netbox-community / Device-Type-Library-Import

This library is intended to assist with importing device and module types into NetBox from the NetBox Community DeviceType-Library
MIT License
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Device Type Library Importer behind a proxy #126

Closed Dominik9798 closed 3 months ago

Dominik9798 commented 3 months ago


I have netbox 2.8.0 running and it works in my local network in a Debian VM. For security reasons this VM is behind a Squid proxy to which I have no administrative access. Name resolution works via another DNS server. How do I get the script Device Type Library Importer to call a proxy? The command: docker run -e "NETBOX_URL=" -e "NETBOX_TOKEN=xxx" --env HTTP_PROXY="" does not work and ends in the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/", line 853, in <module> main() File "/app/", line 776, in main determine_features(nb) File "/app/", line 39, in determine_features nb_ver = [int(x) for x in nb.version.split('.')] File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pynetbox/", line 212, in version version = Request( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pynetbox/core/", line 189, in get_version raise RequestError(req) pynetbox.core.query.RequestError: The request failed with code 403 Forbidden but more specific details were not returned in json. Check the NetBox Logs or investigate this exception's error attribute.

Without --env HTTP_PROXY="" I have the following error: `Couldn't clone (Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(128) cmdline: git clone --branch=master -v /app/repo stderr: 'Cloning into '/app/repo'... fatal: unable to access '': Failed to connect to port 443 after 2058 ms: Host is unreachable ') No Vendors Specified, Gathering All Device-Types 0 Vendors Found 0 Device-Types Found No Vendors Specified, Gathering All Module-Types 0 Module Vendors Found 0 Module-Types Found

Script took 0:00:02.170785 to run 0 devices created 0 interfaces/ports updated 0 manufacturers created 0 modules created 0 module interface / ports created`

Has someone any idea?

Dominik9798 commented 3 months ago

It works with --env **HTTPS_PROXY**=""