netblue30 / firejail

Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf sandbox
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Custom seccomp list and apparmor do not work well together #5703

Open NetSysFire opened 1 year ago

NetSysFire commented 1 year ago



CC @glitsj16 because its theirs.

Steps to Reproduce

In that specific case:

  1. Use seccomp !tgkill
  2. Also use apparmor
  3. AppArmor blocks tgkill, regardless of seccomp settings.

Expected behavior

AppArmor using firejails seccomp list or it not filtering syscalls when that profile is already using seccomp.

Actual behavior

AppArmor does syscall filtering no matter what seccomp shenanigans are done in the profile, resulting in issues because some syscalls are still blocked.

Behavior without a profile


Additional context





See PR.

rusty-snake commented 1 year ago

AA has it's own configuration that hasn't any integration with other commands be it seccomp, caps, noexec or read-only. Labeling as enhancemnt.

glitsj16 commented 1 year ago

@NetSysFire Hello. I've installed this from AUR yesterday and ran parsecd via firejail for a while with an as-is parsecd.profile (so needing all the steps to reproduce). Sadly I cannot reproduce anything of what was reported in #5646.

I noticed when ctrl+c'ing the application it complains of mty_sleep: 'nanosleep' failed with errno 4 and in the journal: Feb 11 17:59:16 archlinux kernel: audit: type=1300 audit(1676134756.097:498): arch=c000003e syscall=234 success=no exit=-13 a0=c a1=c a2=f a3=8 items=0 ppid=7627 pid=7639 auid=1000 uid=1000 gid=1000 euid=1000 suid=1000 fsuid=1000 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=pts3 ses=2 comm="parsecd" exe="/usr/local/bin/parsecd" subj=firejail-default//&unconfined key=(null) But i explicitely noblacklisted that syscall with !tgkill

Ctrl+c'ing acts without any complaints and nothing shows up in journalcl either. Did you make any changes to /etc/apparmor.d/firejail-default, or have a custom /etc/apparmor.d/local/firejail-default that might throw some light on this issue?

NetSysFire commented 1 year ago

Output of running parsecd and ctrl+c'ing after:

$ firejail parsecd
Reading profile /etc/firejail/parsecd.profile
Reading profile /etc/firejail/
Reading profile /etc/firejail/
Reading profile /etc/firejail/
Reading profile /etc/firejail/
Reading profile /etc/firejail/
Reading profile /etc/firejail/
Reading profile /etc/firejail/
Reading profile /etc/firejail/
Reading profile /etc/firejail/
Reading profile /etc/firejail/
Reading profile /etc/firejail/
Reading profile /etc/firejail/
Reading profile /etc/firejail/
Seccomp list in: !tgkill, check list: @default-keep, prelist: unknown,
Parent pid 3235017, child pid 3235018
2 programs installed in 3.50 ms
Warning: An abstract unix socket for session D-BUS might still be available. Use --net or remove unix from --protocol set.
Warning: /sbin directory link was not blacklisted
Warning: /usr/sbin directory link was not blacklisted
Seccomp list in: !tgkill, check list: @default-keep, prelist: unknown,
Warning: cleaning all supplementary groups
Child process initialized in 124.41 ms
[D 2023-03-02 12:02:42] log: Parsec release9 (150-86e)
Parent received signal 2, shutting down the child process...
[D 2023-03-02 12:02:45] mty_sleep: 'nanosleep' failed with errno 4

Child received signal 2, shutting down the sandbox...
[D 2023-03-02 12:02:45] mty_sleep: 'nanosleep' failed with errno 4

Parent is shutting down, bye...

local firejail-default:

$ cat /etc/apparmor.d/local/firejail-default
# Site-specific additions and overrides for 'firejail-default'.
# For more details, please see /etc/apparmor.d/local/README.

