Closed tgoff closed 10 months ago
I got this working yesterday. It can be done with the current version of go-netbox.
I will use my usecase as an example to get it done: I need to filter tennants on a customfield.
The challenge is to get the url to change to "https://
This can by defining a ClientOption.
Normallly you would so something like:
searchTennatsResponse, err := myClient.Tenancy.TenancyTenantsList(tenancy.NewTenancyTenantsListParams(), nil)
You can set predefined attributes on NewTenancyTenantsListParams with a number of ".With
The source code of TenancyTenantsList reads:
func (a *Client) TenancyTenantsList(params *TenancyTenantsListParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*TenancyTenantsListOK, error) {
if params == nil {
params = NewTenancyTenantsListParams()
op := &runtime.ClientOperation{
ID: "tenancy_tenants_list",
Method: "GET",
PathPattern: "/tenancy/tenants/",
ProducesMediaTypes: []string{"application/json"},
ConsumesMediaTypes: []string{"application/json"},
Schemes: []string{"http"},
Params: params,
Reader: &TenancyTenantsListReader{formats: a.formats},
AuthInfo: authInfo,
Context: params.Context,
Client: params.HTTPClient,
for _, opt := range opts {
By providing a ClientOption you can overrride the Params property of *runtime.ClientOperation. This property is of type ClientRequestWriter which is an interface with one method "WriteToRequest(ClientRequest, strfmt.Registry) error"
Checking the source code on NewTenancyTenantsListParams() that also implements ClientRequestWriter gives a good idea what needs to be done:
unc (o *TenancyTenantsListParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error {
if err := r.SetTimeout(o.timeout); err != nil {
return err
var res []error
if o.Contact != nil {
// query param contact
var qrContact string
if o.Contact != nil {
qrContact = *o.Contact
qContact := qrContact
if qContact != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("contact", qContact); err != nil {
return err
WriteToRequest converts an object into an actual request. The code that needs to be called for a custom field filtering is r.SetQueryParam.
To make the search by custom field happen, a ClientOption needs to be defined. ClientOption is of type func(*runtime.ClientOperation).
So all combined in my case makes:
type CustomFieldFilter struct {
CustomFieldName string
CustomValue string
func newCustomFieldFilter(customFieldName, customVal string) *CustomFieldFilter {
return &searchByAccountNumber{
CustomFieldName: customFieldName,
CustomValue: customVal,
func (o *CustomFieldFilter) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error {
if err := r.SetQueryParam(fmt.Sprintf("cf_%s", url.QueryEscape(o.CustomFieldName)), o.CustomValue); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func queryNetbox() {
setCustomTenanntSearch := func(co *runtime.ClientOperation) {
//overwrite params with our search
co.Params = newCustomFieldFilter(fieldname, fieldvalue)
searchTennatsResponse, err := llClient.Tenancy.TenancyTenantsList(tenancy.NewTenancyTenantsListParamsWithContext(ctx), nil, setCustomTennantSearch)
One important thing that cost me some time is that the name of the custom field is not what you see in the gui. I recommend that you get an object first and observe the exact name of the custom field.
thanks for the thorough response! Ill give that a shot and see if I can get that to work in my use case
A new alpha version has been released with a different software to generate the library, so hopefully this bug has been resolved.
Please feel free to test it and to provide feedback.
Is there any thought to implement custom fields search in alpha_version ? can't have a way to pass cf_ filter into its search method
This was requested in but was closed due to a limitation in the NetBox REST API. However, it appears this is now supported in NetBox per: