netbrain / zwift

Easily zwift on linux
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[HELP]issue installing using podman #61

Closed HeavyD2k closed 7 months ago

HeavyD2k commented 7 months ago


i was digging around and i see in you recomand to use podman. is i install zwift with sudo than i can't launch it becouse permmisions issues becouse podman should be run as normal user. But when i to install as user after he pulls the files from server it eats up all the space on the disk (around 30 GB) is there a way to use in coretly with podman or just i should try to use docker?

Thank you

HeavyD2k commented 7 months ago

this is the output when i am launching with sudo

ergo@gergo-Ubuntu:~$ sudo zwift [sudo] password for gergo:

netbrain commented 7 months ago

First of all you shouldn't run as sudo. All you need to do is run ./ that's it.

If you have podman installed, it will prefer that over docker. But you can pick and choose using the environment variables provided in the README.

i.e if you want to run using docker do CONTAINER_TOOL=docker and CONTAINER_TOOL=podman for podman. But as i said, this is only if you wan't to override the defaults. is simply a wrapper script to run the real container command. In your case the real command actually invoked is. podman run -d --rm --privileged -e DISPLAY=:0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /run/user/0/pulse:/run/user/1000/pulse -v zwift-root:/home/user/Zwift --userns=keep-id --device /dev/dri:/dev/dri

The reason you are getting the error is because you are running podman as root. As for docker vs podman, it's up to you. Some prefer podman, others don't mind docker. The benefit of podman is that it's a userland application and doesn't require root access on the system. Docker however does.

HeavyD2k commented 7 months ago

Hey, thx for clarification. Have you faced in podman when you pulling(not rooted) the containers it wil eat up all the space on your drive? I have around 30 gb free but after the pool is done the space on the drive disappears and script gives error that drive out of space :(

netbrain commented 7 months ago

You can cleanup your system using a combination of

$CONTAINER_TOOL system prune
$CONTAINER_TOOL rmi <image-id>
HeavyD2k commented 7 months ago

Yes i did that, but when trying to pul zwift it eats all up. When pulling with sudo it goes flawless but with than it's giving me other errors because of sudo.

netbrain commented 7 months ago

you probably have corrupted your file permissions when you used sudo. You will have to look into the podman documentation for where they actually store the container data, and forcibly remove them.