# Here are some examples to allow running programs from home directory.
# Don't enable all of these, just pick a specific one or write a custom rule
# instead as done below for torbrowser-launcher.
#owner @HOME/** ix,
#owner @HOME/bin/** ix
#owner @HOME/.local/bin/** ix

# Uncomment to opt-in to apparmor for brave + ipfs
#owner @{HOME}/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/oecghfpdmkjlhnfpmmjegjacfimiafjp/*/** ix,

# Uncomment to opt-in to apparmor for brave + tor
#owner @{HOME}/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/biahpgbdmdkfgndcmfiipgcebobojjkp/*/** ix,

# Uncomment to opt-in to apparmor for firefox DRM (gmp-widevinecdm)
#owner @{HOME}/.mozilla/firefox/*/gm*/** ix,

# Uncomment to opt-in to apparmor for firefox native-messaging-hosts under ${HOME}
#owner @{HOME}/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/** ix,

# Uncomment to opt-in to apparmor for torbrowser-launcher
#owner @{HOME}/.local/share/torbrowser/tbb/{i686,x86_64}/tor-browser_*/Browser/** ix,


$ cat /etc/apparmor.d/firejail-default
# Generic Firejail AppArmor profile

# AppArmor 3.0 uses the @{run} variable in <abstractions/dbus-strict>
# and <abstractions/dbus-session-strict>.
#include <tunables/global>

# A simple PID declaration based on Ubuntu's @{pid}
# Ubuntu keeps it under tunables/kernelvars and include it via tunables/global.
# We don't know if this definition is available outside Debian and Ubuntu, so
# we declare our own here.

profile firejail-default flags=(attach_disconnected,mediate_deleted) {

# Allow D-Bus access. It may negatively affect security. Comment those lines or
# use 'nodbus' option in profile if you don't need D-Bus functionality.
#include <abstractions/dbus-strict>
#include <abstractions/dbus-session-strict>
# Add rule in order to avoid dbus-*=filter breakage (#3432)
owner /{,var/}run/firejail/dbus/[0-9]*/[0-9]*-user w,

# With ptrace it is possible to inspect and hijack running programs.
# Uncomment this line to allow all ptrace access
# Allow obtaining some process information, but not ptrace(2)
ptrace (read,readby) peer=@{profile_name},
ptrace (read,readby) peer=@{profile_name}//&unconfined,

# Allow read access to whole filesystem and control it from firejail.
/{,**} rklm,

# Allow write access to paths writable in firejail which aren't used for
# executing programs. /run, /proc and /sys are handled separately.
# Line starting with /run/firejail/mnt/oroot deal with --overlay sandboxes.
/{,run/firejail/mnt/oroot/}{dev,etc,home,media,mnt,root,srv,tmp,var}/** w,

# Whitelist writable paths under /run, /proc and /sys.
owner /{,run/firejail/mnt/oroot/}{,var/}run/firejail/mnt/trace w,
owner /{,run/firejail/mnt/oroot/}{,var/}run/user/[0-9]*/** w,
owner /{,run/firejail/mnt/oroot/}{run,dev}/shm/** w,

# Allow writing to /var/mail and /var/spool/mail (for mail clients)
# Uncomment to enable
#owner /var/{mail,spool/mail}/** w,

# Allow writing to removable media
owner /{,var/}run/media/** w,

# Allow logging Firejail blacklist violations to journal
/{,var/}run/systemd/journal/socket w,
/{,var/}run/systemd/journal/dev-log w,

