months ago

zzecool commented 2 months ago

In Synology the current DNS implementation fails like this if you have a DNS running localy :

The local DNS is listening in all available addresses for that we need a DNS that will listen in a different port but not with the current implementation as it is not supported.

sudo netstat -tuln | grep -w ':53'

tcp6       0      0 :::53                   :::*                    LISTEN     
udp6       0      0 :::53                   :::*   
2024-05-13T23:20:38+03:00 WARN client/internal/dns/service_listener.go:185: binding dns on is not available, error: listen udp bind: address already in use
2024-05-13T23:20:38+03:00 WARN client/internal/dns/service_listener.go:185: binding dns on is not available, error: listen udp bind: address already in use
2024-05-13T23:20:38+03:00 WARN client/internal/dns/service_listener.go:185: binding dns on is not available, error: listen udp bind: address already in use
2024-05-13T23:20:38+03:00 WARN client/internal/dns/service_listener.go:215: failed to load DNS forwarder eBPF program, error: field NbXdpProg: program nb_xdp_prog: map .rodata: map create: read- and write-only maps not supported (requires >= v5.2)
2024-05-13T23:20:38+03:00 WARN client/internal/dns/server.go:316: the DNS manager of this peer doesn't support custom port. Disabling primary DNS setup. Learn more at:
2024-05-13T23:20:38+03:00 ERRO client/internal/dns/server.go:322: unable to configure DNS for this peer using file manager without a nameserver group with all domains configured

You guys are active, so we are very close to make Netbird fully supported in Synology.

zzecool commented 2 months ago

@bcmmbaga Hop in now that you are on fire :P

mlsmaycon commented 2 months ago

Hello @zzecool thanks for reporting this issue.

Can you test using user space mode?

If you are on DSM 7.0+ you can do that by using the following commands:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/sysconfig
echo 'NB_WG_KERNEL_DISABLED=true' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysconfig/netbird
sudo systemctl restart netbird
zzecool commented 2 months ago
sudo mkdir -p /etc/sysconfig
echo 'NB_WG_KERNEL_DISABLED=true' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysconfig/netbird
sudo systemctl restart netbird

@mlsmaycon Yes here you are :

2024-05-22T18:52:59+03:00 INFO client/internal/connect.go:115: starting NetBird client version 0.27.7 on linux/amd64 2024-05-22T18:52:59+03:00 WARN client/system/info_linux.go:115: geucwReleaseInfo: exit status 1 2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 WARN client/internal/wgproxy/factory_linux.go:17: failed to initialize ebpf proxy, fallback to user space proxy: field NbXdpProg: program nb_xdp_prog: map .rodata: map create: read- and write-only maps not supported (requires >= v5.2) 2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO iface/tun_usp_linux.go:33: using userspace bind mode 2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO client/internal/routemanager/manager.go:93: Routing setup complete 2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO iface/tun_usp_linux.go:45: create tun interface 2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 ERRO client/firewall/iptables/router_linux.go:51: failed to cleanup routing rules: failed to list rules in FORWARD chain: running [/sbin/iptables -t filter -S FORWARD --wait]: exit status 1: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.

2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 ERRO client/firewall/create_linux.go:48: failed to create iptables manager: failed to list rules in FORWARD chain: running [/sbin/iptables -t filter -S FORWARD --wait]: exit status 1: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.

