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Rack Elevation Selector for Device Edit Form #17953

Open kcaoneill opened 3 weeks ago

kcaoneill commented 3 weeks ago

NetBox version


Feature type

New functionality

Triage priority


Proposed functionality

Within the device edit page, add a button to the rack position field, similar to the site field, which opens a modal dialog that allows the user to directly select a rack elevation from the rack SVG.

Screenshot 2024-11-07 095633 Screenshot 2024-11-07 095857

Use case

This would make the process of selecting a new rack elevation much easier, especially when trying to clone devices.

Database changes


External dependencies


bctiemann commented 2 weeks ago

This sounds like a slick idea, if it can be accomplished without too much redundancy (i.e. if the SVG can be modularized into a picker dialog/widget).