# Allow access to cups printing socket.
/{,var/}run/cups/cups.sock w,

# Allow access to avahi-daemon socket.
/{,var/}run/avahi-daemon/socket w,

# Allow access to pcscd socket (smartcards)
/{,var/}run/pcscd/pcscd.comm w,

# Needed for browser self-sandboxing
owner /proc/@{PID}/{uid_map,gid_map,setgroups} w,

# Needed for electron apps
/proc/@{PID}/comm w,
# Needed for nslookup, dig, host
/proc/@{PID}/task/@{PID}/comm w,

# Used by chromium
owner /proc/@{PID}/oom_score_adj w,
owner /proc/@{PID}/clear_refs w,

# Allow running programs only from well-known system directories. If you need
# to run programs from your home directory, add "/{,run/firejail/mnt/oroot/}home/** ix,"
# or similar to /etc/apparmor.d/local/firejail-default (without the quotes).
/{,run/firejail/mnt/oroot/}{,usr/,usr/local/}bin/** ix,
/{,run/firejail/mnt/oroot/}{,usr/,usr/local/}sbin/** ix,
/{,run/firejail/mnt/oroot/}{,usr/,usr/local/}games/** ix,
/{,run/firejail/mnt/oroot/}{,usr/,usr/local/}lib{,32,64,exec}/** ix,
/{,run/firejail/mnt/oroot/}{,usr/,usr/local/}opt/** ix,
#/{,run/firejail/mnt/oroot/}home/** ix,

# Appimage support
/{,run/firejail/mnt/oroot/}{,var/}run/firejail/appimage/** ix,

# Blacklist specific sensitive paths.
deny /**/.fscrypt/ rw,
deny /**/.fscrypt/** rwklmx,
deny /**/.snapshots/ rw,
deny /**/.snapshots/** rwklmx,

# Allow all networking functionality, and control it from Firejail.
network inet,
network inet6,
network unix,
network netlink,
network raw,
# needed for wireshark, tcpdump etc
network bluetooth,
network packet,

# There is no equivalent in Firejail for filtering signals.
signal (send) peer=@{profile_name}//&unconfined,
signal (send) peer=@{profile_name},
signal (receive),

# We let Firejail deal with capabilities, but ensure that
# some AppArmor related capabilities will not be available.
# The list of recognized capabilities varies from one apparmor version to another.
# For example on Debian 10 (apparmor 2.13.2) checkpoint_restore, perfmon, bpf are not available
# We allow all caps by default and remove the ones we don't like:
deny capability audit_write,
deny capability audit_control,
deny capability mac_override,
deny capability mac_admin,

# Site-specific additions and overrides. See local/README for details.
#include <local/firejail-default>

journalctl -r from just now:

Mar 02 12:02:45 archlinux kernel: audit: type=1327 audit(1677754965.693:28947): proctitle="parsecd"
Mar 02 12:02:45 archlinux kernel: audit: type=1300 audit(1677754965.693:28947): arch=c000003e syscall=234 success=no exit=-13 a0=d a1=d a2=f a3=8 items=0 ppid=3235018 pid=3235034 auid=1000 uid=1000 gid=1000 euid=1000 suid=1000 fsuid=1000 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=pts5 ses=11 comm="parsecd" exe="/usr/local/bin/parsecd" subj=firejail-default//&unconfined (enforce) key=(null)
Mar 02 12:02:45 archlinux kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1677754965.693:28947): apparmor="DENIED" operation="signal" profile="firejail-default" pid=3235034 comm="parsecd" requested_mask="send" denied_mask="send" signal=term peer="firejail-default//&unconfined"
Mar 02 12:02:45 archlinux audit: PROCTITLE proctitle="parsecd"
Mar 02 12:02:45 archlinux audit[3235034]: SYSCALL arch=c000003e syscall=234 success=no exit=-13 a0=d a1=d a2=f a3=8 items=0 ppid=3235018 pid=3235034 auid=1000 uid=1000 gid=1000 euid=1000 suid=1000 fsuid=1000 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=pts5 ses=11 comm="parsecd" exe="/usr/local/bin/parsecd" subj=firejail-default//&unconfined (enforce) key=(null)
Mar 02 12:02:45 archlinux audit[3235034]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="signal" profile="firejail-default" pid=3235034 comm="parsecd" requested_mask="send" denied_mask="send" signal=term peer="firejail-default//&unconfined"
Mar 02 12:02:45 archlinux kernel: audit: type=1327 audit(1677754965.683:28946): proctitle="parsecd"
Mar 02 12:02:45 archlinux kernel: audit: type=1300 audit(1677754965.683:28946): arch=c000003e syscall=234 success=no exit=-13 a0=d a1=d a2=2 a3=8 items=0 ppid=3235018 pid=3235034 auid=1000 uid=1000 gid=1000 euid=1000 suid=1000 fsuid=1000 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=pts5 ses=11 comm="parsecd" exe="/usr/local/bin/parsecd" subj=firejail-default//&unconfined (enforce) key=(null)
Mar 02 12:02:45 archlinux kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1677754965.683:28946): apparmor="DENIED" operation="signal" profile="firejail-default" pid=3235034 comm="parsecd" requested_mask="send" denied_mask="send" signal=int peer="firejail-default//&unconfined"
Mar 02 12:02:45 archlinux audit: PROCTITLE proctitle="parsecd"
Mar 02 12:02:45 archlinux audit[3235034]: SYSCALL arch=c000003e syscall=234 success=no exit=-13 a0=d a1=d a2=2 a3=8 items=0 ppid=3235018 pid=3235034 auid=1000 uid=1000 gid=1000 euid=1000 suid=1000 fsuid=1000 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=pts5 ses=11 comm="parsecd" exe="/usr/local/bin/parsecd" subj=firejail-default//&unconfined (enforce) key=(null)
Mar 02 12:02:45 archlinux audit[3235034]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="signal" profile="firejail-default" pid=3235034 comm="parsecd" requested_mask="send" denied_mask="send" signal=int peer="firejail-default//&unconfined"

