netbrain / zwift

Easily zwift on linux
The Unlicense
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Update to Wine 9.9 development to support wayland native. #141

Closed sHedC closed 2 months ago

sHedC commented 2 months ago

Update to Wine 9.9 development to support wayland native.

Move Config check ealier to allow for env settings in config file better.

Fix Icon showing intask bar when started from menu

Allow wine version fix in docker build (fixed to 9.9)

netbrain commented 2 months ago

Ill merge this and build zwift from scratch which will from this point onward create a new zwift image with wine 9.9.


netbrain commented 2 months ago

sHedC commented 2 months ago

I'll try without mono I think it was needed before because it auto installs on wineboot. But will check :)

sHedC commented 2 months ago

Build failed I ahve seen that before it is getitng a previous version from the web site and updating to the current version in this case zwift is 1.65 from the website and 1.66 is the actual.

I updated the line to not use cache but still :(

Actually it is the site, currently showing 1.65 so out of date.

sHedC commented 2 months ago

I am updateing to add a better check that checks that one version is equal to or greater than