Closed MailFranzel closed 5 months ago
That is curious it should not be needed as the zwift-$USER is actually stored under .local/share/containers/storage not under home.
Can you see where the zwift directory exists, starting in your home directory: 'find . -name "zwift-$USER" -print 2>/dev/null' replace $USER with your user id.
Thanks for the answer and the information! I found 2 "zwift-$USER" directories one under ./.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/ and my "own" ./zwift-martin
The first one is empty : drwx------. 1 martin martin 24 9. Mai 15:46 . drwx------. 1 martin martin 248 13. Mai 21:22 .. drwx------. 1 524288 524288 10 9. Mai 15:46 zwift-martin
I change the owner to martin:martin and with the original "-v zwift-$USER:/home/user/.wine/drive_c/users/user/Documents/Zwift" it is running fine!
Great, it was one of the hang up's from previous versions it would create a volume with re-mapped UID and GID which then could not be written too. Changing the owner works perfectly, new script should create with the correct owners.
I installed the new version on Fedora 39 and 40, it runs well on Wayland and X11. Automatically logging in with my login name and password works. Unfortunately the settings are not saved. My zwift-$USER directory remains empty. If I add a $HOME/ to the entry for my home volume under GENERAL_FLAGS it works: -v $HOME/zwift-$USER:/home/user/.wine/drive_c/users/user/Documents/Zwift
is that correct?
greetings Franzel