Validation I did not touch anything (/etc/apparmor.d/firejail-default is not listed because it is not a backup file and thus apparently not tracked):

pacman -Qii firejail
Name            : firejail
Version         : 0.9.72-1
Description     : Linux namespaces sandbox program
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL2
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : apparmor
Optional Deps   : xdg-dbus-proxy: for D-Bus filtering [installed]
Required By     : None
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 2.38 MiB
Packager        : T.J. Townsend <>
Build Date      : Mon 16 Jan 2023 05:18:57 PM CET
Install Date    : Sat 04 Feb 2023 10:11:54 AM CET
Install Reason  : Explicitly installed
Install Script  : Yes
Validated By    : Signature
Backup Files    :
UNMODIFIED  /etc/apparmor.d/local/firejail-default
MODIFIED    /etc/firejail/firecfg.config
MODIFIED    /etc/firejail/firejail.config
UNMODIFIED  /etc/firejail/login.users

-Qkk firejail also only reports /etc/firejail stuff to have changed:

backup file: firejail: /etc/firejail/firecfg.config (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: firejail: /etc/firejail/firecfg.config (Size mismatch)
backup file: firejail: /etc/firejail/firecfg.config (MD5 checksum mismatch)
backup file: firejail: /etc/firejail/firecfg.config (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
backup file: firejail: /etc/firejail/firejail.config (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: firejail: /etc/firejail/firejail.config (Size mismatch)
backup file: firejail: /etc/firejail/firejail.config (MD5 checksum mismatch)
backup file: firejail: /etc/firejail/firejail.config (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
firejail: 1338 total files, 0 altered files
glitsj16 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for posting your firejail-default files. Both are unedited, exact copies of what we have in git allright. So that's not an avenue for trying to debug.

Validation I did not touch anything (/etc/apparmor.d/firejail-default is not listed because it is not a backup file and thus apparently not tracked):

Yep, that makes sense from a packaging point of view. Users are supposed to make their changes to /etc/apparmor.d/firejail-default in /etc/apparmor.d/local/firejail-default. Again, no clues what might cause the differences we're both getting with parsecd.

