netbrain / zwift

Easily zwift on linux
The Unlicense
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Volume suddenly very high and a bit distorted #10

Closed eskimos20 closed 1 year ago

eskimos20 commented 1 year ago


Not sure what is causing this but everything seems to work fine when logging in to Zwift but sometimes when I start an workout and that screen appear the sound switches to 100%. My volume in the game is set very low (near the bottom). When this happens and I go to settings in zwift the volume is still set to near the bottom, If I then restart zwift it solves itself. It happens very often, about 30-40% of all the workouts.

Can it be something with wine and zwift ?

I am running newest Ubuntu Desktop 22:04:1.

And your latest release, I am using your shell script to start and stop.


netbrain commented 1 year ago

I really can't help you with pulseaudio issues. But if you don't mind cycling without audio you can simply omit the following.

-v /run/user/$UID/pulse:/run/user/1000/pulse

When running the container.