netbrain / zwift

Easily zwift on linux
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Update not working anymore in GH actions #106

Closed netbrain closed 2 months ago

netbrain commented 2 months ago

Think it's due to update flag not being forwarded to

gosu user:user /bin/setup_and_run_zwift

@hobeone ☝️

hobeone commented 2 months ago


netbrain commented 2 months ago

Still something wrong with the gh action. Not sure why it's failing. But I'll look into out when I got the time

hobeone commented 2 months ago

Can you run gh actions locally to test them out? I can try to debug as well if so.

netbrain commented 2 months ago

but it's probably easier to try to run the container as it's run with the github action.

netbrain commented 2 months ago

But actually, now that im looking it seems that its caused by the script files you updated has not been update in the container. ( )

This yaml is supposed to update the existing container image with latest script files like the and stuff. Actually made a note of this in #99.

So we should really fix #99 which in turn would have fixed this issue aswell after your change in #107

netbrain commented 2 months ago

Though it doesn't look like it fixed the update routine :face_exhaling:

'[' '' = update ']'

Seems like the update flag still isn't being forwarded, and that it just simply runs zwift instead of updating.

Ill try to build from scratch in order to exclude any errors in the zwift_push gh action. and then see if it works from next version bump

sHedC commented 2 months ago

Looking into this too as podman is broke so trying to merge better for both docker and podman.

sHedC commented 2 months ago

I have done a partial update to here but having some issues with persistance and permissions in Podman, working on it.

netbrain commented 2 months ago

It's probably working now, closing for now and re-opening if it fails on next release.