At the moment I only have a long shot idea on how to proceed, and that's audit rules. I do have a few extra's in /etc/audit/rules.d. But those are copies of the examples under /usr/share/audit/sample-rules (meaning I didn't change their content and definately nothing is in there that relates to parsec AFAICT)... Perhaps you can double-check your /etc/audit/audit.rules and whether journalctl reports anything 'fishy' about those. A quick journalctl | grep audit.rules and journalctl | grep augenrules should clear up whether that's involved here or not.

glitsj16 commented 1 year ago

I'm out of ideas. Still unable to reproduce after testing without my audit/apparmor customizations. Running a quick seccomp check confirms the tgkill syscall is allowed in the sandbox:

$ firejail --name=parsecd /usr/bin/parsecd
[D 2023-03-02 15:15:20] log: Parsec release17 (150-87)
[D 2023-03-02 15:16:10] login_pre_frame: Auth success: Standard

in anoter terminal:

$ firejail --seccomp.print=parsecd ``` FILE: /run/firejail/mnt/seccomp/seccomp.protocol line OP JT JF K ================================= 0000: 20 00 00 00000004 ld data.architecture 0001: 15 04 00 c000003e jeq ARCH_64 0006 (false 0002) 0002: 20 00 00 00000000 ld data.syscall-number 0003: 15 01 00 00000167 jeq unknown 0005 (false 0004) 0004: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0005: 05 00 00 00000009 jmp 000f 0006: 20 00 00 00000004 ld data.architecture 0007: 15 01 00 c000003e jeq ARCH_64 0009 (false 0008) 0008: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0009: 20 00 00 00000000 ld data.syscall-number 000a: 35 01 00 40000000 jge X32_ABI 000c (false 000b) 000b: 35 01 00 00000000 jge read 000d (false 000c) 000c: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 000d: 15 01 00 00000029 jeq socket 000f (false 000e) 000e: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 000f: 20 00 00 00000010 ld data.args[0] 0010: 15 00 01 00000001 jeq 1 0011 (false 0012) 0011: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0012: 15 00 01 00000002 jeq 2 0013 (false 0014) 0013: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0014: 15 00 01 0000000a jeq a 0015 (false 0016) 0015: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0016: 15 00 01 00000010 jeq 10 0017 (false 0018) 0017: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0018: 06 00 00 0005005f ret ERRNO(95) FILE: /run/firejail/mnt/seccomp/seccomp.block_secondary line OP JT JF K ================================= 0000: 20 00 00 00000004 ld data.architecture 0001: 15 01 00 c000003e jeq ARCH_64 0003 (false 0002) 0002: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0003: 20 00 00 00000000 ld data.syscall-number 0004: 35 01 00 40000000 jge X32_ABI 0006 (false 0005) 0005: 35 01 00 00000000 jge read 0007 (false 0006) 0006: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0007: 15 00 06 00000087 jeq personality 0008 (false 000e) 0008: 20 00 00 00000010 ld data.args[0] 0009: 15 01 00 00000000 jeq 0 000b (false 000a) 000a: 15 00 02 ffffffff jeq ffffffff 000b (false 000d) 000b: 20 00 00 00000014 ld data.args[4] 000c: 15 01 00 00000000 jeq 0 000e (false 000d) 000d: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 000e: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW FILE: /run/firejail/mnt/seccomp/seccomp line OP JT JF K ================================= 0000: 20 00 00 00000004 ld data.architecture 0001: 15 01 00 c000003e jeq ARCH_64 0003 (false 0002) 0002: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0003: 20 00 00 00000000 ld data.syscall-number 0004: 35 01 00 40000000 jge X32_ABI 0006 (false 0005) 0005: 35 01 00 00000000 jge read 0007 (false 0006) 0006: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0007: 