2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO client/internal/dns/host_linux.go:68: System DNS manager discovered: file
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO client/internal/engine.go:359: Network monitor is disabled, not starting
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO client/internal/connect.go:261: Netbird engine started, the IP is:
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO signal/client/grpc.go:158: connected to the Signal Service stream
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO management/client/grpc.go:147: connected to the Management Service stream
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 WARN client/internal/engine.go:551: running SSH server is not permitted
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO client/internal/dns/file_linux.go:107: created a NetBird managed /etc/resolv.conf file with the DNS settings. Added 1 search domains. Search list: [netbird.selfhosted]
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO client/internal/dns/file_repair_linux.go:48: start to watch resolv.conf: /etc/resolv.conf
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO client/internal/acl/manager.go:52: ACL rules processed in: 549.946µs, total rules count: 22
2024-05-22T18:53:02+03:00 WARN client/internal/dns/upstream.go:185: probing upstream nameserver read udp> i/o timeout
2024-05-22T18:53:02+03:00 WARN client/internal/dns/upstream.go:185: probing upstream nameserver read udp> i/o timeout
2024-05-22T18:53:02+03:00 WARN client/internal/dns/upstream.go:265: Upstream resolving i2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO client/internal/dns/host_linux.go:68: System DNS manager discovered: file
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO client/internal/engine.go:359: Network monitor is disabled, not starting
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO client/internal/connect.go:261: Netbird engine started, the IP is:
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO signal/client/grpc.go:158: connected to the Signal Service stream
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO management/client/grpc.go:147: connected to the Management Service stream
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 WARN client/internal/engine.go:551: running SSH server is not permitted
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO client/internal/dns/file_linux.go:107: created a NetBird managed /etc/resolv.conf file with the DNS settings. Added 1 search domains. Search list: [netbird.selfhosted]
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO client/internal/dns/file_repair_linux.go:48: start to watch resolv.conf: /etc/resolv.conf
2024-05-22T18:53:00+03:00 INFO client/internal/acl/manager.go:52: ACL rules processed in: 549.946µs, total rules count: 22
2024-05-22T18:53:02+03:00 WARN client/internal/dns/upstream.go:185: probing upstream nameserver read udp> i/o timeout
2024-05-22T18:53:02+03:00 WARN client/internal/dns/upstream.go:185: probing upstream nameserver read udp> i/o timeout
2024-05-22T18:53:02+03:00 WARN client/internal/dns/upstream.go:265: Upstream resolving is Disabled for 30s
2024-05-22T18:53:02+03:00 INFO [nameservers: [{ udp 53} { udp 53}]] client/internal/dns/server.go:504: Temporarily deactivating nameservers group due to timeout
2024-05-22T18:53:02+03:00 ERRO [nameservers: [{ udp 53} { udp 53}]] client/internal/dns/server.go:525: Failed to apply nameserver deactivation on the host: unable to configure DNS for this peer using file manager without a nameserver group with all domains configureds Disabled for 30s
2024-05-22T18:53:02+03:00 INFO [nameservers: [{ udp 53} { udp 53}]] client/internal/dns/server.go:504: Temporarily deactivating nameservers group due to timeout
2024-05-22T18:53:02+03:00 ERRO [nameservers: [{ udp 53} { udp 53}]] client/internal/dns/server.go:525: Failed to apply nameserver deactivation on the host: unable to configure DNS for this peer using file manager without a nameserver group with all domains configured
mlsmaycon commented 2 months ago

@zzecool can you try adding a default nameserver in the NetBird's dashboard? As the detected DNS mode was file, it won't resolve DNS queries without one.

zzecool commented 2 months ago


I have a dns for this node in the Web management interface.

The dns is up and running fine.

It is on the same machine that netbird is running on port 53.

mlsmaycon commented 2 months ago

in that case, you can add one of the node's local IPs as a nameserver and distribute it to a group that only contains the Synology node.

zzecool commented 2 months ago

in that case, you can add one of the node's local IPs as a nameserver and distribute it to a group that only contains the Synology node.


This is exactly what i have.

On the web interface for this node group the DNS is the

and this is inside the node :

Its ip address just to be clear

$ ifconfig | grep -A 1 ovs
ovs_bond0 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:15:30:9F:71:02  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

The resolv test :

$ nslookup     

Non-authoritative answer:
Address: 2a00:1450:4017:810::200e
zzecool commented 2 months ago



Maybe this is the problem that after this rule i have cloudflare for ALL ?

Does the first rule matched have higher priority and used or not ?


mlsmaycon commented 2 months ago

Could be. The peers in the personal group might be using the cloudflare addresses.

Just to confirm, your Synology is part of the personal group? if not it should be, or you should add one of its group to the distribution groups.

zzecool commented 2 months ago

Could be. The peers in the personal group might be using the cloudflare addresses.

Just to confirm, your Synology is part of the personal group? if not it should be, or you should add one of its group to the distribution groups.

Yes its part of the personal group.

mlsmaycon commented 2 months ago

ok, to validate the setup try limiting the cloudflare configuration to another group.

zzecool commented 2 months ago

ok, to validate the setup try limiting the cloudflare configuration to another group.

Yeap that did the trick. So the first matched rule is getting ignore and replaced, you have to consider if this is what you want, as most ppl we are used to the iptables way priority of rules.

2024-05-22T19:48:25+03:00 INFO client/internal/dns/file_linux.go:107: created a NetBird managed /etc/resolv.conf file with the DNS settings. Added 1 search domains. Search list: [netbird.selfhosted]
2024-05-22T19:48:25+03:00 INFO client/internal/dns/file_repair_linux.go:48: start to watch resolv.conf: /etc/resolv.conf
2024-05-22T19:48:25+03:00 INFO client/internal/acl/manager.go:52: ACL rules processed in: 508.582µs, total rules count: 22

Removing the /etc/sysconfig/netbird breaks everything again.

So now that your script detects Synology just fine, please add the creation of /etc/sysconfig/netbird file :D

We are making progress :D

mlsmaycon commented 2 months ago

@zzecool can you confirm that this local resolver,, comes with every Synology by default?

zzecool commented 2 months ago

@zzecool can you confirm that this local resolver,, comes with every Synology by default?

Nope this is a DNS that im personaly running on this machine.

mlsmaycon commented 2 months ago

Okay, in that case, it is better not to default to userspace mode just yet, as it may affect other users.

We will look into the masquerade issue and then make a decision.

Thanks for validating this.

zzecool commented 2 months ago

Okay, in that case, it is better not to default to userspace mode just yet, as it may affect other users.

We will look into the masquerade issue and then make a decision.

Thanks for validating this.

Can you think any other way to make this work in kernel space while having another DNS running in the same machine ?