netbirdio / netbird

Connect your devices into a single secure private WireGuard®-based mesh network with SSO/MFA and simple access controls.
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Automating the update of the NetBird client on a Windows system via Ansible is not working #2103

Open dannykorpan opened 4 weeks ago

dannykorpan commented 4 weeks ago

Describe the problem Dear Community,

I've tried extensively to automate the update of NetBird with Ansible on a Windows system for a business environment, but it always gets stuck during the silent uninstallation or installation of NetBird. The uninstaller or installer always hangs. Neither the silent uninstall nor the installation works. The playbook runs fine, but NetBird does not perform any uninstallation or installation. The Ansible user is accessing the Windows machine via an OpenSSH server and also has Administrator privileges.

Is there anybody out there who has already automated the update of NetBird on a Windows system via Ansible? Or does anybody have any hints for troubleshooting?

Here is my Ansible playbook:

- name: Update Netbird package on Windows
  hosts: windows_hosts
    - name: Get latest Netbird release info using PowerShell
      win_shell: |
        $url = ""
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url
        $asset = $response.assets | Where-Object { $ -match "netbird_installer_.*_windows_amd64.exe" }
      register: release_info

    - name: Set download URL for the latest Netbird EXE
        netbird_exe_url: "{{ release_info.stdout }}"

    - name: Download latest Netbird exe
        url: "{{ netbird_exe_url }}"
        dest: C:\Windows\Temp\netbird_installer.exe

    - name: Stop Netbird service
        name: Netbird
        state: stopped
      ignore_errors: yes

    - name: Stop all applications containing 'netbird' in the name
      win_shell: |
        Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "*netbird*" } | Stop-Process -Force
      ignore_errors: yes

    - name: Uninstall existing Netbird application
      win_shell: |
        Start-Process -FilePath "cmd.exe" -ArgumentList "/c C:\Program Files\Netbird\netbird_uninstall.exe /S"
#      win_command:
#        cmd: '"C:\Program Files\Netbird\netbird_uninstall.exe" "/S"'

    - name: Install Netbird
      win_shell: |
        Start-Process -FilePath "cmd.exe" -ArgumentList "/c C:\Windows\Temp\netbird_installer.exe /S"
#      win_command:
#        cmd: '"C:\Windows\Temp\netbird_installer.exe" "/S"'

    - name: Start Netbird service
        name: Netbird
        state: started

    - name: Run Netbird enrollment
      win_shell: |
        & "C:\Program Files\Netbird\netbird.exe" up --setup-key MY_ENROLLMENT_KEY
      register: netbird_setup
      ignore_errors: yes

    - name: Verify Netbird version
      win_shell: |
        netbird version
      register: netbird_version

    - debug: var=netbird_version.stdout_lines

    - name: Delete Netbird installer
        path: C:\Windows\Temp\netbird_installer.exe
        state: absent

Thank you in advance for any help, Danny

lixmal commented 4 weeks ago

Have you tried with the msi package as well? That one should work with an unattended install

dannykorpan commented 4 weeks ago

The first enrollment was done via the exe.

dannykorpan commented 4 weeks ago

After a lot of trial and error, this playbook works. The uninstallation and installation processes are working fine, but they run into a timeout before the playbook continues. The timeout occurs with either the exe or msi file. There is room for improvement in the playbook, as well as in the installation and uninstallation files.

- name: Update Netbird package on Windows
  hosts: windows_hosts
    - name: Get latest Netbird release info using PowerShell
      win_shell: |
        $url = ""
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url
        $asset = $response.assets | Where-Object { $ -match "netbird_installer_.*_windows_amd64.exe" }
      register: release_info

    - name: Set download URL for the latest Netbird EXE
        netbird_exe_url: "{{ release_info.stdout }}"

    - name: Download latest Netbird exe
        url: "{{ netbird_exe_url }}"
        dest: C:\Windows\Temp\netbird_installer.exe

    - name: Stop Netbird service
        name: Netbird
        state: stopped
      ignore_errors: yes

    - name: Stop all applications containing 'netbird' in the name
      win_shell: |
        Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "*netbird*" } | Stop-Process -Force
      ignore_errors: yes

    - name: Uninstall existing Netbird Installation
        path: C:\Program Files\Netbird\netbird_uninstall.exe
        product_id: Netbird
        arguments: /S
        state: absent
        wait_for_children: true
        chdir: C:\Program Files\Netbird
      ignore_errors: yes

    - name: Install Netbird MSI
        path: C:\Windows\Temp\netbird_installer.exe
        product_id: Netbird
        arguments: /S
        state: present
        wait_for_children: true
      ignore_errors: yes

    - name: Start Netbird service
        name: Netbird
        state: started

    - name: Run Netbird enrollment
      win_shell: |
        & "C:\Program Files\Netbird\netbird.exe" up --setup-key MY_ENROLLMENT_KEY
      register: netbird_setup
      ignore_errors: yes

    - name: Verify Netbird version
      win_shell: |
        netbird version
      register: netbird_version

    - debug: var=netbird_version.stdout_lines

    - name: Delete Netbird installer
        path: C:\Windows\Temp\netbird_installer.exe
        state: absent