15 00 01 000000ea jeq tgkill 0008 (false 0009) <---- tgkill 0008: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW <---- is allowed 0009: 15 47 00 0000009f jeq adjtimex 0051 (false 000a) 000a: 15 46 00 00000131 jeq clock_adjtime 0051 (false 000b) 000b: 15 45 00 000000e3 jeq clock_settime 0051 (false 000c) 000c: 15 44 00 000000a4 jeq settimeofday 0051 (false 000d) 000d: 15 43 00 0000009a jeq modify_ldt 0051 (false 000e) 000e: 15 42 00 000000d4 jeq lookup_dcookie 0051 (false 000f) 000f: 15 41 00 0000012a jeq perf_event_open 0051 (false 0010) 0010: 15 40 00 000001b6 jeq pidfd_getfd 0051 (false 0011) 0011: 15 3f 00 00000137 jeq process_vm_writev 0051 (false 0012) 0012: 15 3e 00 000000b0 jeq delete_module 0051 (false 0013) 0013: 15 3d 00 00000139 jeq finit_module 0051 (false 0014) 0014: 15 3c 00 000000af jeq init_module 0051 (false 0015) 0015: 15 3b 00 000000a1 jeq chroot 0051 (false 0016) 0016: 15 3a 00 000001af jeq fsconfig 0051 (false 0017) 0017: 15 39 00 000001b0 jeq fsmount 0051 (false 0018) 0018: 15 38 00 000001ae jeq fsopen 0051 (false 0019) 0019: 15 37 00 000001b1 jeq fspick 0051 (false 001a) 001a: 15 36 00 000000a5 jeq mount 0051 (false 001b) 001b: 15 35 00 000001ad jeq move_mount 0051 (false 001c) 001c: 15 34 00 000001ac jeq open_tree 0051 (false 001d) 001d: 15 33 00 0000009b jeq pivot_root 0051 (false 001e) 001e: 15 32 00 000000a6 jeq umount2 0051 (false 001f) 001f: 15 31 00 0000009c jeq _sysctl 0051 (false 0020) 0020: 15 30 00 000000b7 jeq afs_syscall 0051 (false 0021) 0021: 15 2f 00 000000ae jeq create_module 0051 (false 0022) 0022: 15 2e 00 000000b1 jeq get_kernel_syms 0051 (false 0023) 0023: 15 2d 00 000000b5 jeq getpmsg 0051 (false 0024) 0024: 15 2c 00 000000b6 jeq putpmsg 0051 (false 0025) 0025: 15 2b 00 000000b2 jeq query_module 0051 (false 0026) 0026: 15 2a 00 000000b9 jeq security 0051 (false 0027) 0027: 15 29 00 0000008b jeq sysfs 0051 (false 0028) 0028: 15 28 00 000000b8 jeq tuxcall 0051 (false 0029) 0029: 15 27 00 00000086 jeq uselib 0051 (false 002a) 002a: 15 26 00 00000088 jeq ustat 0051 (false 002b) 002b: 15 25 00 000000ec jeq vserver 0051 (false 002c) 002c: 15 24 00 000000ad jeq ioperm 0051 (false 002d) 002d: 15 23 00 000000ac jeq iopl 0051 (false 002e) 002e: 15 22 00 000000f6 jeq kexec_load 0051 (false 002f) 002f: 15 21 00 00000140 jeq kexec_file_load 0051 (false 0030) 0030: 15 20 00 000000a9 jeq reboot 0051 (false 0031) 0031: 15 1f 00 000000a7 jeq swapon 0051 (false 0032) 0032: 15 1e 00 000000a8 jeq swapoff 0051 (false 0033) 0033: 15 1d 00 00000130 jeq open_by_handle_at 0051 (false 0034) 0034: 15 1c 00 0000012f jeq name_to_handle_at 0051 (false 0035) 0035: 15 1b 00 000000fb jeq ioprio_set 0051 (false 0036) 0036: 15 1a 00 00000067 jeq syslog 0051 (false 0037) 0037: 15 19 00 0000012c jeq fanotify_init 0051 (false 0038) 0038: 15 18 00 000000f8 jeq add_key 0051 (false 0039) 0039: 15 17 00 000000f9 jeq request_key 0051 (false 003a) 003a: 15 16 00 000000ed jeq mbind 0051 (false 003b) 003b: 15 15 00 00000100 jeq migrate_pages 0051 (false 003c) 003c: 15 14 00 00000117 jeq move_pages 0051 (false 003d) 003d: 15 13 00 000000fa jeq keyctl 0051 (false 003e) 003e: 15 12 00 000000ce jeq io_setup 0051 (false 003f) 003f: 15 11 00 000000cf jeq io_destroy 0051 (false 0040) 0040: 15 10 00 000000d0 jeq io_getevents 0051 (false 0041) 0041: 15 0f 00 000000d1 jeq io_submit 0051 (false 0042) 0042: 15 0e 00 000000d2 jeq io_cancel 0051 (false 0043) 0043: 15 0d 00 000000d8 jeq remap_file_pages 0051 (false 0044) 0044: 15 0c 00 000000ee jeq set_mempolicy 0051 (false 0045) 0045: 15 0b 00 00000116 jeq vmsplice 0051 (false 0046) 0046: 15 0a 00 00000143 jeq userfaultfd 0051 (false 0047) 0047: 15 09 00 000000a3 jeq acct 0051 (false 0048) 0048: 15 08 00 00000141 jeq bpf 0051 (false 0049) 0049: 15 07 00 000000b4 jeq nfsservctl 0051 (false 004a) 004a: 15 06 00 000000ab jeq setdomainname 0051 (false 004b) 004b: 15 05 00 000000aa jeq sethostname 0051 (false 004c) 004c: 15 04 00 00000099 jeq vhangup 0051 (false 004d) 004d: 15 03 00 00000065 jeq ptrace 0051 (false 004e) 004e: 15 02 00 00000087 jeq personality 0051 (false 004f) 004f: 15 01 00 00000136 jeq process_vm_readv 0051 (false 0050) 0050: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0051: 06 00 01 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) FILE: /run/firejail/mnt/seccomp/seccomp.mdwx line OP JT JF K ================================= 0000: 20 00 00 00000004 ld data.architecture 0001: 15 01 00 c000003e jeq ARCH_64 0003 (false 0002) 0002: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0003: 20 00 00 00000000 ld data.syscall-number 0004: 35 01 00 40000000 jge X32_ABI 0006 (false 0005) 0005: 35 01 00 00000000 jge read 0007 (false 0006) 0006: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0007: 15 00 05 00000009 jeq mmap 0008 (false 000d) 0008: 20 00 00 00000020 ld data.args[10] 0009: 54 00 00 00000006 and 00000006 000a: 15 00 01 00000006 jeq 6 000b (false 000c) 000b: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 000c: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 000d: 15 00 05 0000000a jeq a 000e (false 0013) 000e: 20 00 00 00000020 ld data.args[10] 000f: 54 00 00 00000004 and 00000004 0010: 15 00 01 00000004 jeq 4 0011 (false 0012) 0011: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0012: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0013: 15 00 05 00000149 jeq 149 0014 (false 0019) 0014: 20 00 00 00000020 ld data.args[10] 0015: 54 00 00 00000004 and 00000004 0016: 15 00 01 00000004 jeq 4 0017 (false 0018) 0017: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0018: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0019: 15 00 05 0000001e jeq 1e 001a (false 001f) 001a: 20 00 00 00000020 ld data.args[10] 001b: 54 00 00 00008000 and 00008000 001c: 15 00 01 00008000 jeq 8000 001d (false 001e) 001d: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 001e: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 001f: 15 00 01 0000013f jeq 13f 0020 (false 0021) 0020: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0021: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0022: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW FILE: /run/firejail/mnt/seccomp/seccomp.mdwx.32 line OP JT JF K ================================= 0000: 20 00 00 00000004 ld data.architecture 0001: 15 01 00 40000003 jeq ARCH_32 0003 (false 0002) 0002: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0003: 20 00 00 00000000 ld data.syscall-number 0004: 15 00 01 0000005a jeq 5a 0005 (false 0006) 0005: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0006: 15 00 05 000000c0 jeq c0 0007 (false 000c) 0007: 20 00 00 00000020 ld data.args[10] 0008: 54 00 00 00000006 and 00000006 0009: 15 00 01 00000006 jeq 6 000a (false 000b) 000a: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 000b: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 000c: 15 00 05 0000007d jeq 7d 000d (false 0012) 000d: 20 00 00 00000020 ld data.args[10] 000e: 54 00 00 00000004 and 00000004 000f: 15 00 01 00000004 jeq 4 0010 (false 0011) 0010: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0011: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0012: 15 00 05 0000017c jeq 17c 0013 (false 0018) 0013: 20 00 00 00000020 ld data.args[10] 0014: 54 00 00 00000004 and 00000004 0015: 15 00 01 00000004 jeq 4 0016 (false 0017) 0016: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0017: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0018: 15 00 05 0000018d jeq 18d 0019 (false 001e) 0019: 20 00 00 00000020 ld data.args[10] 001a: 54 00 00 00008000 and 00008000 001b: 15 00 01 00008000 jeq 8000 001c (false 001d) 001c: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 001d: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 001e: 15 00 01 00000164 jeq 164 001f (false 0020) 001f: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0020: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0021: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW FILE: /run/firejail/mnt/seccomp/seccomp.namespaces line OP JT JF K ================================= 0000: 20 00 00 00000004 ld data.architecture 0001: 15 01 00 c000003e jeq ARCH_64 0003 (false 0002) 0002: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0003: 20 00 00 00000000 ld data.syscall-number 0004: 35 01 00 40000000 jge X32_ABI 0006 (false 0005) 0005: 35 01 00 00000000 jge read 0007 (false 0006) 0006: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0007: 15 00 04 00000038 jeq clone 0008 (false 000c) 0008: 20 00 00 00000010 ld data.args[0] 0009: 45 00 01 7e020000 jset 7e020000 000a (false 000b) 000a: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 000b: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 000c: 15 00 01 000001b3 jeq 1b3 000d (false 000e) 000d: 06 00 00 00050026 ret ERRNO(38) 000e: 15 00 04 00000110 jeq 110 000f (false 0013) 000f: 20 00 00 00000010 ld data.args[0] 0010: 45 00 01 7e020080 jset 7e020080 0011 (false 0012) 0011: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0012: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0013: 15 00 04 00000134 jeq 134 0014 (false 0018) 0014: 20 00 00 00000018 ld data.args[8] 0015: 15 01 00 00000000 jeq 0 0017 (false 0016) 0016: 45 00 01 7e020080 jset 7e020080 0017 (false 0018) 0017: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0018: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0019: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW FILE: /run/firejail/mnt/seccomp/seccomp.namespaces.32 line OP JT JF K ================================= 0000: 20 00 00 00000004 ld data.architecture 0001: 15 01 00 40000003 jeq ARCH_32 0003 (false 0002) 0002: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0003: 20 00 00 00000000 ld data.syscall-number 0004: 15 00 04 00000078 jeq 78 0005 (false 0009) 0005: 20 00 00 00000010 ld data.args[0] 0006: 45 00 01 7e020000 jset 7e020000 0007 (false 0008) 0007: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0008: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0009: 15 00 01 000001b3 jeq 1b3 000a (false 000b) 000a: 06 00 00 00050026 ret ERRNO(38) 000b: 15 00 04 00000136 jeq 136 000c (false 0010) 000c: 20 00 00 00000010 ld data.args[0] 000d: 45 00 01 7e020080 jset 7e020080 000e (false 000f) 000e: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 000f: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0010: 15 00 04 0000015a jeq 15a 0011 (false 0015) 0011: 20 00 00 00000018 ld data.args[8] 0012: 15 01 00 00000000 jeq 0 0014 (false 0013) 0013: 45 00 01 7e020080 jset 7e020080 0014 (false 0015) 0014: 06 00 00 00050001 ret ERRNO(1) 0015: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW 0016: 06 00 00 7fff0000 ret ALLOW ```
rusty-snake commented 1 year ago

Note that the usage of nanosleep can depend on libc version, architecture, kernel, ... rather low level details.

NetSysFire commented 1 year ago

At the moment I only have a long shot idea on how to proceed, and that's audit rules.

I have no custom audit rules. Both of your journalctl | grep commands do not return anything either. Also pacman -Qkk audit says audit: 206 total files, 0 altered files, too.